Business-VoIP Minutenpreise

Informieren Sie sich über die Kosten eines VoIP-Anrufs
ins Festnetz und Mobilfunknetz

Sehen Sie eine Übersicht der einzelnen Kosten von lokalen und internationalen Anrufen unten.

Zur Erinnerung: Anrufe zu anderen VoIP-Nutzern sind kostenfrei!

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lokale Anrufe (Deutschland)

(Klicken für Details)
2TSD Paket
2,000 Minuten inklusive
Pay as you go
(pro Minuten-Preis)
Anrufe ins Festnetz Der 2TSD Plan beinhaltet 2,000 Minuten pro Nutzer pro Monat in den Deutschland und alle anderen unterstützen Ländern. 1,2 cent
Anrufe ins Mobilfunknetz 3,6 cent
Sehen Sie alle Preise für Deutschland
  • Anrufe werden sekundengenau abgerechnet mit 3 Dezimalstellen.*
  • Es gibt eine Mindestgebühr von 1.5¢.
  • SMS-Nachrichten können in jedem Land der Welt zu einem Preis von 1 % pro 160 Zeichen gesendet und empfangen werden.
  • Preise werden ohne MwSt. angezeigt (wo anwendbar).
  • Das 2TSD Paket beinhaltet 2,000 Minuten pro Nutzer pro Monat kostenfrei in alle unterstützten Länder.
  • Die "Pay as you go"-Minutenpreise finden Anwendung wenn Sie die Freiminuten in Ihrem Plan benutzt haben

international calls

(Klicken für Details)
(pro Minuten-Preis)
(pro Minuten-Preis)
Afghanistan 25,7 cent 39,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Afghanistan 93 25,7 cent
Afghanistan Mobile 937 39,2 cent
Albanien 15,1 cent 36,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Albania 355 15,1 cent
Albania Mobile 35526323, 35527550, 35566, 35567, 35568, 35569 36,3 cent
Albania Special 3554252, 3554251, 3554250, 3554249, 35534606, 35534607, 35534608, 35534609, 35535504, 35535505, 35545750, 35545751, 35552450, 355450100, 355450000, 355450190, 35547285, 355450200, 355652556, 35552670, 355450333, 355450331, 35586930563, 35546697136, 35542890699, 35542890840, 35542890929, 35545015259, 35546697100, 3554669713, 3554669710 1,02 €
Algerien 8,2 cent 75,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Algeria 213 8,2 cent
Algeria Mobile 2135, 2136, 2137, 2139 75,9 cent
Amerikanisch-Samoa 5,4 cent 5,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
American Samoa 1684 5,4 cent
Amerikanische Jungferninseln 2,6 cent 2,6 cent
Amerikanische Jungferninseln
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
U.S. Virgin Islands 1340 2,6 cent
Amerikanische Überseeinseln 1,08 € 1,08 €
Amerikanische Überseeinseln
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
United States Minor Outlying Islands 6998 1,08 €
Andorra 4,5 cent 17,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Andorra 376 4,5 cent
Andorra Mobile 3763, 3764, 3765, 3766 17,3 cent
Angola 23,9 cent 35,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Angola 244 23,9 cent
Angola Mobile 24491, 24492, 24493, 24499, 24494 35,8 cent
Anguilla 21,6 cent 26,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Anguilla 1264 21,6 cent
Anguilla Mobile 1264235, 1264469, 1264476, 1264497, 1264582, 1264583, 1264724, 1264729, 1264772, 1264773, 1264543, 1264581, 1264584 26,1 cent
Anguilla Special 1264536, 1264537, 1264538, 1264539, 1264540 45,6 cent
Antarktis 1,42 € 1,42 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Antarctica 672 1,42 €
Antigua und Barbuda 26,1 cent 26,1 cent
Antigua und Barbuda
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Antigua and Barbuda 1268 26,1 cent
Antigua and Barbuda Mobile 1268406, 1268409, 1268464, 126872, 1268732, 1268734, 1268736, 1268764, 126877, 126878, 1268716, 1268717, 1268718, 1268719, 1268762 26,1 cent
Argentinien 2,1 cent 12 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Argentina 54 2,1 cent
Argentina Mobile 542320368, 542320369, 549, 542320362, 542320359, 542320339, 54232027, 5423202642, 5423202641, 542320258, 542494260, 542323502, 542323490, 542323489, 542323508, 542323509, 54232445, 542325450, 542322201, 542320599, 542322518, 542322517, 542320619, 542320459, 542320528, 542322453, 542322459, 542322477, 542322516, 542322524, 542323220, 542323311, 542323464, 542323469, 542323480, 542302389, 542302450, 542302451, 542302452, 542302589, 542304200, 542304201, 542304248, 542304279, 542304453, 542304459, 542304477, 542304516, 542304517, 542304518, 542304524, 542314430, 542314431, 542314432, 542314438, 542316409, 542316499, 542317482, 542317483, 542317500, 542346451, 542346452, 542346453, 542346586, 542352492, 542352499, 542352500, 542353400, 542354404, 542354405, 542354419, 542355450, 542355451, 542355452, 542356400, 542356417, 542356418, 542357400, 542358404, 542358414, 542358427, 542362460, 542362461, 542362462, 54261371, 54261372, 54262447, 54261380, 542623268, 542623267, 542623266, 542624443, 542624442, 542623455, 542623454, 542623453, 542623452, 542623451, 542623450, 542623262, 542623261, 542622500, 542622462, 542622461, 542622460, 542622323, 542622322, 542622321, 542622320, 54261400, 54117087, 54117086, 54117085, 54117072, 54117071, 54117070, 54117069, 54117068, 54115399, 54115398, 54115381, 54115330, 54115251, 54115214, 54115213, 54115211, 54115209, 54115207, 54115206, 54115203, 54115130, 54115100, 54114996, 54114987, 54114978, 54114977, 54114976, 54114967, 54114929, 54114908, 54114907, 54114906, 54114869, 54114868, 54114818, 54114685, 54114681, 54114678, 54114677, 541146759, 541146751, 541146750, 54114615, 5411459, 54114562, 54114561, 54114560, 54114527, 54114385, 54114377, 54114337, 541141558, 541141557, 541141556, 541141550, 54114154, 54114150, 54114041, 5411249, 5411248, 5411247, 5411246, 5411245, 5411204, 54112011, 54112010, 5411200, 54675, 54670, 5422, 5429, 5434, 543644496, 543644447, 543644442, 543644441, 543644283, 543644282, 543644281, 543644280, 543644264, 543644263, 543625317, 543625316, 543625315, 543624589, 543624588, 543624477, 543624457, 543624455, 543624454, 543624199, 543624193, 543624192, 543624191, 543624190, 543624181, 543624180, 543585497, 543585490, 543585051, 543585050, 543584899, 543584898, 543584897, 543584889, 54358474, 54358473, 543584728, 543584727, 543584721, 543584720, 543584495, 543584490, 543584454, 543584453, 543584151, 543584150, 543584100, 543583483, 543583482, 543582463, 543582462, 543582461, 543582460, 543576469, 543576460, 543576439, 543576400, 543575483, 543575482, 543575481, 543574452, 543574451, 543574450, 543573492, 543573452, 54357245, 54357145, 543564493, 543564477, 543564449, 543564448, 543564447, 543564442, 543564355, 543564354, 543564353, 543564309, 543563495, 543563490, 543562452, 543562450, 543549453, 543549452, 543549451, 543549450, 543548469, 543548461, 543548460, 543548440, 543547499, 543547487, 543547486, 543547485, 543547482, 543547409, 543546479, 543546470, 543544487, 543544459, 543544458, 543544450, 543543688, 543543647, 54354347, 5435433300, 543542463, 543542462, 54354146, 543541327, 543541326, 5435412633, 5435412632, 543537489, 543537488, 543537484, 543537452, 543537451, 543535665, 543535664, 54353558, 543534892, 543534891, 543534890, 543534800, 543534726, 543534725, 54353457, 54353456, 543534488, 543534484, 543534452, 543533452, 543533450, 543532463, 543532462, 543532461, 543532460, 543525459, 543525452, 543525451, 543525450, 543524498, 543524495, 543522452, 543522450, 543521520, 543521483, 543521480, 543518353, 54351798, 54351797, 54351724, 54351712, 54351711, 543516556, 543516498, 543516497, 543516496, 543514907, 543514449, 543514448, 543514440, 54351439, 54351438, 54351437, 54351436, 54351407, 54351405, 54351401, 54351400, 5437, 543388452, 543388450, 543387497, 543387482, 543385459, 543385452, 543385451, 543385450, 543382459, 543382450, 54336449, 543364478, 543364262, 543364261, 543364101, 543364100, 54332945, 5438, 542804949, 542804948, 542804946, 542804945, 542804776, 542804775, 542804774, 542804502, 542804501, 542804500, 542804469, 542804461, 542804460, 542804222, 542664918, 542664912, 542664911, 54266478, 542664473, 542664472, 542664471, 542664470, 542664462, 542664247, 542658404, 542658403, 542658400, 542657737, 542657736, 542657731, 542657730, 5426574995, 542657463, 542657462, 542657461, 542657460, 542657446, 542657261, 542657260, 542656451, 542656450, 542656400, 542655491, 542655404, 542655403, 542652785, 542652784, 542652783, 542652782, 542652473, 542652472, 542652471, 542652470, 542652462, 542652247, 542651400, 542648406, 542648405, 542648400, 542647418, 542647417, 542647400, 542646405, 542646404, 542646010, 54264500, 542644944, 542644940, 54264479, 54264438, 54264437, 542644029, 542644026, 54263445, 542634297, 542634296, 542634295, 542634294, 54263426, 542627484, 542627464, 542627463, 542627462, 542627461, 542627460, 542627315, 542627249, 542627248, 542627247, 542626490, 542626483, 542626482, 542626406, 542625602, 542625443, 542625442, 542625441, 542625440, 542624491, 542614800, 542614809, 54261483, 542614899, 542616024, 542616289, 542622315, 542622318, 542622319, 54237490, 54237429, 542392450, 542392451, 542392452, 542392485, 542392699, 542374152, 542374153, 54237427, 542393400, 542394400, 542394401, 542394447, 542374151, 542374150, 542364290, 542364291, 542364293, 542364460, 542364461, 542364462, 542364463, 542364530, 542362530, 542362463, 542394448, 54261370, 542612626, 54261260, 54261211, 542604484, 54260446, 542604315, 542604249, 542604248, 542604247, 542494461, 542494460, 542494384, 542494262, 542494261, 542478526, 542604069, 542604068, 542494463, 542494462, 54247849, 542477481, 542477463, 542477462, 542477461, 542477460, 542475490, 542475430, 542395404, 542395447, 542395448, 542396460, 542396461, 542396462, 542396463, 542473490, 542473495, 542473530, 542473531, 542474450, 542474451, 542474452, 542475429, 542325451, 542325452, 542326415, 542326416, 542326428, 542331400, 542331405, 542331406, 542333400, 542333430, 542333431, 542334416, 542334417, 542334480, 542336411, 542336412, 542336490, 542337418, 542337419, 542338416, 542338417, 542342488, 542342489, 542342490, 542342500, 542343400, 542343415, 542343416, 542344437, 542344448, 542344449, 542344491, 542344492, 542344494, 542345450, 542345451, 542345452, 542345570, 542345571, 542346311, 542346312, 542346351, 542346405, 542346450, 54261401, 54261403, 542614048, 542614049, 54261455, 54261456, 54261457, 54115202, 54114040, 5411399, 5411371592, 5411371591, 5411371590, 5411281, 5411262, 5411261, 5411260, 541125 12 cent
Argentina Special 54116261, 54115519, 54221587 1,03 €
Armenien 16,9 cent 22,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Armenia 374 16,9 cent
Armenia Mobile 3745, 3747, 3749, 37449, 37443, 37441, 37444, 37433, 37488 22,8 cent
Armenia Special 37460 89,3 cent
Aruba 11,9 cent 24,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Aruba 297 11,9 cent
Aruba Mobile 29763, 29756, 29759, 297600, 297622, 29766, 29769, 29773, 29774, 29796, 29799, 29764 24,3 cent
Ascension Insel 1,65 € 1,65 €
Ascension Insel
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ascension Island 247 1,65 €
Aserbaidschan 22,2 cent 30,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Azerbaijan 994 22,2 cent
Azerbaijan Mobile 99440, 99444, 99450, 99451, 99455, 99460, 99470, 99477, 994900333, 994881122, 99410, 99499 30,1 cent
Australien 1,8 cent 5,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Australia (Local) 61 1,8 cent
Australia 61 1,8 cent
Australia Mobile (Local) 6114, 6115, 6116, 61170, 61171, 61172, 61174, 61177, 61178, 61179, 61191, 61193, 61194, 61196, 61199, 614, 6118, 6104 5,9 cent
Australia Mobile 6114, 6115, 6116, 61170, 61171, 61172, 61174, 61177, 61178, 61179, 61191, 61193, 61194, 61196, 61199, 614, 6118, 6104 5,9 cent
Australia Special 6113, 61891, 611223, 611196, 611194, 611100, 611451430, 611451431, 611451432, 611451433, 611451434 23,9 cent
Ägypten 17,2 cent 21,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Egypt 20 17,2 cent
Egypt Mobile 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 20150, 20151, 20152, 20153, 20155, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 21,6 cent
Äquatorialguinea 57,9 cent 63,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Equatorial Guinea 240 57,9 cent
Equatorial Guinea Mobile 2402, 2405, 2406, 2407 63,7 cent
Äthiopien 25,6 cent 22,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ethiopia 251 25,6 cent
Ethiopia Mobile 2512289, 2512589, 2513389, 2513489, 2514689, 2514789, 2515889, 2519, 25170, 251710, 251711, 251712, 251713, 251714, 251715, 251716, 251717, 251718, 251722, 251777, 251786, 251799 22,1 cent
Bahamas 21,6 cent 22,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bahamas 1242 21,6 cent
Bahamas Mobile 1242357, 1242359, 1242375, 1242376, 1242395, 124247, 1242524, 1242525, 1242533, 1242535, 1242544, 124255, 1242565, 1242577, 1242636, 1242646, 1242727, 1252525, 124242, 124243, 124244, 124245, 124246, 124248 22,8 cent
Bahrain 10,8 cent 20,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bahrain 973 10,8 cent
Bahrain Mobile 9733, 97377, 9736300, 9736333, 9736361, 9736366, 97366 20,5 cent
Bangladesch 13 cent 11,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bangladesh 880 13 cent
Bangladesh Mobile 8801, 8809638 11,8 cent
Barbados 20,7 cent 21,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Barbados 1246 20,7 cent
Barbados Mobile 124623, 124624, 124626, 124644, 124645, 124652, 124653, 124682, 124625, 124683, 124684, 124685, 124628 21,7 cent
Barbados Special 12464331700, 1246629008, 12464331701, 1246629009, 1246777, 12464331706, 1246899, 1246776 89,6 cent
Belarus 42,2 cent 42,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Belarus 375 42,2 cent
Belarus Mobile 37525, 37529, 37533, 37544 42,2 cent
Belarus Special 375602, 375236559374, 37526, 37523655926, 375236559358, 375236559006, 37523655925, 375229156917, 375229156916, 375236559377, 375229156643, 375229156386, 375217820981, 375179580138, 375229156132, 3752178210, 375217820418, 375217820750, 3752178214, 3752178250, 375217829217, 375179553269, 375176380288, 375106966943, 375154520028, 375154520029, 375174824616, 375176380868, 375176380301, 375176380597, 375176380751, 375106966910, 375106966921, 375064574992, 375106966821, 375106966695, 375106966511, 375106966501, 375106966392, 375106966291, 375106966055, 375106966054, 375106966053, 375064574516, 375064574477, 375176763789, 375176380899, 375217820287, 375176763932, 375229156571, 375179521021, 37525410897, 37525276353, 375254108930, 37525410890, 375254108928, 375253454909, 375253454908, 3752534546, 37525147938, 37525212854, 37525218439, 37525207704, 37525149052, 375251392571, 375251396175, 375251396774, 375251390515, 375254112020, 37525411243, 3752541126, 37525570110, 375258444443, 375251388933, 375258439295, 375258128366, 375258126944, 375258126965, 375258127603, 375258111608, 37525570265, 3752557008, 3752541127, 37525570050, 375255700220, 375255700219, 375255700218, 37525430233, 375258446556, 37525430232, 375254112802, 375251389506, 375250813951, 375251387009, 375250877843, 375250813912, 375250813737, 375250813733, 375250813594, 375250813306, 375250813082, 375250813136, 37525071680, 37525080174, 375250716714, 375250716626, 375250716341, 37525070494, 37525069020, 37525067362, 37525043159, 37525037610, 375250877118, 375250813924, 375251386440, 375250877173, 375251386507, 37525131489, 37525125345, 375251246505, 375251246306, 37525122453, 37525117769, 37525091880, 37525088249, 37525087783, 375250877458, 375250877526, 375250877781, 375250877408, 375250877349, 375250877391, 375250877347, 375258444503, 375295728414, 375259073820, 375443153917, 375443201509, 375443201410, 375443199753, 375443199225, 375443199591, 375443171405, 375443171456, 375443152699, 375443158097, 375335203781, 375443124899, 375443105906, 375443124031, 375443103540, 375443103475, 375443100994, 375443102865, 37533831017, 375443201808, 375443203224, 375443204819, 37525990173, 375443222185, 375448648913, 375448648818, 375448648557, 375448648505, 375448648367, 375448648198, 375447911815, 375446669723, 375446669070, 375443584761, 375443584900, 375443584447, 375443288876, 375443584322, 375335203925, 375443222186, 375443222188, 375335203597, 375443173067, 375291465108, 375297299, 375297298, 375296928489, 375295720988, 375295720957, 375291790863, 375291790581, 375291790699, 375297447669, 375291379380, 375291141001, 375291141326, 375335203546, 375291134812, 3752910917, 375291096044, 375297447588, 37525990177, 37525990179, 375291098603, 375333972657, 3752990150, 375335203446, 375335203534, 3752990151, 375335203360, 375335203207, 375333972672, 375335203247, 375333972667, 375333972440, 375333972481, 375333972650, 375299015470, 375335203545, 375333972433, 375331865923, 375333972261 63,5 cent
Belgien 1,4 cent 5,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Belgium (Local) 32 1,4 cent
Belgium (from EEA) 32 1,4 cent
Belgium 32 8,2 cent
Belgium Mobile (Local) 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277 5,9 cent
Belgium Mobile (from EEA) 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277 5,9 cent
Belgium Mobile 3245, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3246, 3277 31,8 cent
Belgium Special (Local) 3270, 3278, 32800 46 cent
Belgium Special 3270, 3278, 32800 47,8 cent
Belgium Toll Free 328005, 328004, 328003, 328002, 328001, 328006, 328000, 328009, 328008, 328007 0 cent
Belize 24,3 cent 25,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Belize 501 24,3 cent
Belize Mobile 5016 25,7 cent
Benin 32 cent 34 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Benin 229 32 cent
Benin Mobile 22964, 22966, 22967, 22968, 2299, 22940, 22969, 22965, 22962, 22961, 22963, 22941, 22943, 22945, 22955, 22960, 22942, 22946, 22958, 22950, 22959, 22951, 22952, 22953, 22954, 22956, 22957 34 cent
Bermuda 5,4 cent 5,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bermuda 1441 5,4 cent
Bermuda Mobile 14413, 144150, 144151, 144152, 144153, 144155, 144159, 14417 5,7 cent
Bhutan 8,4 cent 5,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bhutan 975 8,4 cent
Bhutan Mobile 9751, 97577, 9759 5,9 cent
Bolivien 20,4 cent 18,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bolivia 591 20,4 cent
Bolivia Mobile 5911, 5917, 5916 18,1 cent
Bosnien und Herzegowina 13,8 cent 38,3 cent
Bosnien und Herzegowina
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bosnia and Herzegovina 387 13,8 cent
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile 3876 38,3 cent
Botsuana 24 cent 25,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Botswana 267 24 cent
Botswana Mobile 2677, 267890003, 267890002, 267890000, 267890004, 267890010, 267890011, 26789000, 267890016, 267890015, 267890014, 267890013, 267890012, 267890017, 267890001 25,7 cent
Brasilien 1,4 cent 3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Brazil 55 1,4 cent
Brazil Mobile 55146, 55139, 55138, 55136, 55129, 55128, 55126, 55119, 55117, 55148, 55149, 55156, 55158, 55159, 55166, 55168, 55169, 55176, 55178, 55179, 55186, 55188, 55189, 55196, 55198, 55199, 55216, 55217, 55218, 55219, 55226, 55227, 55228, 55229, 55246, 55247, 55248, 55249, 55276, 55277, 55278, 55279, 55286, 55287, 55288, 55289, 55316, 55317, 55318, 55319, 55326, 55327, 55328, 55329, 55336, 55337, 55338, 55339, 55346, 55347, 55348, 55349, 55356, 55357, 55358, 55359, 55376, 55377, 55378, 55379, 55386, 55387, 55388, 55389, 55416, 55417, 55418, 55419, 55421, 55426, 55427, 55428, 55429, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55446, 55447, 55448, 55449, 55456, 55457, 55458, 55459, 55466, 55467, 55468, 55469, 55476, 55477, 55478, 55479, 55486, 55487, 55488, 55489, 55496, 55497, 55498, 55499, 55516, 55517, 55518, 55519, 55536, 55537, 55538, 55539, 55546, 55547, 55548, 55549, 55556, 55557, 55558, 55559, 55616, 55617, 55618, 55619, 55626, 55627, 55628, 55629, 55636, 55637, 55638, 55639, 55646, 55647, 55648, 55649, 55656, 55657, 55658, 55659, 55666, 55667, 55668, 55669, 55676, 55677, 55678, 55679, 55686, 55687, 55688, 55689, 55696, 55697, 55698, 55699, 55716, 55717, 55718, 55719, 55736, 55737, 55738, 55739, 55746, 55747, 55748, 55749, 55756, 55757, 55758, 55759, 55776, 55777, 55778, 55779, 55796, 55797, 55798, 55799, 55816, 55817, 55818, 55819, 55826, 55827, 55828, 55829, 55836, 55837, 55838, 55839, 55846, 55847, 55848, 55849, 55856, 55857, 55858, 55859, 55866, 55867, 55868, 55869, 55876, 55877, 55878, 55879, 55886, 55887, 55888, 55889, 55896, 55897, 55898, 55899, 55916, 55917, 55918, 55919, 55926, 55927, 55928, 55929, 55936, 55937, 55938, 55939, 55946, 55947, 55948, 55949, 55956, 55957, 55958, 55959, 55966, 55967, 55968, 55969, 55976, 55977, 55978, 55979, 55986, 55987, 55988, 55989, 55996, 55997, 55998, 55999 3 cent
Brazil Fixed 5531, 5561, 5519, 5541, 5548, 5562, 55331, 55332, 55333, 55334, 5551, 5521, 55112, 55113, 55114, 55115, 5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, 5516, 5517, 5518 1,2 cent
Brazil Special 5522976018 20,1 cent
Britische Jungferninseln 20,6 cent 25 cent
Britische Jungferninseln
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
British Virgin Islands 1284 20,6 cent
British Virgin Islands Mobile 1284300, 1284301, 1284302, 1284303, 1284340, 1284341, 1284342, 1284343, 1284344, 1284345, 1284346, 1284347, 1284393, 1284394, 1284440, 1284441, 1284442, 1284443, 1284444, 1284445, 1284446, 12844960, 12844966, 12844967, 12844968, 12844969, 1284499, 1284540, 1284541, 1284542, 1284543, 1284545, 1284547, 1284596, 1284599, 1284689, 1284690, 1284544, 12845688, 1284546, 1284468, 12845689, 1284960, 1284368 25 cent
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean 1,62 € 1,62 €
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
British Indian Ocean Territory 246 1,62 €
Brunei Darussalam 10,8 cent 10,8 cent
Brunei Darussalam
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Brunei 673 10,8 cent
Brunei Mobile 673227, 673228, 673229, 6737, 6738, 6739 10,8 cent
Bulgarien 9,6 cent 8,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Bulgaria (Local) 359 9,6 cent
Bulgaria 359 9,6 cent
Bulgaria Mobile (Local) 35917, 359430, 359437, 359438, 359439, 35948, 35987, 35988, 35989, 35998, 35924, 359996, 3595965, 35959449, 3595909, 359585, 3595799, 35957519, 35957518, 35957439, 3595709, 359569, 3595598, 3595588, 3595569, 35955519, 3595549, 3595547, 3595545, 35955189, 35955158, 3595507, 359549, 3595391, 3595389, 3595379, 35953619, 35953518, 35953289, 35953279, 359529, 3597029, 359524, 3595195, 3595185, 3595179, 35951535, 35951427, 35951318, 35951129, 3594789, 35947619, 359469, 3594579, 3594575, 3594539, 359445, 35943619, 35971339, 35971429, 3597209, 3597219, 3597249, 3594319, 3594315, 359429, 3594179, 3594173, 3594168, 3597259, 3597269, 3597279, 3597289, 359735, 3597455, 3597459, 3597079, 3597019, 359700, 3596, 3597479, 3597485, 3597495, 3597499, 3597509, 3597519, 35975419, 35977129, 3597779, 359789, 35981619, 3598179, 359825, 35984249, 35984319, 35984429, 359845, 35984759, 35984773, 3598489, 35986368, 3598649, 359865, 35991719, 359929, 3599389, 359949, 3599527, 3599539, 35995549, 359965, 3599717, 3599718, 3593, 3599735, 35997429, 35986639, 3599105, 35986699, 35986698, 35986690, 3597229, 3597239, 3597469, 35975239, 359765, 35986369, 35991329, 3599159, 3599968, 3599960, 3599961, 3599962, 3599966, 3599965, 3599964, 3599969, 3599967 8,4 cent
Bulgaria Mobile 35917, 359430, 359437, 359438, 359439, 35948, 35987, 35988, 35989, 35998, 35924, 359996, 3595965, 35959449, 3595909, 359585, 3595799, 35957519, 35957518, 35957439, 3595709, 359569, 3595598, 3595588, 3595569, 35955519, 3595549, 3595547, 3595545, 35955189, 35955158, 3595507, 359549, 3595391, 3595389, 3595379, 35953619, 35953518, 35953289, 35953279, 359529, 3597029, 359524, 3595195, 3595185, 3595179, 35951535, 35951427, 35951318, 35951129, 3594789, 35947619, 359469, 3594579, 3594575, 3594539, 359445, 35943619, 35971339, 35971429, 3597209, 3597219, 3597249, 3594319, 3594315, 359429, 3594179, 3594173, 3594168, 3597259, 3597269, 3597279, 3597289, 359735, 3597455, 3597459, 3597079, 3597019, 359700, 3596, 3597479, 3597485, 3597495, 3597499, 3597509, 3597519, 35975419, 35977129, 3597779, 359789, 35981619, 3598179, 359825, 35984249, 35984319, 35984429, 359845, 35984759, 35984773, 3598489, 35986368, 3598649, 359865, 35991719, 359929, 3599389, 359949, 3599527, 3599539, 35995549, 359965, 3599717, 3599718, 3593, 3599735, 35997429, 35986639, 3599105, 35986699, 35986698, 35986690, 3597229, 3597239, 3597469, 35975239, 359765, 35986369, 35991329, 3599159, 3599968, 3599960, 3599961, 3599962, 3599966, 3599965, 3599964, 3599969, 3599967 38,5 cent
Bulgaria Special 35956934, 35990069, 35924845, 35924846, 35924700, 35924925041, 3599006 1,09 €
Bulgaria Mobile Band 1 (Local) 359999 12,7 cent
Bulgaria Mobile Band 1 359999 36,5 cent
Burkina Faso 37,4 cent 40,2 cent
Burkina Faso
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Burkina Faso 226 37,4 cent
Burkina Faso Mobile 2267, 22658, 22657, 2266, 22651, 22656, 22655, 22654, 2262567, 22607, 22606, 22605, 22653, 22652, 22650, 22603, 22602, 22601 40,2 cent
Burkina Faso Special 2265050, 2265077 1,09 €
Burundi 57,7 cent 77,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Burundi 257 57,7 cent
Burundi Mobile 25729, 2577, 25769, 25768, 25767, 25765, 25762, 25761, 25731 77,4 cent
Burundi Special 2577485, 2571419134, 2571594011, 2571594018, 2572109000, 25721230, 25721899021, 25721899022, 2572221043, 25722213610, 2572221401, 25722214020, 25722214021, 2572221407, 2572221409, 25722214228, 25722214253, 25722214425, 25722214837, 25722217242, 25722217472, 25722223301, 257222235, 25722223771, 2572222403, 25722224244, 25722224693, 25722228000, 2572222803, 25722228360, 25722228458, 25722228607, 25722228872, 25722228932, 25722280020, 2572228673, 25722491787, 2572249967, 2572256403, 2572910, 25729200157, 25729200158, 2572920016, 257292009, 257293000, 2572930012, 25729300185, 25729300187, 25729300212, 25729300213, 25729300214, 25729300301, 25729300306, 25729300324, 25729300413, 257293009, 2578582821, 25789771192, 25789771666, 25789771947, 25789779223, 2579772152, 2579777 1,09 €
Cabo Verde 16,9 cent 33,8 cent
Cabo Verde
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cape Verde 238 16,9 cent
Cape Verde Mobile 2385, 2389, 23818, 23843, 23833, 23836, 23846 33,8 cent
Chile 2,4 cent 4,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Chile (Local) 56 2,4 cent
Chile 56 2,4 cent
Chile Mobile (Local) 568, 569 4,8 cent
Chile Mobile 568, 569 4,7 cent
Chile Rural (Local) 562572, 562593, 562788, 564, 567, 566, 565, 563, 562868, 562196, 562197, 562198, 5622572, 5622593, 5622788, 5622868, 56228905, 56228906, 56228907, 56228908, 56228909, 5622917, 5622929, 5622930, 5622993, 5622997, 5622794, 56225889797, 56225884694, 56225884680, 56225884673, 56225884666, 56225884586, 56225880110, 56224195701 96,6 cent
Chile Rural 562572, 562593, 562788, 564, 567, 566, 565, 563, 562868, 562196, 562197, 562198, 5622572, 5622593, 5622788, 5622868, 56228905, 56228906, 56228907, 56228908, 56228909, 5622917, 5622929, 5622930, 5622993, 5622997, 5622794, 56225889797, 56225884694, 56225884680, 56225884673, 56225884666, 56225884586, 56225880110, 56224195701 1,08 €
Chile Special (Local) 5645197, 5611, 5615, 5632255, 56421972124, 56322100 1,92 €
Chile Special 5645197, 5611, 5615, 5632255, 56421972124, 56322100 1,82 €
China 32,2 cent 32,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
China 86 32,2 cent
China Mobile 8613, 86145, 86147, 8615, 8618, 86178, 861703, 86172, 861705, 861706, 86176, 86177, 86173, 86199, 86198, 861977, 861976, 861975, 861974, 861973, 861972, 861971, 861970, 86195, 86193, 86192, 86191, 8614000, 8610646, 86190, 86170, 86165, 86162, 86149, 861700, 861701, 861410, 86148, 8610649, 8610145, 86196, 86175, 86171, 861709, 861708, 861707, 861704, 86167, 86166, 86146, 8614009, 8614001 32,2 cent
Cookinseln 93,6 cent 90,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cook Islands 682 93,6 cent
Cook Islands Mobile 68255 90,8 cent
Costa Rica 3,6 cent 6,9 cent
Costa Rica
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Costa Rica 506 3,6 cent
Costa Rica Mobile 5063, 50650, 50652, 50653, 50654, 50655, 50656, 50657, 50658, 50659, 5066, 5067, 5068 6,9 cent
Côte d’Ivoire 26,8 cent 41,6 cent
Côte d’Ivoire
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Côte d’Ivoire 225 26,8 cent
Côte d’Ivoire Mobile 2250, 2254, 2255, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259 41,6 cent
Côte d’Ivoire Special 2252170, 2252179, 22590409, 2252906880, 22533964973, 22532155312, 22530605159, 2252905866, 22534478418, 22523805123, 22521965791, 22521953376, 22527745164, 225320, 225350, 225340, 225330, 225360, 225310, 225230, 225240, 225220, 225210, 225200, 225300, 2256810, 2256988, 2256989, 22580011, 225239, 225238, 225272179, 225272178, 225272177, 225272176, 225272175, 2252721749, 2252721748, 2252721747, 2252721746, 2252721745, 22527217449, 22527217448, 22527217447, 225272174469, 225272174468, 225272174467, 225272174466, 225272174465, 225272174464, 2252721744639, 2252721744638, 2252721744637, 2252721744635, 2252721744634, 2252721744633, 2252721744632, 2252721744631, 2252721744630, 225272174462, 225272174461, 225272174460, 22527217445, 22527217444, 22527217443, 22527217442, 22527217441, 22527217440, 2252721743, 2252721742, 2252721741, 2252721740, 225272173, 225272172, 225272171, 225272170, 2252721744 1,09 €
Deutschland 1,2 cent 3,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Germany (Local) 49 1,2 cent
Germany (from EEA) 49 1,2 cent
Germany 49 36,2 cent
Germany Mobile (Local) 491 3,6 cent
Germany Mobile (from EEA) 491 3,6 cent
Germany Mobile 491 36,2 cent
Germany Premium 4932, 49900 4,8 cent
Germany Shared Cost 4918 7,9 cent
Germany Personal (Local) 49700, 49701, 496926012260, 4975796235199 32,3 cent
Germany Personal 49700, 49701, 496926012260, 4975796235199 32,8 cent
Germany Mobile Band 1 (Local) 49155, 491529, 491517, 491516, 491515, 491514, 491512, 491511, 49175, 49170, 49160, 49171, 491599, 491598, 491597, 491596, 491595, 491594, 491593, 491592, 491591, 491519, 491518, 491513, 491510, 49150, 49156, 4915310, 49164, 49168, 49169, 49166 3,6 cent
Germany Mobile Band 1 49155, 491529, 491517, 491516, 491515, 491514, 491512, 491511, 49175, 49170, 49160, 49171, 491599, 491598, 491597, 491596, 491595, 491594, 491593, 491592, 491591, 491519, 491518, 491513, 491510, 49150, 49156, 4915310, 49164, 49168, 49169, 49166 36,2 cent
Germany Toll Free 49800 0 cent
Germany Special 49116, 49118, 4912, 4913, 49191, 49192, 49193, 49194, 49180 72,5 cent
Dominica 21 cent 25,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Dominica 1767 21 cent
Dominica Mobile 1767225, 1767235, 1767245, 1767265, 1767276, 1767277, 1767285, 1767295, 1767315, 1767316, 1767317, 1767420, 1767421, 1767611, 1767612, 1767613, 1767614, 1767615, 1767616, 1767617, 1767275 25,3 cent
Dominica Special 1767441, 17675030, 17675031, 17675032, 17675033, 17675034, 17675049, 17675047, 17675048, 17675045, 1767502, 17675046 1,09 €
Dominikanische Republik 12,7 cent 17,5 cent
Dominikanische Republik
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Dominican Republic 1809, 1829, 1849 12,7 cent
Dominican Republic Mobile 18091225, 18299, 18298, 18297, 18295, 18294, 18099, 18098, 180950, 1809510, 1809512, 1809513, 1809514, 1809515, 1809516, 1809517, 1809519, 1809520, 1809542, 1809543, 1809545, 1809546, 1809601, 1809602, 1809603, 1809604, 1809605, 1809606, 1809607, 1809608, 1809609, 1809610, 1809613, 1809614, 1809615, 1809617, 1809618, 1809619, 1809624, 1809627, 1809628, 1809629, 1809630, 1809631, 1809632, 1809634, 1809635, 1809636, 1809637, 1809639, 180964, 180965, 180966, 180967, 1809693, 1809694, 1809696, 1809697, 1809698, 180970, 180971, 1809720, 1809721, 1809722, 1809723, 1809727, 1809729, 1809742, 1809743, 1809747, 1809749, 1809750, 1809751, 1809752, 1809753, 1809754, 1809756, 1809757, 1809758, 1809759, 1809760, 1809761, 1809762, 1809763, 1809764, 1809765, 1809767, 1809768, 1809769, 1809771, 1809772, 1809773, 1809774, 1809775, 1809776, 1809777, 1809778, 1809779, 180978, 1809790, 1809791, 1809796, 1809798, 18094, 18093, 18092, 18292, 18293, 18296, 1849201, 1849203, 1849205, 1849206, 1849207, 1849208, 1849209, 1849210, 1849212, 1849214, 1849305, 1849318, 1849330, 1849340, 1849341, 1849342, 1849343, 1849344, 1849350, 1849351, 1849352, 1849353, 1849354, 1849356, 1849357, 1849358, 1849359, 1849360, 1849367, 184940, 1849410, 1849416, 1849437, 184945, 1849484, 1849542, 1849569, 1849573, 1849587, 1849590, 1849607, 1849642, 1849650, 1849651, 1849652, 1849653, 1849654, 1849655, 1849656, 1849657, 1849658, 1849701, 1849707, 1849710, 1849711, 1849720, 1849727, 1849739, 1849763, 1849785, 1849797, 1849802, 1849803, 1849804, 1849806, 1849814, 1849815, 1849816, 1849817, 1849828, 1849845, 1849846, 1849847, 1849848, 184985, 184986, 1849873, 1849874, 1849875, 1849876, 1849878, 1849879, 1849880, 1849881, 1849882, 1849883, 1849884, 1849885, 1849886, 1849889, 1849912, 1849993, 1849213, 1849215, 1849216, 1849217, 1849218, 1849219, 184922, 1849230, 1849231, 1849232, 1849234, 1849235, 1849239, 184924, 184925, 184963, 1849750, 1849751, 1849752, 1849753, 1849754, 1849915, 1849916, 1849917, 1849918, 1849919, 1849925, 1849282, 1849281, 1849280, 1849914, 1849913, 184962, 1849287, 1849286, 1849285, 1849284, 1849283, 184927, 184926, 1849233 17,5 cent
Dschibuti 32,9 cent 28,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Djibouti 253 32,9 cent
Djibouti Mobile 2535, 2536, 2537, 2538 28,5 cent
Dänemark 1,1 cent 5,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Denmark (Local) 45 1,2 cent
Denmark 45 1,1 cent
Denmark Mobile (Local) 4549255, 4549190, 4549181, 4549180, 4549177, 4549176, 4549188, 4549187, 4549185, 4549184, 452, 4530, 4531, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4550, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4560, 4561, 4571, 4581, 4591, 4549258, 4549200, 4549220, 4549222, 4549193, 4549191, 4549192, 4549221, 4549256, 4592, 4593, 456911, 45371001, 45371000, 453360, 457870, 458980, 4549253, 4546341, 4546498, 4546497, 4546343, 4549175, 4549174, 4549170, 4549169, 4549168, 4549163, 4532, 454640, 4546383, 4546384, 4546558, 4546559, 4546560, 4546382, 4546492, 4546491, 4546488, 4546487, 4546551, 4546550, 4546342, 4546473, 4546470, 4546464, 4546462, 4546557, 4546499, 4546348, 4546347, 4546346, 4546345, 4546474, 4546471, 4546340, 4546469, 4546468, 4546467, 4546481, 4546480, 4546478, 4546412, 4546496, 4546370, 454633, 4546372, 4546371, 4546419, 4546373, 4546413, 4546414, 4546476, 4546420, 4546475, 4546432, 4546421, 4546449, 4546423, 4546448, 454636, 4546460, 4546433, 4546418, 4546385, 4546422, 4546461, 4546482, 454654, 4546381, 4546434, 4546380, 4546477, 4546427, 4546374, 4546424, 4546431, 4546410, 4549279, 4549280, 4549281, 4549282, 4549283, 4549284, 4549286, 4549287, 4549288, 4549289, 4549295, 4549298, 4549299, 45493, 454941, 454942, 454943, 454944, 454945, 454946, 454947, 454948, 454949, 4549700, 4549701, 4549702, 4549703, 4549704, 4549707, 4549708, 4549709, 4549710, 4549711, 4549717, 4549718, 4549719, 4549750, 4549751, 4549754, 4549755, 4549758, 4549759, 4549760, 4549761, 4549762, 4549763, 4549765, 4549766, 4549767, 4549770, 4549772, 4549780, 4549789, 4549810, 4549812, 4549813, 4549814, 4549815, 4549817, 45541, 45542, 455431, 455432, 4554400, 4554404, 4554418, 4554427, 4554428, 4554429, 455443, 4554440, 4554441, 4554442, 4554443, 4554444, 4554445, 4554446, 4554447, 4554449, 4554451, 4554453, 4554454, 4554455, 4554456, 4554457, 4554460, 4554461, 4554462, 4554463, 4554464, 4554465, 4554466, 4554467, 4554490, 4554491, 4554492, 4554493, 4554494, 45642121, 45642122, 45642123, 45642154, 45642222, 45642811, 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4544270, 4544269, 4544268, 4544266, 4544264, 4544263, 4544262, 4544261, 4544260, 454425, 4544805, 4544800, 4544788, 4544787, 4544786, 4544784, 454477, 454474, 4544738, 454424, 4544232, 4544737, 4544734, 4544231, 4544230, 454422, 4544219, 4544218, 4544217, 4544216, 4544214, 4544213, 4544212, 4544211, 4544210, 454420, 454413, 4537109986, 4537109985, 4537109984, 4537109983, 4537109982, 4537109981, 4537109980, 4537109979, 4537109978, 4537109977, 4537103710, 4544731, 4537100334, 4537100333, 4537100332, 4537100331, 4537100330, 4537100234, 4537100233, 4537100232, 4544897, 4544896, 4537100231, 4544730, 4537100230, 453710021, 453710020, 45349, 45348, 45347, 45346, 45345, 453449, 453448, 453447, 453446, 453434, 45342, 4544707, 459481, 459442, 4544705, 459441, 459440, 456644, 4566336, 455458, 455455, 455436, 455435, 455434, 455433, 4544704, 455430, 454951, 454950, 454940, 454888, 454412, 454314, 4537100339, 4537100338, 4537100337, 4537100336, 4537100335, 453571, 453570, 455454, 4549816, 454417, 4544703, 4544702, 4544700, 4544346, 4544279, 453710032, 454414, 4544697, 4544698 5,7 cent
Denmark Special 4570, 4580, 459120 10,8 cent
Ecuador 13,5 cent 22,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ecuador 593 13,5 cent
Ecuador Mobile 593290, 59339, 59359, 59369, 5938, 5939 22,1 cent
El Salvador 21,3 cent 23 cent
El Salvador
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
El Salvador 503 21,3 cent
El Salvador Mobile 5032102, 5032103, 5032104, 5032121, 5032124, 5032130, 5032131, 5032200, 5032202, 5032208, 5032210, 5032211, 5032233, 5032236, 5032238, 5032244, 5032252, 5032257, 5032259, 5032266, 5032275, 5032300, 5032302, 5032304, 5032305, 5032306, 5032312, 5032313, 5032316, 5032317, 5032323, 5032328, 5032329, 5032355, 5032357, 5032359, 5032366, 5032367, 5032373, 5032374, 5032397, 5032403, 5032404, 5032405, 5032406, 5032407, 5032411, 5032414, 5032434, 5032435, 5032454, 5032455, 5032479, 5032489, 5032497, 5032500, 5032501, 5032502, 5032505, 5032507, 5032508, 5032509, 5032512, 5032513, 5032514, 5032516, 5032517, 503253, 5032541, 5032542, 5032543, 5032555, 5032562, 5032563, 5032564, 5032565, 5032566, 5032600, 5032601, 5032603, 5032605, 5032606, 5032609, 5032612, 5032613, 5032615, 5032623, 5032631, 5032634, 5032635, 5032637, 5032642, 5032646, 5032656, 5032677, 5032678, 5032679, 5032697, 5037, 503603, 503604, 503605, 503606, 503607, 503630, 5036310, 5036311, 5036312, 5036313, 5036314, 5036315, 5036316, 50363170, 50363171, 50363172, 50363173, 50363174, 503682, 503683, 5036870, 5036871, 5036872, 5036873, 5036874, 5036876, 5036877, 5036878, 5036879, 5036955, 5036956, 5036957, 5036958, 5036959, 503696, 503697, 503698, 503699, 503620, 503610, 503611, 503612, 503613, 503614, 503615, 503616, 503617, 503618, 503619, 503642, 5036430, 5036431, 50366116611, 503692, 503600, 503601, 503602, 5036432, 5036433, 5036434, 5036435, 5036436, 5036437, 5036438, 5036439, 503644, 503645, 5036460, 5036461, 503684, 503685, 503686, 50368897, 50368898, 50368899, 503689, 50369000, 50369001, 50369002, 503693 23 cent
Eritrea 24,3 cent 24,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Eritrea 291 24,3 cent
Eritrea Mobile 2917, 2918805, 2918806 24,3 cent
Estland 2,8 cent 32,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Estonia (Local) 372 2,8 cent
Estonia 372 2,8 cent
Estonia Mobile 372831, 372830, 37287 32,4 cent
Estonia Mobile Band 1 (Local) 3725, 37281, 37282, 37283, 37284, 37285, 3728700011, 3728700010, 3728700012 37,4 cent
Estonia Mobile Band 1 3725, 37281, 37282, 37283, 37284, 37285, 3728700011, 3728700010, 3728700012 36,3 cent
Estonia Special 37282542, 37282501, 37282500, 37282010, 3725862, 37258456, 37270, 37240, 3726297, 3729008, 3723302, 3725790248, 37257902058, 37257902405, 37257902389, 372579022, 372579021, 37257902063, 37257902028, 37257889960, 3725788702, 37257889975, 37257889959, 37257888041, 37257888040, 3725788803, 3725790261, 37257902027, 3725790262, 3725790305, 37257902664, 3725790309, 3725790308, 3725790307, 37257903069, 37257903068, 37257903067, 37257903066, 37257903063, 3725790263, 37257903061, 37257887008, 37257903004, 37257902671, 37257902670, 37257902669, 37257902668, 37257902666, 37257902665, 37257903060, 37257884317, 37257881196, 3725788195, 37257239640, 3725723963, 3725723962, 3725723960, 37257239597, 3725723950, 3725723913, 37257239056, 37257239055, 37257239054, 37257238070, 37257238045, 3725723782, 3725723781, 372572374, 3725723729, 37257903100, 37257239653, 37257239659, 372572588, 37257410074, 3725788193, 3725788151, 3725788143, 3725788142, 3725788129, 3725788128, 3725788127, 3725788126, 372578841, 37257881195, 37257466, 37257418917, 37257416121, 37257414450, 37257411367, 37257411217, 37257411213, 37257410090, 37257469, 372579033, 3728110050, 3728110097, 372811007, 3725723728, 37281100393, 37281100392, 37281100385, 37281100384, 37281100383, 37281100334, 37281100332, 37281100324, 37281100308, 3728110025, 3728110024, 3728110023, 3728110022, 3728110021, 3728110110, 3728110003, 3728110111, 3728110141, 37282782, 37282200, 372818470, 37281800, 37281133, 37281101897, 37281101895, 37281101889, 37281101872, 3728110186, 37281101850, 37281101442, 37281101427, 3728110140, 3725999597, 3725999596, 3725999588, 37259121, 37258997766, 37258997237, 37258992, 37258991, 37258990, 37258882977, 37258833, 3725883296, 3725883295, 37258822060, 3725882205, 37258822049, 37258822013, 37258820, 372588106, 372588100, 37259122, 37259441982, 37259441983, 37259441984, 3725999587, 3725999586, 3725999585, 3725999584, 3725999583, 3725999582, 3725999581, 3725999580, 372599957, 3725999568, 3725995, 3725944199, 37259441989, 37259441988, 37259441987, 37259441986, 37259441985, 3725999569, 37257237185, 3725612448, 37257237177, 3725410116, 37254101150, 37254101120, 37254101117, 3725410110, 372541010, 37254011968, 37254011654, 37254011378, 37254011377, 37254011187, 37254011177, 37254011170, 3725401110, 37254011045, 37254011005, 372540108, 3725410117, 3725401072, 37254101435, 37254101727, 37254103079, 37254103078, 37254103077, 37254103076, 37254103075, 37254103074, 37257237183, 37254103070, 3725410306, 37254102873, 3725410242, 3725410241, 3725410240, 3725410210, 3725410201, 37254101980, 3725410197, 37254101510, 37254010719, 37254010718, 3725401056, 372531200139, 372531083, 3725310553, 3725310552, 3725310538, 372531050, 372531046, 372531040, 37253103386, 372531025, 37253102240, 37253093240, 37253092059, 37253091450, 37253091057, 37253090445, 37253088615, 3725312009, 372531201, 3725312076, 37253125, 3725401055, 3725401054, 37254010492, 37253258863, 37253258615, 372532164, 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37256144195, 37256144192, 37256136195, 37256124530, 37256124504, 37256124479, 37256144219, 37256124476, 37256124478, 37256114, 37256109572, 37256102561, 37256102560, 3725610243, 3725610231, 3725610230, 3726634, 3723520, 37251962078, 37251965306, 37251966754, 37251967105, 37251967887, 37251968272, 37251970679, 37251971202, 37251971258, 37251972496, 37251972733, 37251973531, 37251989388, 37253005938, 37253030942, 37253101193, 37253101220, 37253101230, 372531036, 37253106649, 3725310702, 3725310859, 37253108669, 37253110667, 37253126885, 37253128375, 37253129629, 3725312974, 37253130980, 37253137157, 37253139643, 37253141549, 37253154164, 37253155891, 37253159434, 37253159436, 3725315945, 3725315946, 3725315991, 3725315997, 37253159989, 37253216070, 37253216117, 37253216389, 37253335087, 372533490, 37254010, 37254011063, 3725401117, 37254011186, 3725401119, 37254011234, 37254011469, 3725401186, 3725401195, 37254101110, 37254101385, 3725410143, 3725410144, 37254101641, 37254102056, 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37255606288, 37255606290, 37255606293, 37255606297, 37255606325, 37255606365, 37255606394, 37255606410, 3725560644, 3725560645, 3725560646, 37255606472, 37255606473, 37255606481, 37255606489, 3725560649, 3725560650, 37255606567, 37255606575, 37255606740, 37255606820, 37255606825, 37255606832, 37255607146, 37255607156, 37255607293, 37255607324, 37255607329, 37255607332, 37255607360, 37255607614, 37255607621, 37255607622, 37255607639, 3725560765, 37255608211, 37255608214, 37255608251, 37255608253, 37255608263, 37255608265, 37255608393, 37255608455, 37255609280, 37255609328, 37255609357, 37255609358, 37255609426, 37255610276, 37255610348, 37255610360, 37255610466, 37255610472, 37255610493, 37255610496, 37255610685, 37255610686, 37255610710, 37255610713, 3725561073, 3725561074, 37255612811, 37255613253, 37255613257, 37255613329, 37255613332, 37255613394, 37255613859, 37255613866, 37255614227, 37255614238, 37255614340, 372556146, 3725561474, 3725561475, 37255614849, 37255616361, 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37255672020, 37255672880, 37255674264, 37255674303, 37255676063, 37255676501, 37255676536, 37255681784, 37255686083, 37255693461, 37255695935, 37255697904, 37255698059, 37255902250, 37255902255, 37255902297, 37255903326, 37255906024, 37255910318, 37255920285, 37255928467, 37256001982, 37256001984, 37256001987, 37256001996, 37256002002, 37256002006, 37256002103, 37256002108, 37256002113, 37256002117, 37256002119, 37256002121, 37256002124, 3725600221, 3725600222, 3725600223, 3725600224, 37256002400, 3725600241, 37256002422, 37256002456, 3725600249, 37256002600, 37256002602, 37256002604, 37256002606, 37256002618, 37256002619, 37256002620, 372560029, 37256003002, 3725600305, 37256003060, 37256003065, 37256010004, 37256011136, 37256011139, 37256011871, 3725601222, 3725601223, 37256014936, 37256015064, 37256015264, 37256017932, 37256020061, 37256020068, 37256020073, 37256020084, 37256022403, 37256022405, 37256022407, 37256022683, 37256022690, 37256022740, 37256023772, 37256025632, 37256101208, 37256101210, 37256101212, 37256101214, 37256101221, 37256101236, 37256101237, 3725610126, 3725610127, 37256101294, 37256101309, 37256101311, 37256101634, 37256101644, 3725610174, 3725610175, 37256102440, 37256102465, 37256102504, 37256109556, 37256109646, 37256109679, 37256109686, 37256109693, 37256109696, 37256109941, 37256120779, 37256120785, 37256121360, 37256121361, 37256122292, 37256123157, 37256124228, 37256124733, 37256125466, 37256127190, 37256127724, 37256127871, 37256128313, 37256128342, 3725613134, 3725613135, 3725613136, 3725613618, 37256139214, 37256139323, 37256144729, 37256151059, 37256151116, 37256151912, 37256151948, 37256151958, 37256151999, 37256152325, 37256152469, 37256152471, 37256152784, 37256153987, 37256154400, 37256155492, 37256156199, 37256166580, 37256166957, 37256179493, 37256181850, 37256181865, 37256183994, 37256189697, 37256190921, 37256193256, 37256194659, 37256195944, 37256197434, 37256199704, 37256199866, 37256477200, 37256496232, 372565781, 37257217941, 372572317, 37257232000, 3725723203, 3725723204, 37257232095, 37257233000, 37257234001, 37257235060, 37257235061, 37257235062, 37257235063, 37257235064, 37257235065, 37257235066, 37257235067, 37257235069, 3725723507, 37257236180, 37257236192, 3725723646, 37257236791, 37257236864, 372572371, 37257237581, 37257237726, 37257237727, 37257237729, 37257237840, 37257238000, 3725723831, 3725723832, 3725723834, 37257238519, 37257238522, 37257238527, 3725723873, 37257239058, 37257239062, 3725723948, 37257239490, 37257239491, 37257239493, 37257239515, 37257239516, 37257239581, 3725723966, 3725723967, 37257239765, 37257239801, 37257239820, 37257400021, 37257400023, 37257400112, 37257400114, 37257400148, 37257400283, 37257400450, 37257400459, 37257400469, 37257400473, 37257400582, 37257400690, 37257400719, 37257400721, 37257400727, 37257400747, 37257400869, 37257400896, 37257401106, 37257401122, 37257401144, 37257401145, 37257401167, 37257401180, 37257401188, 37257401191, 37257401202, 37257401222, 37257401234, 37257401255, 37257401292, 37257401335, 37257401369, 37257401642, 37257401665, 37257401751, 37257401776, 37257401801, 37257401807, 37257401851, 37257401870, 37257402042, 37257402197, 37257402298, 37257403362, 372574034, 37257403911, 37257403914, 37257405350, 37257408878, 37257409533, 37257409883, 37257410022, 37257410026, 37257410059, 372574104, 372574105, 37257411205, 37257411221, 37257411225, 37257411246, 37257411267, 37257411319, 37257411447, 37257412, 37257413364, 37257413470, 37257413744, 37257413746, 37257413956, 37257414601, 37257414604, 37257414607, 37257414611, 37257414621, 37257414633, 37257414639, 37257414655, 37257414694, 37257415368, 37257415404, 37257419264, 37257420162, 37257421818, 3725742182, 3725742183, 37257421844, 3725742185, 3725742186, 37257421870, 37257421956, 37257422058, 372574235, 37257424616, 3725742589, 37257426946, 37257427447, 37257428043, 3725742806, 3725742807, 37257428080, 37257428096, 37257428099, 372574281, 37257428955, 3725742908, 37257429091, 37257429093, 372574291, 37257429296, 37257429297, 37257429298, 37257429299, 3725742930, 3725742931, 37257429322, 37257429326, 3725742933, 37257429474, 3725788100, 3725788101, 37257881089, 372578811, 37257881246, 3725788163, 37257881646, 3725788165, 37257884259, 37257884268, 372578844, 3725788450, 37257884801, 37257886393, 37257886400, 37257886401, 37257886431, 37257886434, 37257886438, 37257886448, 37257886458, 372578870, 37257902090, 37257902449, 3725790245, 37257902679, 37257902684, 3725790315, 37257903421, 37257930, 372584042, 372584043, 372584048, 372584049, 372584050, 37258707, 372588109, 3725882200, 3725882201, 37258822030, 3725882215, 3725882216, 37258832859, 3725883286, 3725883287, 3725883288, 3725883289, 372588820, 372588821, 372588822, 372588823, 372588824, 37258882626, 37258882850, 37258882851, 37258882857, 37258882880, 372589970, 372589971, 372589972, 372589973, 372589974, 3725899775, 37258997870, 37258997877, 37258997879, 37259995335, 37259995414, 37259995417, 3728110016, 3728110026, 3728110027, 3728110028, 3728110029, 372811003, 37281100400, 3728110051, 3728110052, 3728110053, 3728110054, 3728110055, 3728110057, 3728110069, 37281100920, 37281101019, 37281101087, 3728110109, 3728110113, 37281101450, 37281101508, 37281206, 37281404149, 37281404238, 372818471, 372818472, 372818473, 372818474, 37281847582, 37281847834, 37282017, 37282274, 37282277, 37282279, 37282320084, 3728232038, 3728232039, 37282320448, 37282320753, 372823400, 372823401, 372823402, 372823403, 372823404, 372823405, 372823406, 372823460, 372823461, 372823462, 372823463, 372823464, 372823465, 372823466, 372823467, 372828270, 372828271, 372828272, 372828273, 372828274, 372828275, 372828276, 372828290, 372828291, 372828292, 372828293, 372828294, 372828295, 372828296, 372828297, 37282829841, 37282869, 3726040340, 3726050077 45,6 cent
Eswatini 18 cent 18,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Swaziland 268 18 cent
Swaziland Mobile 2686, 2687, 268320, 268321, 268322, 268323, 268324, 268330, 268331, 268332, 268333, 268334, 268340, 268341, 268342, 268343, 268344, 268350, 268351, 268352, 268353, 268354, 268325, 268326, 268335, 268336, 268345, 268346, 268355, 268356 18,2 cent
Falklandinseln 1,92 € 1,92 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Falkland Islands 500 1,92 €
Falkland Islands Mobile 5005, 5006 1,92 €
Fidschi 29,5 cent 28,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Fiji 679 29,5 cent
Fiji Mobile 6797, 67983, 67984, 67986, 67987, 6799, 67920, 67921, 67922, 67923, 67924, 67925, 67926, 67927, 67928, 67929, 67945, 67950, 67951, 67958, 67980, 67989 28,4 cent
Finnland 5,9 cent 5,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Finland (Local) 358 5,9 cent
Finland (from EEA) 358 6 cent
Finland 358 28,8 cent
Finland Mobile (Local) 3584, 35850 5,9 cent
Finland Mobile (from EEA) 3584, 35850 6 cent
Finland Mobile 3584, 35850 28,0 cent
Finland Special Services (Local) 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35839, 35860, 358700, 358701, 358704, 358705, 358706, 358707, 358708, 358709, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800, 3589315980, 35871, 3584571, 3584324, 3584326 9,5 cent
Finland Special Services 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35839, 35860, 358700, 358701, 358704, 358705, 358706, 358707, 358708, 358709, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800, 3589315980, 35871, 3584571, 3584324, 3584326 28,8 cent
Frankreich 1,1 cent 5,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
France (Local) 33 1,2 cent
France (from EEA) 33 1,1 cent
France 33 1,7 cent
France Mobile (Local) 334007, 334008, 337 5,8 cent
France Mobile (from EEA) 334007, 334008, 337 5,7 cent
France Mobile 334007, 334008, 337 17,8 cent
France Special Services (Local) 3387, 339, 33185767018, 33359574550, 33149206747, 333435, 333480, 3339, 333434, 33118001, 33118007, 33118008, 33118018, 33118200, 33118208, 33118218, 33118228, 33118300, 33118318, 33118412, 33118418, 33118444, 33118600, 33118618, 33118666, 33118700, 33118707, 33118711, 33118718, 33118777, 33118808, 33118812, 33118818, 33118900, 33118999, 33118712, 333430, 333440, 333442, 333444, 333446, 333447, 333449, 333493, 333497, 3332, 3336, 33186651912, 33176420295, 33182883934, 3375766, 33757936829, 33757936833, 33757936956, 33757936965, 3375793702, 3375794201, 33806, 33807, 33808, 33809, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3388, 3389064, 3389071, 338908, 33891, 33892, 33893, 33894, 33895, 33896, 33897, 33898, 33899 39,6 cent
France Special Services 3387, 339, 33185767018, 33359574550, 33149206747, 333435, 333480, 3339, 333434, 33118001, 33118007, 33118008, 33118018, 33118200, 33118208, 33118218, 33118228, 33118300, 33118318, 33118412, 33118418, 33118444, 33118600, 33118618, 33118666, 33118700, 33118707, 33118711, 33118718, 33118777, 33118808, 33118812, 33118818, 33118900, 33118999, 33118712, 333430, 333440, 333442, 333444, 333446, 333447, 333449, 333493, 333497, 3332, 3336, 33186651912, 33176420295, 33182883934, 3375766, 33757936829, 33757936833, 33757936956, 33757936965, 3375793702, 3375794201, 33806, 33807, 33808, 33809, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3388, 3389064, 3389071, 338908, 33891, 33892, 33893, 33894, 33895, 33896, 33897, 33898, 33899 33,7 cent
France Premium 338 1,11 €
France Mobile Band 1 (Local) 33700000, 336, 337514, 337513, 3378, 337500, 337501, 337505, 3375060, 337561, 337562, 337563, 335091, 337519, 33775, 337576, 337577, 337578, 337564, 337517, 33755, 33754, 33752, 337575, 337510, 337573, 337511, 3376, 33758, 33753, 337515, 337512, 335113, 335106, 335107, 335108, 337560, 337518, 33779, 33778, 33777, 33776, 3377154, 337572, 337714, 337713, 337507, 3377150, 3377151, 3377152, 3377153 10,1 cent
France Mobile Band 1 33700000, 336, 337514, 337513, 3378, 337500, 337501, 337505, 3375060, 337561, 337562, 337563, 335091, 337519, 33775, 337576, 337577, 337578, 337564, 337517, 33755, 33754, 33752, 337575, 337510, 337573, 337511, 3376, 33758, 33753, 337515, 337512, 335113, 335106, 335107, 335108, 337560, 337518, 33779, 33778, 33777, 33776, 3377154, 337572, 337714, 337713, 337507, 3377150, 3377151, 3377152, 3377153 29,1 cent
France Mobile Band 2 3363800, 3364000, 3364001, 3364002, 3364003, 3364004, 3363806 33,1 cent
France Toll Free 330805, 330801, 330800 0 cent
Französisch-Guayana 2,7 cent 13,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
French Guiana 594 2,7 cent
French Guiana Mobile 5946, 594700600 13,6 cent
Französisch-Polynesien 34,7 cent 28,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
French Polynesia 689 34,7 cent
French Polynesia Mobile 6892, 68930, 68931, 68932, 68933, 68934, 68935, 68939, 68941, 6897, 6893, 68987, 68988, 68989 28,9 cent
Färöer 6,8 cent 17,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Faroe Islands 298 6,8 cent
Faroe Islands Mobile 2982, 2985, 29888, 2989, 2987 17,6 cent
Gabun 44,2 cent 50,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Gabon 241 44,2 cent
Gabon Mobile 2417, 2416, 2415, 2414, 2413, 2412, 24107, 24106, 24105, 24104, 24103, 24102 50,3 cent
Gambia 81,7 cent 81,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Gambia 220 81,7 cent
Gambia Mobile 22020, 22021, 22022, 2203, 2206, 2207, 2209, 2202, 22050, 22051, 22052, 22053, 22054, 22058, 22059 81,7 cent
Georgien 23,2 cent 31,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Georgia 995 23,2 cent
Georgia Mobile 99514, 9955, 99562, 99568, 9957, 9959 31,8 cent
Georgia Special 995322805290, 995322900552, 995322809414, 995322729851, 995322153965, 995322153773, 995322153747, 995322153636, 99532201029, 99532201027, 99532201003, 99532201002, 995322218225, 995902001, 995900001, 99576, 99572, 995903001 43,1 cent
Ghana 32,8 cent 33,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ghana 233 32,8 cent
Ghana Mobile 23320, 23321, 23323, 23324, 23326, 23327, 23328, 23329, 23350, 23354, 23357, 2332540, 23356, 233256, 233257, 23353, 23355, 233591, 233592, 233593, 233594, 233595, 233596, 233597, 233598, 233599 33,2 cent
Gibraltar 5,7 cent 25,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Gibraltar 350 5,7 cent
Gibraltar Mobile 35020054, 35020056, 35020057, 35020058, 3504, 3505, 3506 25,7 cent
Grenada 25,1 cent 28,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Grenada 1473 25,1 cent
Grenada Mobile 1473403, 1473404, 1473405, 1473406, 1473409, 147341, 1473420, 1473421, 1473422, 1473449, 1473457, 1473458, 1473459, 1473533, 1473534, 1473535, 1473536, 1473537, 1473538 28,5 cent
Grenada Special 14734071033, 14734070996, 14734070937, 14734072539, 14734072571, 14734560726, 14734560494, 14734560561, 14734560805, 14734564167, 14735209778, 14735209779, 1473901, 14734560237, 147350, 14734053683, 1473405500, 14734054, 14734057300, 14734053563, 14734052972, 1473405007, 14734052952, 14734050064, 14734050067, 14734050068, 14734050069, 14734052961, 1473405008, 1473405009, 14734050034, 14734051103, 14734051235, 14734051389, 14734051847, 14734052841, 14734052864, 14734052872, 14734052934, 14734051161, 14734050030 92,2 cent
Griechenland 4,7 cent 8,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Greece (Local) 30 4,7 cent
Greece (from EEA) 30 4,7 cent
Greece 30 4,8 cent
Greece Mobile (Local) 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094 8,2 cent
Greece Mobile (from EEA) 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094 8,9 cent
Greece Mobile 306, 3097, 30212333, 305005000, 307006000, 3094 8,4 cent
Greece Special 30213114, 30695328, 30699046, 30210375, 30692428, 30692354, 30806, 30801, 30812, 30825, 30850, 30875, 307, 30116000, 30116111, 30116123, 30109, 30197, 301020, 301021, 301022, 301023, 301024, 301025, 301031, 301033, 301034, 301035, 301045, 301050, 301051, 301055, 301056, 301057, 301065, 301069, 301070, 301075, 301077, 301078, 301100, 301107, 301109, 301110, 301114, 301116, 301118, 301130, 301133, 301135, 301137, 301142, 301143, 301144, 301145, 301147, 301150, 301151, 301153, 301154, 301156, 301158, 301163, 301168, 301169, 301175, 301889, 3010300, 3010301, 3010303, 3010304, 3010380, 3010400, 3010401, 3010404, 3010410, 3010414, 3010440, 3010520, 3010521, 3010522, 3010523, 3010525, 3010600, 3010601, 3010606, 3010610, 3010611, 3010616, 3010710, 3011010, 3011011, 3011012, 3011044, 3011050, 3011080, 3011085, 3011088, 3011120, 3011121, 3011122, 3011123, 3011124, 3011125, 3011126, 3011130, 3011131, 3011135, 3011154, 3011155, 3011177, 3011310, 3011311, 3011313, 3011314, 3011320, 3011322, 3011345, 3011399, 3011404, 3011414, 3011415, 3011522, 3011525, 3011527, 3011528, 3011700, 3011707, 3011710, 3011711, 3011717, 3011718, 3011721, 3011770, 3011771, 3011777, 3013700, 3013713, 3013731, 3013777, 3013780, 3013788, 30138, 3015, 30101, 3018100, 3018101, 3018108, 3018110, 3018111, 3018112, 3018113, 3018118, 3018121, 3018123, 3018128, 3018130, 3018133, 3018136, 3018150, 3018159, 3018166, 3018171, 3018175, 3018180, 3018181, 3018182, 3018184, 3018188, 3018189, 3018190, 3018191, 3018192, 3018198, 3018199, 3018200, 3018202, 3018210, 3018211, 3018218, 3018220, 3018222, 3018232, 3018234, 3018280, 3018282, 3018283, 3018288, 3018300, 3018310, 3018311, 3018318, 3018330, 3018333, 3018345, 3018350, 3018365, 3018388, 3018855, 3011824, 3011876, 3014511, 3014546, 3014714, 3014777, 3014814, 3014944, 3011810, 3011818, 3011821, 3011822, 3011833, 3011850, 3011858, 3011870, 3011880, 3011885, 3011888, 3011898, 3014500, 3014540, 3014541, 3014555, 3014700, 3014740, 3014744, 3014850, 3014950, 3011878, 3011890, 3011892, 3014514, 3014565, 3014584, 3014600, 3014614, 3014644, 3014646, 3014650, 3014724, 3014747, 3014774, 3014801, 3014870, 3014901, 3014994, 3019803, 3019848, 30696, 30825620, 30825610, 30825600, 30700500, 30692500, 30692356, 30261451, 30231214, 30214441, 30699022 49,1 cent
Grönland 56,8 cent 56,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Greenland 299 56,8 cent
Greenland Mobile 2992, 2994, 2995 56,8 cent
Guadeloupe 9,6 cent 25,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guadeloupe 590 9,6 cent
Guadeloupe Mobile 590690, 59069122, 59069123, 59069124, 59069125, 59069126, 59069127, 59069128, 59069129, 59069130, 59069131, 59069132, 59069133, 59069134, 59069135, 590700500 25,9 cent
Guam 2,4 cent 3,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guam 1671 2,4 cent
Guam Mobile 1671476, 167168, 167172 3,3 cent
Guatemala 23,8 cent 19 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guatemala 502 23,8 cent
Guatemala Mobile 5022222, 5022223, 5022229, 5022243, 5022244, 5022245, 5022246, 5022247, 5022267, 5022268, 5022269, 5022277, 5022278, 5022279, 502231, 502232, 5022375, 5022376, 5022377, 5022378, 5022379, 502241, 502242, 5022450, 5022459, 5022470, 50230, 50231, 5024, 5025, 502662, 5026638, 5026648, 5026649, 5026659, 5026660, 5026677, 5026679, 5027723, 5027728, 5027740, 5027741, 5027742, 5027743, 5027744, 5027759, 5027779, 5027820, 5027821, 5027822, 5027823, 5027828, 5027859, 5027879, 5027920, 5027929, 5027959, 5027968, 5027969, 5027979, 50235, 5023229, 50234, 502350, 502351, 502352, 5023530, 5023531, 5023532, 5023533, 5023534, 50235350, 50235352, 50235353, 50235354, 50235355, 50235356, 50235357, 50235358, 50235359, 5023536, 5023537, 5023538, 5023539, 502354, 502355, 5023560, 5023561, 5023562, 5023563, 5023564, 5023565, 5023566, 5023567, 5023568, 5023569, 502357, 502358, 502359, 50236, 5023755, 5023756, 5023757, 5023758, 5023759, 502376, 502377, 502378, 502379, 502380, 502381, 502394, 502395, 502396, 502397, 502398, 502399, 502320, 502321, 5023220, 5023221, 5023222, 5023223, 5023224, 5023225, 5023226, 5023227, 5023228, 502323, 502324, 502325, 502326, 502327, 502328, 502329, 50233, 502370, 502371, 502372, 502373, 502374, 5023750, 5023751, 5023752, 5023753, 5023754, 502382, 502383, 502384, 502385, 502386, 502387, 502388, 502389, 502390, 502391, 502392, 502393 19 cent
Guinea 46,3 cent 56,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guinea 224 46,3 cent
Guinea Mobile 22424, 22440, 2246, 2247 56,8 cent
Guinea Special 22455, 22430186640, 22430189167, 22430441, 22430446, 22430447, 224309196, 224309648, 22478, 224637275, 224637276, 224551043, 224552009, 224552014, 22470, 2243044008, 224725, 224726, 224727, 224728, 224729 94 cent
Guinea-Bissau 53,9 cent 58,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guinea-Bissau 245 53,9 cent
Guinea-Bissau Mobile 2455, 2456, 2457, 24590, 24591, 24592, 24595, 24596, 24597 58,7 cent
Guyana 39,2 cent 43,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Guyana 592 39,2 cent
Guyana Mobile 5926, 592704, 592705, 592706, 592707, 592708, 592709, 592710, 592711, 592712, 592713, 592714, 592715, 592716, 592717, 592718, 592725, 592749, 592700, 592701, 592702, 592703 43,8 cent
Haiti 45,9 cent 45,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Haiti 509 45,9 cent
Haiti Mobile 50929, 5093, 5094, 5095, 5096, 5097, 509281 45,9 cent
Haiti Special 5099813, 5099821, 5092556, 5092557, 5092558 67,6 cent
Honduras 19,5 cent 19,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Honduras 504 19,5 cent
Honduras Mobile 5043, 5047, 5048, 5049 19,2 cent
Indien 2,3 cent 2,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
India 91 2,3 cent
India Mobile 917, 919 2,2 cent
Indonesien 10,3 cent 11,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Indonesia 62 10,3 cent
Indonesia Mobile 628 11,1 cent
Irak 17,4 cent 20,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Iraq 964 17,4 cent
Iraq Mobile 9647, 964622, 964623, 964624, 964625, 964626, 964627, 964628, 964629, 964662, 964663, 964664, 964665, 964666, 964667 20,5 cent
Iraq Special 964821, 964822 1,16 €
Iran 17,2 cent 22,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Iran 98 17,2 cent
Iran Mobile 989 22,2 cent
Irland 1,1 cent 6,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ireland 353 1,1 cent
Ireland Mobile 3538 6,9 cent
Ireland Special 35376, 353818, 3533364444 15,1 cent
Ireland Mobile Band 1 35385, 35386 10,4 cent
Ireland Freephone 3531800 0 cent
Ireland Shared Cost Fixed 3531850 0 cent
Ireland Shared Cost Timed 3531890 10,7 cent
Island 2,7 cent 19,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Iceland 354 2,7 cent
Iceland Mobile 3543, 3546, 3547, 35482, 35483, 35484, 35485, 35486, 35487, 35488, 35489, 3549 19,7 cent
Israel 1,7 cent 4,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Israel (Local) 972 1,7 cent
Israel 972 2,3 cent
Israel Mobile (Local) 972151, 972153, 9725, 9726 4,8 cent
Israel Mobile 972151, 972153, 9725, 9726 11,2 cent
Italien 1,2 cent 3,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Italy (Local) 39 1,2 cent
Italy 39 1,2 cent
Italy Mobile (Local) 394390001, 395506639, 3974, 3975, 395524680, 39439003, 395599926, 39552467, 3955110, 393515, 393516, 393710, 39373, 3939, 393517, 393518, 393519, 39319, 393510, 393511, 393512, 39382, 393500, 393505, 39381, 393711, 3933, 3936, 39370, 3934, 39377, 39383, 3932, 3938 3,5 cent
Italy Mobile 394390001, 395506639, 3974, 3975, 395524680, 39439003, 395599926, 39552467, 3955110, 393515, 393516, 393710, 39373, 3939, 393517, 393518, 393519, 39319, 393510, 393511, 393512, 39382, 393500, 393505, 39381, 393711, 3933, 3936, 39370, 3934, 39377, 39383, 3932, 3938 29,2 cent
Italy Mobile Band 1 (Local) 393 41,4 cent
Italy Mobile Band 1 393 41,4 cent
Italy Toll Free 39803, 39700, 39800 0 cent
Italy Special 395500639, 395500711, 395599928 34,3 cent
Jamaika 20,5 cent 22,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Jamaica 1876 20,5 cent
Jamaica Mobile 1876210, 187624, 187625, 187626, 1876275, 1876276, 1876277, 1876278, 1876279, 187628, 187629, 18763, 1876618, 1876619, 1876621, 1876648, 1876649, 1876665, 1876667, 1876668, 1876669, 1876700, 1876707, 187677, 1876781, 1876782, 1876783, 1876784, 1876787, 1876788, 1876789, 1876790, 1876791, 1876792, 1876793, 1876796, 1876797, 1876798, 1876799, 1876909, 1876919, 1876990, 1876995, 1876997, 1876999, 1876695, 1876696, 1876698, 1876699, 18764, 18768, 18765 22,2 cent
Japan 2,4 cent 6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Japan 81 2,4 cent
Japan Mobile 8170, 8180, 8190, 8150, 8120, 8160 6 cent
Jemen 22,7 cent 22,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Yemen 967 22,7 cent
Yemen Mobile 96758, 96770, 96771, 96773, 96777, 96779, 967858, 967879, 96778 22,4 cent
Yemen Special 9677052 85,2 cent
Jordanien 17,6 cent 20,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Jordan 962 17,6 cent
Jordan Mobile 9627, 9624171, 9624172, 9624173, 9624174, 9624175, 9624176 20,8 cent
Kaimaninseln 9,5 cent 20,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cayman Islands 1345 9,5 cent
Cayman Islands Mobile 1345229, 1345249, 1345321, 1345322, 1345323, 1345324, 1345325, 1345326, 1345327, 1345328, 1345329, 1345514, 1345516, 1345517, 1345525, 1345526, 1345527, 1345529, 1345545, 1345546, 1345547, 1345548, 1345549, 1345550, 1345616, 1345617, 1345623, 1345625, 1345629, 1345630, 1345640, 1345645, 1345646, 1345647, 1345649, 1345726, 1345916, 1345917, 1345919, 1345922, 1345923, 1345924, 1345925, 1345926, 1345927, 1345928, 1345929, 1345930, 1345936, 1345937, 1345938, 1345939, 1345990, 1345976, 1345948, 1345429, 1345428, 1345427, 1345426, 1345425, 1345424, 1345423, 1345422, 1345421 20,9 cent
Kambodscha 9,4 cent 8,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cambodia 855 9,4 cent
Cambodia Mobile 8551, 85561, 85566, 85567, 85568, 85569, 85570, 85576, 85577, 85578, 85579, 8558, 8559, 8553531, 8553555, 8553554, 8553553, 8553552, 8553551, 8553550, 8553536, 8553535, 8553533, 8557335, 8553453, 8553532, 8553454, 8553630, 8553631, 8553632, 8553633, 8557336, 8553455, 8553530, 8553435, 8553450, 8553436, 8553434, 8553452, 8553433, 8553451, 8553432, 8553635, 8553652, 8553650, 8553636, 8553651, 8553634, 8553534, 8553431, 8553430, 8553355, 8553354, 8553353, 8553352, 8553351, 8553350, 8553336, 8553335, 8553334, 8553333, 8553332, 8553331, 8553330, 8553255, 8553254, 8553253, 8553252, 8553251, 8553250, 8553236, 8553235, 8553234, 8553233, 8553232, 8553231, 8553230, 8552655, 8552654, 8552653, 8552652, 8552651, 8552650, 8552636, 8552635, 8552634, 8552633, 8555554, 8555352, 8555353, 8557535, 8555535, 8557534, 8555534, 8555533, 8555454, 8554231, 8554232, 8557350, 8553653, 8553654, 8553655, 8554230, 8557536, 8555555, 8556230, 8556231, 8557550, 8557551, 8556232, 8556234, 8556235, 8557453, 8557454, 8557455, 8557530, 8557533, 8555536, 8555550, 8555551, 8555553, 8555552, 8555354, 8555355, 8555430, 8555431, 8555432, 8555433, 8555434, 8555435, 8555436, 8555450, 8555451, 8555452, 8557451, 8557452, 8555453, 8557531, 8555455, 8555530, 8555531, 8555532, 8557532, 8556236, 8556250, 8556251, 8556252, 8556253, 8556254, 8556255, 8556330, 8556331, 8556332, 8556333, 8556334, 8556335, 8556336, 8556350, 8556351, 8556352, 8556353, 8556354, 8556355, 8556430, 8556431, 8556432, 8556433, 8556434, 8556435, 8556436, 8556450, 8556451, 8556452, 8556453, 8556454, 8556455, 8556530, 8556531, 8556532, 8556533, 8556534, 8556535, 8556536, 8556550, 8556551, 8556552, 8556553, 8556554, 8556555, 8557230, 8557231, 8557232, 8557233, 8557234, 8557235, 8557236, 8557250, 8557251, 8557252, 8557253, 8557254, 855310, 855311, 85538, 85539, 855600, 855601, 855710, 855711, 8552330, 8552331, 8552332, 8552333, 8552334, 8552335, 8552336, 8552350, 8552351, 8552352, 8552353, 8557255, 8552354, 8552355, 8552430, 8552431, 8552432, 8552433, 8552434, 8557330, 8552435, 8552436, 8552450, 8552451, 8552452, 8552453, 8552454, 8552455, 8557331, 8557332, 8557333, 8552530, 8552531, 8557334, 8552532, 8552533, 8552534, 8552535, 8552536, 8552550, 8552551, 8552552, 8552553, 8552554, 8552555, 8552630, 8552631, 8552632, 8555351, 8555350, 8555336, 8555335, 8555334, 8557450, 8555333, 8555332, 8555331, 8555330, 8555255, 8555254, 8555253, 8555252, 8555251, 8555250, 8555236, 8555235, 8555234, 8555233, 8555232, 8555231, 8555230, 8554555, 8554554, 8554553, 8554552, 8554551, 8554550, 8554536, 8554535, 8554534, 8557436, 8554533, 8557435, 8557434, 8554532, 8557433, 8557432, 8557431, 8557430, 8557355, 8554531, 8554530, 8557354, 8557353, 8557352, 8554455, 8554454, 8554453, 8554452, 8554451, 8554450, 8554436, 8554435, 8554434, 8554433, 8554432, 8554431, 8554430, 8554355, 8554354, 8554353, 8554352, 8554351, 8554350, 8554336, 8554335, 8554334, 8554333, 8557351, 8554332, 8554331, 8554330, 8554255, 8554254, 8554253, 8554252, 8554251, 8554250, 8554236, 8554235, 8554234, 8554233, 8556233, 8557552, 8557553, 8557554, 8557555, 8552348, 8552448, 8552548, 8552648, 8553248, 8553348, 8553448, 8553548, 8553648, 8554248, 8554348, 8554448, 8555248, 8555348, 8555448, 8555548, 8556248, 8556348, 8556448, 8556548, 8557248, 8557348, 8557448, 8557548, 855312, 855313, 855314, 855315, 855316, 855317, 855318, 855319, 855602, 855603, 855604, 855605, 855606, 855607, 855608, 855609, 855712, 855713, 855714, 855715, 855716, 855717, 855718, 855719 8,9 cent
Kamerun 13,2 cent 39,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cameroon 237 13,2 cent
Cameroon Mobile 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2379, 23788870506, 23788870501, 23788870502, 23788870503, 23788870504, 23788870505, 237888704, 23788870500, 237888702, 237888701, 2378887009, 2378887008, 2378887007, 2378887002, 2378887003, 2378887004, 237888703, 23788870007, 23788870008, 23788870009, 2378887001, 2378887005, 2378887006 39,8 cent
Cameroon Special 2378, 23722258, 237222258, 237222945, 23722945, 237222244, 237222245, 237222246, 237222247, 237222256, 237222257, 237222263, 237222264, 237222265, 237222266, 237222267, 237222275, 237222276, 237222277, 237233454, 237233455, 237233456, 237233457, 237233486, 237233487, 237233488, 237233495, 237233496, 237233497, 23733320294, 23733325554, 23733326391, 23733327815, 237222900, 237222901, 237222940, 237222941, 237222942, 237222943, 237222944, 237233940, 237233941, 237233942, 237233943, 237233944, 237233968, 237233969 1,09 €
Kanada 1,4 cent 1,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Canada 1204, 1250, 1289, 1306, 1403, 1416, 1418, 1450, 1506, 1514, 1604, 1613, 1647, 1709, 1778, 1780, 1819, 1902, 1905, 1519, 1226, 1705, 1807, 1431, 1639, 1587, 1365, 1437, 1343, 1873, 1236, 1581, 1438, 1249, 1579 1,4 cent
Canada Special 1250232, 1250233, 1250234, 1250235, 1250237, 1250239, 1250321, 1250471, 1250500, 1250771, 1250772, 1250773, 1250774, 1250775, 1250776, 1250778, 1250779, 1867, 1819381, 1819382, 1819385, 1819387, 1819392, 1819397, 1819399, 1819301, 1819402, 1819403, 1819404, 1819405, 1819406, 1819407, 1819369, 1819413, 1819401, 1819367, 1819567, 1819363, 1819426, 1819316, 1819333, 1819336, 1819339, 1819344, 1819350, 1819364, 1819352, 1819354, 1819355, 1819356, 1819357, 1819358, 1819359, 1819361, 1819353, 1819428, 1819521, 1819435, 1819516, 1819520, 1819522, 1819523, 1819526, 1819527, 1819544, 1819513, 1819545, 1819547, 1819548, 1819550, 1819551, 1819552, 1819558, 1819559, 1819546, 1819433, 1819509, 1819505, 1819436, 1819440, 1819442, 1819443, 1819444, 1819447, 1819453, 1819508, 1819454, 1819480, 1819482, 1819488, 1819490, 1819493, 1819499, 1819504, 1819464, 1819298, 1819733, 1819294, 1807630, 1807631, 1807632, 1807633, 1807683, 1807684, 1807707, 180762, 1807708, 1807619, 1807547, 1819583, 1807356, 1807407, 1807444, 1807456, 1807463, 1807464, 1807577, 1807465, 1807467, 1807468, 1807472, 1807473, 1807474, 1807475, 1807476, 1807466, 1807709, 1807766, 1807767, 1819241, 1819256, 1819260, 1819261, 1819262, 1819264, 1819265, 1819234, 1819268, 1819277, 1819279, 1819280, 1819283, 1819285, 1819290, 1819293, 1819270, 1819233, 1819229, 1819226, 1807768, 1807777, 1807867, 1807935, 1807939, 1807957, 1807983, 1807995, 1807999, 1819202, 1819203, 1819204, 1819206, 1819221, 1819222, 1819224, 1819225, 1819297, 1819585, 1819978, 1819587, 1819874, 1819880, 1819882, 1819885, 1819895, 1819917, 1819924, 1819865, 1819925, 1819936, 1819937, 1819940, 1819941, 1819945, 1819946, 1819947, 1819929, 1819948, 1819863, 1819859, 1819793, 1819796, 1819797, 1819798, 1819799, 1819814, 1819824, 1819860, 1819825, 1819831, 1819833, 1819836, 1819853, 1819854, 1819855, 1819856, 1819830, 1819788, 1819949, 1819952, 1873395, 1873399, 1873401, 1873402, 1873403, 1873407, 1873452, 1873394, 1873585, 1873624, 1873746, 1873840, 1873841, 1873842, 1873860, 1873937, 1873622, 1819951, 1873393, 1873385, 1819954, 1819963, 1819975, 1819977, 1807355, 1819981, 1819983, 1873388, 1819984, 1873201, 1873357, 1873379, 1873380, 1873381, 1873383, 1873384, 1819787, 1819786, 1819785, 1819646, 1819647, 1819648, 1819649, 1819650, 1819651, 1819653, 1819645, 1819660, 1819666, 1819667, 1819670, 1819672, 1819673, 1819676, 1819680, 1819662, 1819702, 1819641, 1819637, 1819589, 1819591, 1819597, 1819602, 1819603, 1819605, 1819606, 1819638, 1819608, 1819616, 1819622, 1819623, 1819625, 1819629, 1819630, 1819634, 1819615, 1819706, 1819710, 1819715, 1819756, 1819757, 1819759, 1819760, 1819761, 1819762, 1819763, 1819755, 1819764, 1819766, 1819767, 1819768, 1819781, 1819782, 1819783, 1819784, 1819765, 1819754, 1819753, 1819750, 1819720, 1819722, 1819723, 1819724, 1819726, 1819727, 1819728, 1819732, 1819734, 1819735, 1819736, 1819737, 1819738, 1819739, 1819747, 1819748, 1819749, 1819586, 1807346, 1705231, 1807344, 1450783, 1450785, 1450788, 1450790, 1450791, 1450792, 1450793, 1450782, 1450794, 1450798, 1450799, 1450875, 1450894, 1450989, 1450997, 1519225, 1450796, 1519229, 1450587, 1450571, 1450392, 1450393, 1450401, 1450402, 1450410, 1450422, 1450423, 1450573, 1450426, 1450480, 1450488, 1450503, 1450532, 1450535, 1450548, 1450549, 1450440, 1450384, 1519233, 1519237, 1519468, 1519522, 1519529, 1519565, 1519592, 1519595, 1519596, 1519456, 1519612, 1519706, 1807345, 1519765, 1519773, 1519779, 1519786, 1519793, 1519665, 1519236, 1519424, 1519395, 1519238, 1519243, 1519263, 1519296, 1519327, 1519335, 1519349, 1519396, 1519353, 1519367, 1519368, 1519385, 1519386, 1519389, 1519392, 1519393, 1519361, 1450383, 1450381, 1450380, 1249994, 1250624, 1250627, 1250622, 1249992, 1249777, 1226331, 1226342, 1226428, 1226437, 1226438, 1226439, 1226441, 1249991, 1226442, 1226453, 1226454, 1226520, 1226521, 1226545, 1226930, 1249710, 1226447, 1418217, 1418223, 1418748, 1418770, 1418774, 1418824, 1418923, 1418937, 1418969, 1418745, 1418972, 1418985, 1418986, 1450244, 1450253, 1450293, 1450296, 1450329, 1418978, 1418636, 1418625, 1418595, 1418244, 1418245, 1418249, 1418257, 1418267, 1418287, 1418383, 1418422, 1418449, 1418459, 1418464, 1418483, 1418485, 1418486, 1418519, 1418585, 1418593, 1519795, 1519799, 1519708, 1519832, 1705565, 1705567, 1705568, 1705569, 1705570, 1705572, 1705577, 1705563, 1705579, 1705622, 1705624, 1705625, 1705628, 1705629, 1705630, 1705631, 1705620, 1705634, 1705557, 1705544, 1705374, 1705376, 1705377, 1705381, 1705390, 1519828, 1705406, 1705545, 1705407, 1705425, 1705462, 1705463, 1705465, 1705469, 1705473, 1705531, 1705412, 1705638, 1705642, 1705643, 1705997, 1807212, 1807216, 1807217, 1807219, 1807220, 1807221, 1705962, 1807223, 1807252, 1807285, 1807286, 1807310, 1807323, 1807333, 1807343, 1807251, 1705961, 1705960, 1705951, 1705647, 1705648, 1705650, 1705658, 1705668, 1705672, 1705676, 1705678, 1705679, 1705680, 1705686, 1705859, 1705892, 1705899, 1705932, 1705944, 1705948, 1705373, 1705372, 1705399, 1705369, 1581579, 1581627, 1581634, 1581713, 1581714, 1581715, 1581813, 1581445, 1581820, 1613279, 1705371, 1613538, 1613582, 1613587, 1613629, 1613638, 1613273, 1613659, 1581444, 1581420, 1519839, 1519844, 1519847, 1519849, 1519866, 1519874, 1519899, 1581430, 1581209, 1581215, 1581231, 1705221, 1613375, 1705336, 1705295, 1705314, 1705319, 1705334, 1705335, 1705225, 1705337, 1705288, 1705338, 1705347, 1705360, 1705362, 1705363, 1705364, 1705365, 1705367, 1705339, 1705278, 1705332, 1705274, 1705232, 1705235, 1705236, 1705275, 1705240, 1705258, 1705262, 1705264, 1705237, 1705266, 1705267, 1705268, 1705269, 1705271, 1705272, 1705273, 1705265 14,1 cent
Canada Directory Assistance 1204131, 1226131, 1289131, 1306131, 1403131, 1416131, 1450131, 1506131, 1418131, 1250131, 1519131, 1604131, 1613131, 1514131, 1902131, 1905131, 1867131, 1819131, 1647131, 1705131, 1709131, 1778131, 1780131, 1807131, 1438131 3,5 cent
Kasachstan 6,5 cent 19,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kazakhstan 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 771, 772, 773 6,5 cent
Kazakhstan Mobile 7700, 7701, 7702, 7705, 7707, 77129, 77139, 77149, 77159, 77179, 77189, 77219, 77239, 77249, 77259, 77269, 77275, 77279, 776, 777 19,1 cent
Kazakhstan Special 7762, 7764, 7763, 7760 70,5 cent
Katar 17,1 cent 19,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Qatar 974 17,1 cent
Qatar Mobile 9742, 9743, 9745, 9746, 9747 19,6 cent
Kenia 23,4 cent 26,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kenya 254 23,4 cent
Kenya Mobile 2547, 254110, 25430, 254111, 254102, 254101, 254100, 254120, 254121, 254124, 254103, 254104, 254105, 254106, 254112, 254113, 254114, 254115 26,5 cent
Kenya Special 25420479, 254207608600, 254207608312, 254207608290, 254206180304, 254207608203 1,16 €
Kenya Mobile Band 1 254782, 25477 26,9 cent
Kirgisistan 25,1 cent 29,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kyrgyzstan 996 25,1 cent
Kyrgyzstan Mobile 99631247, 99631269, 99631287, 99631288, 99631289, 99631293, 9965, 99670, 99677, 9963127, 99631295, 996622, 99631290, 99631291, 99631258, 99631299, 99631298, 99631297, 99631296, 99631292, 9966126, 9966119, 996200, 996201, 996202, 996203, 996204, 996205, 99622, 996600, 996755, 996880, 996888, 996889, 996990, 996995, 996996, 996997, 996998, 996999 29,8 cent
Kyrgyzstan Special 9969120, 9969128, 9969127, 9969126, 9969125, 996800990, 996800230, 996800231, 996609255, 996312264, 99665511, 99656687, 996566200, 996312788 1,15 €
Kiribati 2,96 € 3,08 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kiribati 686 2,96 €
Kiribati Mobile 68630, 6869 3,08 €
Kolumbien 3,5 cent 3,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Colombia 57 3,5 cent
Colombia Mobile 573, 5791017, 5791016, 5791015, 5791014, 5791013, 5791012, 5791011, 5791010, 5791040, 579103, 5791029, 5791028, 5791027, 5791026, 5791025, 5791024, 5791023, 5791022 3,6 cent
Colombia Special 5718230, 571824, 5718250, 5718251, 5718252, 5718253, 5718254, 5718255, 5718256, 5718298, 571834, 571835, 571836, 571837, 5718383, 5718385, 5718388, 571839, 57184, 57185, 5718647, 5718648, 57186490, 57186491, 57186492, 57186493, 57186494, 5718656, 57186571, 571866, 571867, 571868, 571871, 5718720, 5718721, 5718722, 571873, 5718771, 5718780, 5718781, 5718782, 5718785, 5718786, 5718788, 5718789, 571879, 571881, 5718820, 5718821, 5718825, 5718826, 571883, 571886, 571887, 571889, 571890, 571892, 571895, 5718960, 5718961, 5718962, 5718963, 5718970, 5718971, 5718972, 5718973, 5718974, 5718980, 5718981, 5718990, 5718991, 5718992, 5718993, 571923, 571934, 5722, 57756, 57572, 57529, 57485, 57484, 57234, 572724, 572726, 572727, 572728, 57274, 572775, 572777, 572778, 572779, 572825, 572826, 5728270, 5728271, 5728272, 57282730, 57282731, 57282732, 57282733, 57282734, 57282735, 57282736, 5728275, 5728276, 5728277, 5728278, 5728279, 572828, 572829, 57284, 57290917, 57290918, 57290919, 57290928, 57290929, 5729157, 572923, 5746700, 5746701, 5746702, 5746703, 574679, 57468, 57475, 57476, 57477, 574791, 574792, 574796, 57481, 57482, 57483, 57486, 57487, 57488, 57491, 57492, 57493, 57524901, 57524902, 57524903, 57524904, 57524905, 57524906, 57524907, 57524908, 57524909, 575274, 575275, 575283, 575284, 575285, 575286, 575287, 575288, 575289, 57541, 575424, 575425, 575427, 575429, 57546, 57547, 57548, 57550, 57552, 57555, 57556, 575575, 575576, 575577, 5755790, 5755798, 5755799, 575584, 57562, 57563, 575682, 575683, 5756840, 575685, 575686, 575687, 575688, 575689, 57571, 57577, 57584, 57587, 575920, 5759220, 575927, 575928, 57628, 5763497, 5763498, 5763499, 576352, 576353, 576356, 57636, 57656, 57675, 57676, 57681, 57683, 57684, 57685, 576860, 576864, 576865, 576866, 576867, 576868, 576869, 57689319, 5768932, 5768933, 576911, 576912, 576913, 57751, 57752, 57755, 577585, 577586, 577601, 577602, 577603, 577606, 577610, 577611, 577613, 577614, 57761697, 57761698, 57761699, 5776188, 57762, 5776566, 5776567, 5776568, 577660, 577661, 577662, 57766325, 57766326, 57766327, 57766328, 57766329, 57766330, 57766331, 57766388, 57766389, 57771, 57772, 57774, 57775, 5779168, 577918, 57792, 578224, 578225, 578226, 578227, 578228, 578239, 5782440, 578245, 578246, 578247, 578248, 57825, 57828, 578430, 578431, 57846, 578514, 57852, 57862, 578636, 578637, 578638, 578639, 578645, 578646, 578648, 57865, 578675, 578676, 578687, 57872, 57873, 578750, 578752, 578753, 578754, 578759, 578760, 578761, 578762, 578763, 578765, 57877, 57878, 57879, 57884, 5788689, 578878, 5788790, 5788791, 5788797, 578249, 576914, 575926, 574898, 574894, 57893, 57883, 57880, 57856, 57847, 57889, 578768, 57870, 578640, 578635, 578633, 57859238, 57859236, 5752491, 5752499, 575399, 575585, 57753, 57754, 577608, 57776, 578433, 57777, 578644, 57773, 571924, 571925, 571926, 571927, 5719281, 5719282, 5719283, 5719284, 57192879, 5719289, 5719319, 571932, 571933, 572700, 572818, 571929, 5719301, 5719303, 57789, 578240, 57832, 5719304, 5719306, 5719309, 5719310, 5719312, 5719315, 574795, 57842, 578432, 571880, 5718910, 5718911, 57788, 57779, 57780, 57781, 57782, 57783, 57784, 57786, 578511, 57859235, 57778 12,2 cent
Komoren 46,3 cent 51,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Comoros 269 46,3 cent
Comoros Mobile 2693, 2694 51,3 cent
Comoros Mobile Band 1 2693909, 2693907, 2693906, 26990, 2693908 65,9 cent
Comoros Special 2693905, 269910, 269391, 2693868816, 2693868490, 2693799518, 2693799503, 2693457098, 2693799078, 2693457061, 2693457076, 2693299016, 2693299033, 26933040, 26933041, 26932998, 2693399014, 2693399127, 2693451911, 2693454681, 2693456096, 26933042, 26939084, 26939083, 26939082, 26939081 80,3 cent
Kongo-Brazzaville 48,6 cent 54 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Congo 242 48,6 cent
Congo Mobile 2420, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 242220, 242226, 242227, 242228 54 cent
Congo Special 24280020, 242011804, 242014001, 24280110, 24280111, 24280112, 24280113 72 cent
Kongo-Kinshasa 32,9 cent 36,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Democratic Republic of the Congo 243 32,9 cent
Democratic Republic of the Congo Mobile 2436, 2437, 2438, 2439 36,6 cent
Democratic Republic of the Congo Special 243123, 243124, 243127, 243133, 243141, 24342, 24343, 243770, 24399855363, 243997989, 243879908, 243879901192, 243879901174, 243879901157, 243879901146, 243879901104, 243879901103, 243879900971, 243879900423, 243879900620, 243879900727, 243879900305, 243879900264, 243879900186, 243851886200, 243851628560, 243851472625, 243738010, 24382000100, 243820001032, 24382000102, 243820001030, 243820001031, 243820001033, 24386, 24382000101, 2438098, 2438099, 243820000, 2438200010, 2438514726, 2438516285, 2438518862, 2438799001, 2438799002, 2438799003, 2438799004, 2438799006, 2438799007, 2438799009, 2438799011, 2438906561, 2438906564, 24389065655, 24389065657, 2438906566, 2438945748, 24389550517, 2438955583, 2438983111, 2438983112, 24389831241, 24389831263, 24389831270, 24389831685, 24389990125, 2439876902, 2439876905, 2439876907, 2439876923, 2439876955, 2439876985, 24339, 24347, 24348, 24349, 24358 1,09 €
Kosovo 15,6 cent 45,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kosovo 383 15,6 cent
Kosovo Mobile 38343, 38344, 38345, 38349, 38348, 38347, 38346 45,5 cent
Kroatien 13,9 cent 42 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Croatia 385 13,9 cent
Croatia Mobile 38509, 3859, 38589097, 38589098, 38589099, 38589091 42 cent
Kuba 94,7 cent 94,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cuba 53 94,7 cent
Cuba Mobile 535, 53726401, 53726402, 53726403, 53726404, 53726405, 53726406, 53726407, 53726408, 53726409, 53775, 537264 94,7 cent
Kuwait 5,7 cent 5,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Kuwait 965 5,7 cent
Kuwait Mobile 9655, 9656, 9659, 96541 5,7 cent
Laos 10,8 cent 10,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Laos 856 10,8 cent
Laos Mobile 85620, 856302, 856304, 856307, 856309 10,8 cent
Lesotho 40,8 cent 43,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Lesotho 266 40,8 cent
Lesotho Mobile 266212, 26627, 26628, 2665, 2666, 2668 43,1 cent
Lettland 5,8 cent 40,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Latvia (Local) 371 5,8 cent
Latvia 371 18 cent
Latvia Mobile 371221, 371224, 371225, 3712272, 3712280, 3712281, 3712282, 3712283, 3712284, 3712266, 3712277, 3712288, 3712260, 3712261, 3712262, 3712263, 3712264, 37128, 37127, 37126, 37129, 37125, 37123, 37120, 37124, 371229, 371223, 371220, 3716880, 371687777, 3716861, 3716860, 3716841, 3716830, 371682222, 3716820, 371680000, 3716785, 37166, 371617000, 3716130, 37160666, 37160606, 3716000, 3712267, 3716862, 37167773, 37168666, 37168444, 37168333, 37161111, 3712268, 3712269, 3712271, 3712273, 3712275, 3712276, 371228611, 371228614, 3712286155, 37122863636, 3712286376, 3712286378, 371228661, 371228662, 371228663, 371228664, 371228665, 3712286738, 371228676, 37122869005, 37122869530, 3712286983, 37122869841, 371228721, 371228750, 371228773, 3712287790, 3712287791, 3712287793, 3712287794, 3712287795, 3712287796, 3712287797, 3716888, 3717870, 3717872, 3718100, 3718101, 3718102, 37181030, 37181031, 37181032, 37181033, 371810340, 371810341, 371810342, 371810343, 371810344, 371810345, 37181036, 37181037, 37181038, 37181039, 371810500, 371810501, 371810502, 371810503, 371810504, 371810605, 371810706, 371810707, 371810708, 371810709, 37181071, 37181072, 37181073, 37181074, 37181075, 37181076, 37181077, 37181078, 37181079, 3718108, 37181090, 37181093, 37181094, 37181095, 37181096, 37181097, 37181098, 37181099, 3718110, 3713000000 40,8 cent
Latvia Special (Local) 3712289, 3712270, 3712278, 3712279, 37178505, 37178601, 37178602, 3717869, 3717880, 37178816, 37178817, 37178818, 37178820, 37178821, 3717887, 37178922, 37180400, 37180401, 37180402, 3718060, 3717852, 37190020, 37190060, 3719010, 37190208, 37190215, 37190300, 37190303, 37190304, 3719040, 3719060, 3719099, 37178506, 37178507, 37178508, 37178517, 37178518, 37178669, 37178670, 37178671, 37178672, 37178673, 37178674, 37178675, 37178676, 37178677, 37178678, 37190010, 3712089, 3712090, 3712091, 3712096, 3712099, 3712265, 3712274, 3712285, 3712432, 3712499, 3712502, 3712505, 3712800, 3712802, 3712850, 3712851, 3712859, 3712904, 3712906, 3712907, 37178501, 37178502, 37178504, 37178509, 37178510, 37178516, 37178519, 3717853, 37178565, 37178580, 37178581, 37178582, 37178583, 37178584, 37178585, 37178664, 37178666, 37178668, 37178810, 37178811, 37178812, 37178813, 37178814, 37178815, 37178822, 37178890, 37178891, 37178892, 37178893, 37178899, 37178904, 37178905, 3717891, 37178988, 37178999, 37180403, 37180404, 37180405, 37180900, 371787, 37181, 37190210, 37190211, 37190212, 37190213, 37190214, 37190305, 37190306, 37190307, 37190308, 37190309, 3719070, 37190807, 37190907, 3712414, 3717885, 3717886, 3712287, 3712286, 371222, 37170213600, 3716, 3711111901, 37180021, 37121, 3712909, 3712908, 3712905, 3712903, 3712901, 3712900, 3712840, 3712809, 3712808, 3712803, 3712801, 3712798, 3712797, 3712796, 3712795, 3712794, 3712793, 3712791, 3712769, 3712589, 3712584, 3712583, 3712582, 3712581, 3712580, 3712508, 3712507, 3712506, 3712504, 3712501, 3712500, 3712474, 3712457, 3712456, 3712448, 3712447, 3712446, 3712445, 3712439, 3712438, 3712437, 3712436, 3712435, 3712434, 3712431, 3712430, 371242, 3712412, 371240, 3712375, 3712370, 3712362, 3712361, 3712360, 371235, 371234, 371233, 371232, 3712298, 3712297, 3712296, 3712295, 3712294, 3712293, 3712292, 3712291, 3712290, 3712098, 3712097, 3712095, 3712094, 371201, 37190030, 371900076, 3718502, 3718501, 37178620, 3717854, 371781, 3712415, 3712416, 3712417, 3712418, 3712419, 37180407, 3712251533, 37127232, 37127251, 37127261, 37190802, 37190009, 37190008, 371155, 371177, 3711848, 3711859, 3711880, 3711887, 3711899, 3718333, 3718338, 3718383, 3718500, 3718535, 3718550, 3718558, 3718585, 3718686, 3718700, 3718787, 3718803, 3718808, 3718822, 3718833, 3718838, 3718844, 3718855, 3718866, 3718877, 3718881, 3718899, 3718900, 3718910, 3718911, 3718989, 3711188, 3711817, 37120241298, 37126164633, 3711010, 3711012, 3711019, 3711026, 3711033, 3711183, 3711184, 3711621, 3711819, 3711881, 3711895 1,17 €
Latvia Special 3712289, 3712270, 3712278, 3712279, 37178505, 37178601, 37178602, 3717869, 3717880, 37178816, 37178817, 37178818, 37178820, 37178821, 3717887, 37178922, 37180400, 37180401, 37180402, 3718060, 3717852, 37190020, 37190060, 3719010, 37190208, 37190215, 37190300, 37190303, 37190304, 3719040, 3719060, 3719099, 37178506, 37178507, 37178508, 37178517, 37178518, 37178669, 37178670, 37178671, 37178672, 37178673, 37178674, 37178675, 37178676, 37178677, 37178678, 37190010, 3712089, 3712090, 3712091, 3712096, 3712099, 3712265, 3712274, 3712285, 3712432, 3712499, 3712502, 3712505, 3712800, 3712802, 3712850, 3712851, 3712859, 3712904, 3712906, 3712907, 37178501, 37178502, 37178504, 37178509, 37178510, 37178516, 37178519, 3717853, 37178565, 37178580, 37178581, 37178582, 37178583, 37178584, 37178585, 37178664, 37178666, 37178668, 37178810, 37178811, 37178812, 37178813, 37178814, 37178815, 37178822, 37178890, 37178891, 37178892, 37178893, 37178899, 37178904, 37178905, 3717891, 37178988, 37178999, 37180403, 37180404, 37180405, 37180900, 371787, 37181, 37190210, 37190211, 37190212, 37190213, 37190214, 37190305, 37190306, 37190307, 37190308, 37190309, 3719070, 37190807, 37190907, 3712414, 3717885, 3717886, 3712287, 3712286, 371222, 37170213600, 3716, 3711111901, 37180021, 37121, 3712909, 3712908, 3712905, 3712903, 3712901, 3712900, 3712840, 3712809, 3712808, 3712803, 3712801, 3712798, 3712797, 3712796, 3712795, 3712794, 3712793, 3712791, 3712769, 3712589, 3712584, 3712583, 3712582, 3712581, 3712580, 3712508, 3712507, 3712506, 3712504, 3712501, 3712500, 3712474, 3712457, 3712456, 3712448, 3712447, 3712446, 3712445, 3712439, 3712438, 3712437, 3712436, 3712435, 3712434, 3712431, 3712430, 371242, 3712412, 371240, 3712375, 3712370, 3712362, 3712361, 3712360, 371235, 371234, 371233, 371232, 3712298, 3712297, 3712296, 3712295, 3712294, 3712293, 3712292, 3712291, 3712290, 3712098, 3712097, 3712095, 3712094, 371201, 37190030, 371900076, 3718502, 3718501, 37178620, 3717854, 371781, 3712415, 3712416, 3712417, 3712418, 3712419, 37180407, 3712251533, 37127232, 37127251, 37127261, 37190802, 37190009, 37190008, 371155, 371177, 3711848, 3711859, 3711880, 3711887, 3711899, 3718333, 3718338, 3718383, 3718500, 3718535, 3718550, 3718558, 3718585, 3718686, 3718700, 3718787, 3718803, 3718808, 3718822, 3718833, 3718838, 3718844, 3718855, 3718866, 3718877, 3718881, 3718899, 3718900, 3718910, 3718911, 3718989, 3711188, 3711817, 37120241298, 37126164633, 3711010, 3711012, 3711019, 3711026, 3711033, 3711183, 3711184, 3711621, 3711819, 3711881, 3711895 1,19 €
Latvia Mobile Band 1 (Local) 3716889, 3716870, 3716868, 3716848, 3716840, 3716838, 3716788, 3716787, 3716779, 3716778, 3716772, 3716771, 3716769, 37167669, 37167666, 37167665, 37167664, 37167663, 37167662, 37167661, 37167660, 3716765, 3716764, 3716763, 3716749, 3716748, 3716723, 3716719, 3716716, 3716715, 37162, 37165, 37167850, 37167851, 37167852, 3716698, 3716699, 37167853, 3716697, 37167854, 37167856, 37168609, 37168611, 37168612, 37168613, 37168614, 37168615, 37168616, 37168617, 37168800, 37168807, 37168808, 37168809, 37168608, 37168607, 37168606, 37168605, 37167857, 37167859, 37168200, 37168209, 37168300, 37167855, 37168307, 37168309, 37168600, 37168602, 37168603, 37168604, 37168308, 3716689, 3716688, 3716677, 371662, 3716666, 371661, 37161300, 37161305, 37161306, 37161307, 37161308, 37161309, 371660, 3712768, 3712728, 371236, 371239, 371230, 371231 9,4 cent
Latvia Mobile Band 1 3716889, 3716870, 3716868, 3716848, 3716840, 3716838, 3716788, 3716787, 3716779, 3716778, 3716772, 3716771, 3716769, 37167669, 37167666, 37167665, 37167664, 37167663, 37167662, 37167661, 37167660, 3716765, 3716764, 3716763, 3716749, 3716748, 3716723, 3716719, 3716716, 3716715, 37162, 37165, 37167850, 37167851, 37167852, 3716698, 3716699, 37167853, 3716697, 37167854, 37167856, 37168609, 37168611, 37168612, 37168613, 37168614, 37168615, 37168616, 37168617, 37168800, 37168807, 37168808, 37168809, 37168608, 37168607, 37168606, 37168605, 37167857, 37167859, 37168200, 37168209, 37168300, 37167855, 37168307, 37168309, 37168600, 37168602, 37168603, 37168604, 37168308, 3716689, 3716688, 3716677, 371662, 3716666, 371661, 37161300, 37161305, 37161306, 37161307, 37161308, 37161309, 371660, 3712768, 3712728, 371236, 371239, 371230, 371231 58,1 cent
Libanon 10,2 cent 20,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Lebanon 961 10,2 cent
Lebanon Mobile 9613, 96170, 96171, 961760, 961761, 961763, 961764, 961765, 961766, 961767, 961768, 961769, 961788, 961789, 961792, 961791, 961793, 96181 20,3 cent
Liberia 46,3 cent 54,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Liberia 231 46,3 cent
Liberia Mobile 23103, 2313, 2315, 2316, 2317, 2318, 23199, 231220, 2314 54,1 cent
Liberia Mobile Special 2313325, 2313394, 23190, 231479959, 23144998, 23141920, 231459970, 2314299860, 2314199000, 23142920, 2314198, 2314191, 231555200159, 2315552233, 231555228811, 231555257448, 231555279844, 231555350182, 231555323215, 231555324286, 231555338580, 231555342534, 2315551510, 231555290727, 231555110791, 2315321135, 231555099708, 2315550558, 231550692623, 2315321139, 2315321138, 2315321137, 23153210, 23159538, 23153204, 23153203, 23153201, 23153202, 231555107160, 231555378532, 2315910106, 23155549893, 23153200, 23159273, 2315791, 23156783, 2315559980, 231555987156, 231555979048, 231555963433, 231555890064, 231555887463, 231555855261, 231555837160, 231555830416, 231555785413, 231555776749, 231555776554, 231555769, 231555693351, 231555680460, 231555677457, 231555669359, 231555641427, 231555635920, 2315556287, 231555627415, 2315556211, 231555619784, 231555397541, 2313323, 23185290589, 2313324, 231332241349, 231332241002, 23133224096, 231330670255, 23133049, 2313302, 231332250789, 2311996750, 23122398040, 23122398041, 23122398110, 23122398111, 23122398270, 23122398540, 23122398541, 23122398680, 23122398681, 23122398730, 23122398731, 23122398740, 23123120617, 2312315007, 2312321251, 23123223985, 23123250514, 23123289020, 23123289021, 2312336506, 231233880, 2312345608, 23123585526, 23124290040, 23124290929, 23124291038, 23124291058, 23124291069, 23124291073, 2312430026, 23124683500, 231252053, 2312594450, 2312832130, 23128321310, 23128321311, 23128443450, 2312844466, 2312844826, 2312844947, 23129356750, 2312995290, 231315816, 2313221355, 2313221638, 2313221707, 2313300, 2313301, 2313303, 23133042566, 23133053, 23133058011, 23133061, 23133066014, 23133066205, 23133066206, 23133067019, 23133220112, 23133220137, 231332250, 231332251, 23133225521, 23133228900, 23133228901, 2313523124, 2313523125, 2313523176, 2313523195, 231360900, 231373330, 23137562105, 2318031802, 2318031815, 2318031817, 2318031839, 2318031863, 2318031892, 2318031893, 23181738277, 23181738799, 2318186307, 2318186312, 2318186313, 2318186317, 2318186318, 2318186321, 2318186323, 2318186332, 2318186343, 2318186344, 2318186347, 2318186348, 2318186349, 2318186356, 2318186360, 2318186362, 2318186367, 2318186369, 2318186374, 2318186375, 2318186376, 2318186377, 231818638, 231818639, 2319300016, 231937503, 23198884270 1,14 €
Libyen 27,8 cent 33,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Libya 218 27,8 cent
Libya Mobile 21891, 21892, 21894, 21895, 21896, 21899, 21893 33,3 cent
Liechtenstein 9,1 cent 20,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Liechtenstein 423 9,1 cent
Liechtenstein Mobile 4237, 4236 20,5 cent
Liechtenstein Special 4239, 4238 57,9 cent
Litauen 4,6 cent 9,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Lithuania (Local) 370 4,7 cent
Lithuania (from EEA) 370 4,6 cent
Lithuania 370 22,6 cent
Lithuania Mobile (Local) 37022, 3706 9,4 cent
Lithuania Mobile (from EEA) 37022, 3706 9,3 cent
Lithuania Mobile 37022, 3706 28,7 cent
Lithuania Special 37041202, 37069797, 37069796, 37069123, 37069119, 37066912, 37066878, 37066740, 37066727, 37066535, 37066476, 37066475, 37066474, 37066473, 37066472, 37066471, 37066470, 37066469, 37066468, 37066467, 37066465, 37066464, 37066463, 37066462, 37066461, 37066460, 37066459, 37066458, 37066457, 37066456, 37066450, 37066443, 37066442, 37066441, 37066440, 37066439, 37066438, 37066437, 37066436, 37066435, 37066434, 37066432, 37066431, 37066430, 37066429, 37066428, 37066427, 37066426, 37066425, 37066424, 37066423, 37066421, 37066420, 3706640, 37066340, 37066329, 37066328, 37066327, 37066326, 37066325, 37066324, 37066323, 37066321, 37066320, 37066319, 37066318, 37066317, 37066316, 37066315, 37066314, 37066313, 37066310, 37066309, 37066308, 37066307, 37066306, 37066305, 37066304, 37066303, 37066302, 37066301, 37066187, 37066186, 37066185, 37066103, 37069120, 37069750, 37038921, 37037250, 37037251, 37037252, 37037254, 37037255, 37037256, 37037364, 37037368, 37037369, 37042521, 37042522, 37046450, 37046467, 370521939, 370521940, 370521941, 37052521, 37052528, 37052529, 37052530, 37052533, 37052654, 3707, 3708, 3709, 37031331, 37031335, 37034379, 37041721, 37041751, 37041752, 37041753, 37041754, 37041755, 37041756, 37041757, 37041758, 37041759, 37045540, 37037783, 37038929, 37045485, 37046364, 37052082, 37052090, 370414311, 370414310, 370414312, 370414313, 370412007, 370412008, 370412009, 370413759, 370413760, 370413761, 37052068, 37052172, 37046203, 37052173, 37052784511, 37052787707, 37052871083, 37037500000, 37034670893, 37034670892, 37031593493, 3703159336, 37031593250, 3706696225, 3706696229, 3706696226, 3706696227, 3706696228, 370669627, 370669624, 370669625, 370669626, 370669628, 370669629, 3706696224, 370669623, 3706696223, 37066958884, 37066962228, 3706695886, 3706695887, 37066958880, 37066958881, 37066958882, 37066958883, 37066958885, 37066958886, 37066958887, 37066962223, 37066962224, 37066962225, 37066962226, 37066962227, 37066962229, 3706695885, 3706695884, 370669580, 3706695882, 37066901, 37066902, 37066903, 37066904, 37066905, 37066906, 37066907, 37066908, 37066909, 37066910, 370669130, 3706691310, 37066913110, 37066913111, 370669683, 370669581, 370669582, 370669583, 370669584, 370669585, 370669586, 370669587, 3706695880, 3706695881, 3706695883, 37066964, 37066911, 370697583, 370697584, 370697585, 370697586, 370697587, 3706975880, 370697582, 3706975881, 3706975883, 3706975884, 3706975885, 3706975886, 3706975887, 37069758880, 3706975882, 370697581, 370697580, 370697579, 3706975368, 37069753784, 37069753785, 37069753786, 37069753788, 37069753840, 37069753849, 3706975389, 37069753902, 37069753906, 37069757778, 37069757779, 3706975778, 3706975779, 370697578, 37069758881, 37069758882, 37069758883, 37069758884, 3706979882, 3706979883, 3706979884, 3706979885, 3706979886, 3706979887, 37069798880, 37069798881, 37069798882, 37069798883, 37069798884, 37069798885, 37069798886, 37069798887, 3706979881, 3706975367, 3706979880, 370697986, 37069758885, 37069758886, 37069758887, 37069766, 37069767, 37069768, 37069769, 370697980, 370697981, 370697982, 370697983, 370697984, 370697985, 370697987, 37069753496, 37069753478, 37069753412, 3706696554, 37066965550, 37066965551, 37066965553, 37066965554, 37066898, 3706681, 3706696553, 3706696552, 3706696550, 37066899, 370669650, 370669651, 370669652, 370669653, 370669654, 3706696551, 37066963, 370669684, 370680051, 37069745, 37069746, 370697530, 37069753113, 3706975312, 37069753145, 37069753147, 3706975333, 3706975337, 3706975338, 37069753398, 3706975340, 370680050, 37069115, 37069114689, 37068005345, 37068005443, 37068005472, 37068005476, 370688067, 370688068, 370688069, 370688070, 370688071, 370688072, 370688073, 370688074, 370688075, 370688076, 37069111, 37069114693, 37066965552, 370664911, 3706649121, 37066491221, 3706649128, 370664913, 3706649140, 3706649141, 370664915, 3706649160, 37066491702, 37066636, 37066637, 37066638, 37066639, 37066640, 37066641, 37066642, 370666430, 370666431, 370666432, 370666433, 370666434, 370666435, 370666436, 370666465, 37066635, 37066634, 370666338, 37066492, 370664951, 370664954, 370664955, 370665400, 370665402, 37066540333, 370665404, 37066540510, 370665407, 37066541, 37066543, 3706662, 370666336, 370666339, 37064720293, 37064720295, 3706472035, 3706472036, 37064720374, 37064720377, 37064720556, 37064720583, 37064720817, 37066651, 3706641, 37066349141, 3706634917, 37066349363, 3706634937, 3706634938, 3706634953, 3706634955, 3706635432, 37066652, 370666337, 37066723, 370668662, 370668663, 370668664, 370668665, 3706686660, 3706686661, 3706686662, 3706686663, 3706686664, 3706686665, 37066868111, 37066868142, 37066868154, 3706686829, 3706686830, 37066658, 3706686831, 370668660, 37066858, 37066859, 37066868527, 37066868577, 3706686853, 3706686862, 370668711, 3706687127, 3706687128, 3706687129, 370668713, 3706687156, 3706687165, 3706687166, 370668717, 37066872, 37066875, 37066879, 370668661, 37066725, 37066757100, 37061103482, 37061103509, 3706110352, 37061103558, 3706110357, 37061103633, 37061103677, 37061103734, 37061103774, 37061122065, 37061196206, 37061196380, 37061196383, 37061196578, 37061306582, 37061306660, 37061306686, 37061306755, 37061306860, 37061306928, 37061307017, 37061307236, 37061307240, 37061307327, 37061308000, 37061308139, 37061308322, 37061309120, 37061309318, 37061309829, 37061310328, 37061311677, 37061311898, 37061312060, 37061312272, 37061312457, 37061313073, 37061313321, 37061313373, 37061313419, 37061313436, 37061313478, 37061313555, 37061313599, 37061313616, 37061313670, 37061313707, 37061313989, 37061313999, 37061314924, 37061315866, 37061317677, 37061317789, 37061318080, 37061319639, 37061320023, 37061320088, 37061320513, 37061320874, 37061321114, 37061321967, 37061322113, 37061322402, 37061322465, 37061322589, 37061322981, 37061323081, 37061323166, 37061336920, 37061668539, 37061668648, 37061910058, 3706191008, 3706191009, 37061910100, 37061910462, 37061910501, 37061910539, 37062105132, 37062105170, 37062106559, 37062110120, 37062110563, 3706211103, 3706211127, 3706211132, 3706211138, 37062111460, 37062111611, 3706211171, 3706211186, 37062111960, 3706211199, 3706211211, 37062112386, 3706211270, 3706211284, 37062113476, 37062113957, 37062115850, 3706211622, 3706211661, 370621501, 37062150410, 37062150421, 37062150424, 37062150427, 37062150429, 37062150430, 37062150433, 37062150435, 37062150436, 37062150441, 37062150443, 37062150450, 37062150456, 37062150457, 37062150467, 37062150482, 3706215083, 3706215084, 3706215085, 3706215086, 3706215088, 37062150934, 37062150936, 37062150940, 37062150941, 37062150944, 37062150947, 37062150949, 37062150952, 37062150953, 37062150958, 37062150967, 37062150968, 37062150969, 3706215097, 37062150982, 37062150988, 37062150989, 37062150992, 37062150993, 37062151600, 37062151821, 37062151851, 37062151854, 37062151882, 37062151883, 37062151885, 37062152200, 37062152201, 37062152204, 37062152208, 37062152214, 37062152231, 37062152232, 37062152239, 37062152700, 37062152752, 3706215276, 3706215277, 37062152827, 37062152833, 37062152845, 37062152884, 37062152893, 37062152895, 37062152897, 37062152898, 37062153100, 37062153108, 3706215311, 3706215312, 37062153130, 37062153131, 37062153136, 37062153138, 37062153145, 37062153146, 37062153155, 37062153156, 37062153160, 3706215317, 37062153190, 37062153192, 37062153195, 37062153200, 37062153201, 37062153202, 37062153209, 37062153212, 37062153213, 37062153215, 37062153216, 37062153217, 3706215323, 3706215324, 3706215325, 3706215326, 3706215327, 37062153285, 37062153287, 370621537, 37062153907, 37062153909, 3706215398, 3706215507, 3706215508, 370621556, 37062156998, 3706215710, 37062157138, 37062157141, 37062157143, 37062157145, 37062157146, 37062157150, 37062157156, 3706215716, 37062157172, 37062157173, 37062157182, 37062157183, 37062157188, 37062157193, 37062157194, 37062157197, 37062157200, 37062157206, 37062157208, 37062157213, 37062157214, 37062157218, 37062157221, 37062157226, 37062157228, 37062157234, 37062157236, 3706215737, 3706215738, 3706215739, 3706216132, 37062161334, 37062161335, 37062161336, 3706216134, 3706216136, 3706216137, 3706216138, 37062161396, 3706216149, 3706216181, 37062162287, 3706216229, 370621625, 3706216310, 37062163110, 37062163115, 37062163117, 37062163118, 37062163138, 37062163141, 37062163149, 3706216316, 37062163172, 37062163176, 37062163186, 37062163188, 37062163196, 37062163400, 37062163408, 3706216341, 3706216390, 3706216410, 3706216411, 37062164287, 3706216429, 37062164500, 3706216578, 3706216579, 37062166533, 37062166535, 37062166540, 37062166555, 37062166562, 37062166570, 37062166571, 37062166573, 37062166576, 37062166582, 37062166718, 37062166722, 37062166748, 3706216787, 37062167881, 37062167882, 37062167884, 37062167885, 37062167890, 37062167892, 37062167895, 37062167897, 370621679, 37062600027, 37062600036, 37062600182, 37062610705, 37064545874, 37064545985, 3706472005, 3706472006, 3706472007, 3706472050, 3706472051, 3706472052, 3706472053, 37064720685, 37064720731, 37064720735, 37064720738, 37064720810, 37064720815, 37064720835, 37064720882, 37066106291, 370663220, 370663221, 370663222, 370663225, 370663226, 370663227, 370663228, 370663229, 37066349421, 37066349422, 37066349524, 3706634954, 37066349604, 37066478177, 37066536, 3706654010, 37066540554, 3706654058, 3706654059, 37066741, 37066843, 3706686815, 37066868324, 37066868363, 37066868364, 3706686864, 370668872, 370668874, 37066887511, 370668879, 37068005255, 37068005262, 37068005266, 37068005268, 37068005278, 37068005279, 3706800528, 37068005291, 37068005295, 37068005297, 37068005298, 37068005299, 37068005300, 37068005304, 37068005307, 3706800531, 37068005450, 3706800547, 3706800550, 3706800555, 3706800560, 37068005701, 37068005704, 37068005709, 37068005751, 37068005752, 37068005761, 37068005805, 37068005830, 37068005831, 37068005832, 37068005834, 37068005839, 3706800590, 37068005960, 3706820073, 37068200813, 37068201040, 3706820360, 3706820361, 3706820367, 3706820369, 3706820410, 3706820411, 37068204120, 37068204122, 37068204123, 37068204124, 37068204125, 37068204126, 37068204127, 37068204128, 37068204129, 3706820413, 3706820414, 3706820415, 3706820416, 3706820417, 3706820418, 3706820419, 370682042, 37068381616, 37068395757, 37068423600, 37068423701, 37068700281, 37068700284, 37068700521, 37068700685, 37068760906, 37068760907, 37068767206, 3706876761, 3706876788, 37068826132, 3706950011, 37069500128, 37069500424, 3706975330, 3706975331, 37069753340, 37069753481, 3706975355, 3706975358, 37069753592, 37069753594, 37069753596, 3706975361, 3706975362, 3706975363, 37069753693, 370697537, 3706975387, 37069753959, 37069760, 370697610, 370697611, 370697612, 370697613, 370697614, 370697615, 3706976160, 3706976161, 3706976162, 3706976163, 3706976164, 3706976165, 3706976166, 3706976167, 3706976168, 3706976169, 370697617, 3706976180, 3706976181, 3706976182, 3706976183, 3706976184, 3706976186, 3706976187, 3706976188, 3706976189, 370697619, 37069762, 37069763, 37069764, 37069765, 37069855893, 37031050, 37031330, 37031966, 37037296, 37041384, 3704175, 37045590, 37052041720, 37052041729, 3705204174, 3705204175, 3705204890, 3705204891, 37052078755 1,03 €
Luxemburg 1,4 cent 5,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Luxembourg (Local) 352 1,4 cent
Luxembourg (from EEA) 352 1,5 cent
Luxembourg 352 18,6 cent
Luxembourg Mobile (Local) 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298 5,9 cent
Luxembourg Mobile (from EEA) 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298 5,5 cent
Luxembourg Mobile 3520, 35221, 35228, 3526, 35291, 35298 28,6 cent
Madagaskar 54,3 cent 58,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Madagascar 261 54,3 cent
Madagascar Mobile 2613, 2615 58,8 cent
Madagascar Special 26122, 261200, 261204, 261206, 26120742199, 261208, 26120944023, 26120944052, 261398529758, 261398529980, 261398528748, 261398525442, 261398525440, 261398529702, 261398520867, 261398520106, 2613488, 261345388069, 261398521730, 26130729993, 26130729998, 26130967820, 26130967821, 26134020266, 26134055095, 26134738971, 2613486019, 26139744850, 26139744854, 26139748913 91,2 cent
Malawi 33,1 cent 48 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Malawi 265 33,1 cent
Malawi Mobile 26588, 26599, 26598, 26502, 2652, 26589, 26531 48 cent
Malawi Special 265888704543, 2658880245703, 2658880245702, 2658880245701, 2658880245700, 265882615017, 265882615012, 265882551, 26588193863, 26588193862, 26588193860, 2658819310, 265881881962, 2658818817, 2658818816, 26588110798, 26588110797, 26588110796, 26588110794, 26588110793, 2658810646, 2658819385, 26567 85,2 cent
Malaysia 3,5 cent 3,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Malaysia 60 3,5 cent
Malaysia Mobile 601 3,5 cent
Malediven 81,3 cent 84,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Maldives 960 81,3 cent
Maldives Mobile 9607, 9608, 96091, 96096, 96097, 96098, 96099, 96095, 9605901, 960592, 96092, 96093, 96094 84,3 cent
Maldives Special 9609005, 9609008 1,35 €
Mali 33,1 cent 41,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mali 223 33,1 cent
Mali Mobile 2236, 2237, 22382, 22383, 2239, 22389, 22384, 22340, 22342, 2235 41,9 cent
Malta 7,9 cent 10,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Malta 356 7,9 cent
Malta Mobile 3567, 3568004, 3569, 35640001, 35640002, 35640003, 35640004, 35640005, 35640006, 35640007, 35640008, 35640009, 35640079, 35640099 10,2 cent
Marokko 3,6 cent 53,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Morocco 212 3,6 cent
Morocco Mobile 21206, 212520, 212521, 212525, 212526, 212527, 212529, 212530, 212531, 212532, 212533, 212534, 212538, 212540, 212546, 212547, 212550, 212553, 2126, 2127 53,4 cent
Morocco Mobile Band 1 2126922, 2126921, 212707, 212706, 212699, 212698, 212695, 212690, 212687, 212681, 212680, 212647, 212700, 212640, 212638, 212635, 212634, 212633, 212630, 212629, 212627, 212626, 21260, 212646 62,3 cent
Marshallinseln 23,9 cent 23,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Marshall Islands 692 23,9 cent
Martinique 3 cent 25,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Martinique 596 3 cent
Martinique Mobile 596696, 59669745, 59669727, 596700700 25,2 cent
Mauretanien 55,6 cent 65,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mauritania 222 55,6 cent
Mauritania Mobile 2222, 2223, 2224, 2226, 2227 65,9 cent
Mauritius 13,6 cent 13,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mauritius 230 13,6 cent
Mauritius Mobile 23021, 23022, 23025, 230421, 230422, 230423, 230428, 230429, 230471, 23049, 230525, 2305421, 2305422, 2305423, 2305428, 2305429, 230549, 23057, 230587, 23059, 2307, 23087, 2309, 230526, 230527, 230528, 230529, 2305471, 230550, 230552, 230580, 230581, 230582, 230583, 230586, 230588, 230589, 230543, 230544, 230545, 230546, 2305472, 2305473, 2305474, 2305475, 2305476, 2305477, 2305478, 2305479, 230548, 230551, 230584, 230585 13,8 cent
Mayotte 13,8 cent 13,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mayotte 2696 13,8 cent
Mexiko 1,2 cent 1,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mexico 52 1,2 cent
Mikronesien 63,7 cent 63,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Micronesia 691 63,7 cent
Monaco 6,8 cent 39,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Monaco 377 6,8 cent
Monaco Mobile 3776, 3773, 37720 39,2 cent
Monaco Special 3774, 3777 90,2 cent
Mongolei 5,7 cent 4,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mongolia 976 5,7 cent
Mongolia Mobile 9765, 9768, 9769, 97660, 97666, 976690, 976696, 976699 4,1 cent
Mongolia Special 9761900, 97618000, 976180010, 976180011, 976180012, 976180013, 976180014, 976180015, 9761800160, 9761800161, 9761800162, 9761800163, 9761800165, 9761800166, 9761800167, 9761800168, 9761800169, 976180017, 976180018, 976180019, 97618002, 97618003, 97618004, 97618005, 97618006, 97618007, 97618008, 97618009 1,16 €
Montenegro 20,4 cent 41,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Montenegro 382 20,4 cent
Montenegro Mobile 38263, 38267, 38268, 38269, 38266, 38260, 38271690 41,9 cent
Montenegro Special 38278, 382876, 382877, 38288 1,13 €
Montserrat 25,1 cent 24,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Montserrat 1664 25,1 cent
Montserrat Mobile 1664349, 1664492, 1664493, 1664495, 1664496, 1664724 24,1 cent
Mosambik 20,4 cent 34,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Mozambique 258 20,4 cent
Mozambique Mobile 2588 34,1 cent
Myanmar 81,1 cent 27 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Myanmar 95 81,1 cent
Myanmar Mobile 959 27 cent
Namibia 10,8 cent 17,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Namibia 264 10,8 cent
Namibia Mobile 26481, 26482, 26485, 26460, 26489081 17,1 cent
Nauru 1,85 € 1,64 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Nauru 674 1,85 €
Nauru Mobile 67455 1,64 €
Nepal 13,8 cent 16,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Nepal 977 13,8 cent
Nepal Mobile 977961, 977974, 977975, 97798, 977990, 977960, 977962, 977963, 977972, 977970, 977976 16,6 cent
Neukaledonien 30 cent 32,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
New Caledonia 687 30 cent
New Caledonia Mobile 6877, 6878, 6879, 68750, 68751, 68752, 68753, 68754 32,7 cent
Neuseeland 1,5 cent 4,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
New Zealand (Local) 64 1,5 cent
New Zealand 64 1,6 cent
New Zealand Mobile (Local) 642 4,8 cent
New Zealand Mobile 642 4,8 cent
Nicaragua 23,1 cent 21,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Nicaragua 505 23,1 cent
Nicaragua Mobile 5058, 505550, 505551, 505552, 505553, 505554, 505555, 505556, 50555700, 50555701, 50555702, 50555703, 50555704, 50555705, 50555706, 50555707, 50557, 50558, 50575, 50576, 50577, 50578, 505620, 505630, 505633, 505635, 505640, 505644, 505645, 505650, 505655, 505677, 505681, 505682, 505683, 505684, 505685, 505686, 505687, 505688, 505689, 505690, 505695, 505699 21,8 cent
Niederlande 2 cent 10,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Netherlands (Local) 31 2,4 cent
Netherlands (from EEA) 31 2 cent
Netherlands 31 18,1 cent
Netherlands Mobile (Local) 316 10,8 cent
Netherlands Mobile (from EEA) 316 10,3 cent
Netherlands Mobile 316 20,3 cent
Netherlands Special (Local) 31660, 3167, 31900, 31906, 31909, 3190, 317439018, 31382002, 31202626905, 3120807, 3184, 3185, 3187, 316352, 3168995, 31970105, 3120244468 1,07 €
Netherlands Special 31660, 3167, 31900, 31906, 31909, 3190, 317439018, 31382002, 31202626905, 3120807, 3184, 3185, 3187, 316352, 3168995, 31970105, 3120244468 1,08 €
Netherlands Personal 31840 1,41 €
Niger 37,6 cent 44 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Niger 227 37,6 cent
Niger Mobile 22723, 2279, 22783, 22776, 22777, 22786, 22787, 22788, 22789, 22774, 22775, 22784, 22785, 22770, 22780, 22781, 22782 44 cent
Niger Special 2271, 227201, 2272039, 22739, 22701, 22702, 22703, 22704, 22705, 22706, 22707, 22708, 22709, 22721300101, 22721300102, 22721300103, 22721300104, 22721300105, 22721300106, 22721300107, 22721300108, 22721300109, 2272130011, 2272130012, 2272130013, 2272130014, 2272130015, 2272130016, 2272130017, 2272130018, 2272130019, 22721300200, 22721300201 1,42 €
Nigeria 20,3 cent 28,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Nigeria 234 20,3 cent
Nigeria Mobile 2341320, 234147, 2346237, 2346238, 2346239, 2346431, 2346432, 2346433, 23470, 2347637, 2347638, 2347639, 23480, 23481, 2348457, 23490, 2349668, 2349669, 2349670, 2349671, 2349672, 2349673, 2349674, 234911, 234912, 234915, 234913, 234916 28,9 cent
Niue 1,94 € 1,94 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Niue 683 1,94 €
Nordkorea 1,82 € 1,82 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
North Korea 850 1,82 €
Nordmazedonien 19,8 cent 35,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Macedonia 389 19,8 cent
Macedonia Mobile 3897 35,1 cent
Macedonia Special 38982, 389888888, 389888889, 38988888710, 38988888709, 38988888708, 38988888707, 38988888706, 38988888701, 38988888704, 38988888703, 38988888702, 38988888705, 38973096541, 3897329035, 3897329038, 38973290719, 38973294084, 3897329473, 38973295532, 38973297, 38973298, 38973299028, 38973299050, 38973299108, 38973299145, 38973299151, 38973299176, 38973321388, 38973321623, 38973321670, 38973322023, 38973323816, 38973326278, 38973326296, 38973326384, 38973328435, 38973329073, 38973329345, 389733400, 3897340, 3897342010, 3897342011, 38973420911, 389734250, 38973430884, 38973431018, 3897343110, 3897343111, 3897343112, 3897343113, 3897343114, 3897343115, 38973431731, 389734320, 38973471575, 38973489461, 38973750, 38973751, 38973752, 38973753, 38973754, 38973764856, 38973906671, 38975335137, 38975335380, 38975335397, 38975340466, 38975342274, 38975342755, 38975342931, 38975345026, 38975345181, 38975345182, 38975345184, 38975345185, 38975345186, 38975345187, 38975345237, 38975348452, 38975390797, 38976063253, 38976063269, 38976063474, 38976063784, 38976063806, 38976235480, 38976283493, 38976292, 38976304281, 38976304710, 3897632, 3897643298, 3897643807, 38976441, 38976449, 38976557075, 3897655709, 38976557875, 38976571194, 38976868605, 38976947, 38976968044, 38976968503, 38976981659, 3897702301, 38977027129, 38977179671, 38977182823, 38977339679, 38977341330, 38977348129, 38977348173, 38977420044, 38977420200, 38977422432, 38977422680, 38977473733, 38977474150, 38977550376, 3897767, 38977870401, 38977882201, 38977882591, 38977882968, 38977962809, 38977963451, 38978015164, 38978015337, 38978015717, 38978123566, 38978123588, 38978123610, 38978175248, 38978178480, 38978231776, 38978231944, 38978232973, 38978232993, 38978233005, 38978234065, 389784807, 38978574855, 38978574869, 38978660085, 38978662736, 38978663030, 38978665014, 38978667374, 3897867000, 38978821478, 38978824596, 38978826396, 38978826508, 38978827362, 38979275, 38979279137, 38979279623, 38979279692, 3897928708, 3897940336, 3897940593, 38950456400 67,6 cent
Norfolkinsel 94,6 cent 94,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Norfolk Island 6723 94,6 cent
Norwegen 1,2 cent 3,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Norway (Local) 47 1,2 cent
Norway 47 1,2 cent
Norway Mobile (Local) 474, 4758, 4759, 479 3,5 cent
Norway Mobile 474, 4758, 4759, 479 3,5 cent
Norway Special (Local) 47810, 47815, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4708, 4709, 47811, 47812, 47813, 47814, 4785, 47880, 471 1,06 €
Norway Special 47810, 47815, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4708, 4709, 47811, 47812, 47813, 47814, 4785, 47880, 471 1,06 €
Nördliche Marianen 4,6 cent 4,6 cent
Nördliche Marianen
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Northern Mariana Islands 1670 4,6 cent
Oman 10,4 cent 27,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Oman 968 10,4 cent
Oman Mobile 9689, 9687, 9681505 27,3 cent
Österreich 1,8 cent 2,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Austria (Local) 43 1,8 cent
Austria (from EEA) 43 1,9 cent
Austria 43 12 cent
Austria Mobile (Local) 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369 2,3 cent
Austria Mobile (from EEA) 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369 3,5 cent
Austria Mobile 43644, 43650, 43651, 43652, 43653, 43655, 43657, 43659, 43660, 43661, 43663, 43664, 43665, 43666, 43667, 43668, 43669, 4367, 4368, 4369 14,2 cent
Austria Special (Local) 43711, 43720, 43730, 43740, 43780, 43810, 43820, 439, 43821, 43828, 43501, 43502, 43503, 43504, 43505, 43506, 43507, 43508, 43509, 43517, 4357, 4359, 4311855, 4311850, 4311820, 4311861, 4311868, 43118812, 43118818, 43118820, 43118866, 43118870, 43118878, 43118880, 43118888, 43118898, 4311851, 4311854, 4311858, 4311867, 43118822, 43118899, 4311841, 4311848, 4311866, 43118833, 43118877, 4311840, 43118811, 4311865, 43670309409, 4367030947, 4367030981, 4367080055, 4367080121, 4367080124, 43670801240, 43670801241, 43670801242, 43670801243, 43670801244, 43670801245, 43670801246, 43670801247, 43670801248, 43670801249, 43670801290, 43670801292, 43670801294, 43670801299, 4367080130, 4367080131, 43670809029, 43670809034, 43670809336, 43670809404, 43670809444, 43670809613, 43670809622, 43670809747, 43670809820, 43670809922 3,5 cent
Austria Special 43711, 43720, 43730, 43740, 43780, 43810, 43820, 439, 43821, 43828, 43501, 43502, 43503, 43504, 43505, 43506, 43507, 43508, 43509, 43517, 4357, 4359, 4311855, 4311850, 4311820, 4311861, 4311868, 43118812, 43118818, 43118820, 43118866, 43118870, 43118878, 43118880, 43118888, 43118898, 4311851, 4311854, 4311858, 4311867, 43118822, 43118899, 4311841, 4311848, 4311866, 43118833, 43118877, 4311840, 43118811, 4311865, 43670309409, 4367030947, 4367030981, 4367080055, 4367080121, 4367080124, 43670801240, 43670801241, 43670801242, 43670801243, 43670801244, 43670801245, 43670801246, 43670801247, 43670801248, 43670801249, 43670801290, 43670801292, 43670801294, 43670801299, 4367080130, 4367080131, 43670809029, 43670809034, 43670809336, 43670809404, 43670809444, 43670809613, 43670809622, 43670809747, 43670809820, 43670809922 93,5 cent
Pakistan 6,7 cent 14,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Pakistan 92 6,7 cent
Pakistan Mobile 923 14,0 cent
Palau 52,1 cent 52,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Palau 680 52,1 cent
Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete 17,2 cent 18,3 cent
Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Palestinian Territory 970, 97222, 97242, 97282, 97292 17,2 cent
Palestinian Territory Mobile 9705, 97256, 97259 18,3 cent
Panama 3,6 cent 14,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Panama 507 3,6 cent
Panama Mobile 507120, 507161, 507218, 507219, 5076 14,0 cent
Panama Special 507900, 507878, 507875, 507333 81 cent
Papua-Neuguinea 1,01 € 94 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Papua New Guinea 675 1,01 €
Papua New Guinea Mobile 675115, 6756, 67573, 67576, 67570, 67571, 67572, 67579, 6752015, 675204, 675207, 6757, 67581, 67574, 67588 94 cent
Paraguay 4,1 cent 13,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Paraguay 595 4,1 cent
Paraguay Mobile 5959 13,7 cent
Peru 1,4 cent 5,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Peru 51 1,4 cent
Peru Mobile 5119, 51419, 51429, 51439, 51449, 51519, 51529, 51539, 51549, 51569, 51619, 51629, 51639, 51649, 51659, 51669, 51679, 51729, 51739, 51749, 51769, 51829, 51849, 519 5,7 cent
Peru Special 5118, 514129, 514163, 51418, 514229, 514263, 51428, 514327, 514362, 514363, 51438, 514439, 51448, 515129, 515162, 515163, 51518, 515229, 515263, 51528, 515329, 515363, 51538, 515437, 51548, 515629, 515662, 515663, 51568, 516129, 516163, 51618, 516229, 516263, 51628, 516329, 516363, 51638, 516429, 516462, 516463, 516465, 51648, 516539, 516553, 516563, 51658, 516629, 516663, 51668, 516729, 516763, 51678, 517229, 517263, 51728, 517327, 517353, 517363, 51738, 517429, 517463, 517465, 51748, 517629, 517663, 51768, 518229, 518263, 51828, 518329, 518363, 51838, 518429, 518462, 518463, 518465, 51848, 5173542, 5173543, 5173544, 5173546, 5173547, 5173548, 5173549, 5173545 23,1 cent
Philippinen 12,2 cent 17,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Philippines 63 12,2 cent
Philippines Mobile 63813, 63817, 639, 63897, 63898 17,3 cent
Philippines Special 6310181819, 6310181818, 63901195444, 6397387295, 6332965630, 6332965631, 63840684100, 638406842, 638406843, 63840684435, 63840684437, 63840684636, 63840684781, 63840684800, 63840684830, 63840684837, 63840688435, 63840868426, 63840868433, 63846306843, 63848068438, 63870684368, 63884068840 42,1 cent
Polen 1,6 cent 3,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Poland (Local) 48 1,6 cent
Poland (from EEA) 48 1,6 cent
Poland 48 7,9 cent
Poland Mobile (Local) 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873 3,2 cent
Poland Mobile (from EEA) 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873 3,1 cent
Poland Mobile 4850, 4851, 4879, 4878, 4872, 4866, 4860, 4845, 4857, 4853, 4869, 4888, 4873 22,6 cent
Poland Special (Local) 4857942, 48918820, 4873993, 48717079, 48700001, 48700000, 48614236, 48585359, 4857953, 48579476, 4857946, 48422069, 48221138, 48324501, 482574090, 48227651, 48223501, 482219889, 482219888, 48221889, 48221180, 48126880, 48123950270, 48333335, 4878026, 48780209, 48780206, 4872977, 4872978, 4872979, 4839, 48801, 48116, 48118, 4820, 4873910, 48780203, 48780204, 48780207, 48780208, 4878670, 4845915, 4845916, 4845917, 4845918, 4845919, 48459200, 48459201, 48459202, 48459203, 48459204, 48459205, 48459206, 48459207, 48459208, 484592090, 484592091, 484592092, 484592093, 484592094, 484592095, 484592096, 48459500, 48459501, 48459502, 48459503, 48459504, 48459505, 48459506, 48459507, 48459508, 484595090, 484595091, 484595092, 484595093, 484595094, 484595095, 484595096, 484595097, 4845957, 48579480, 48579481, 48579482, 48579483, 48579484, 48579485, 48579486, 48579487, 48579488, 485794890, 485794891, 485794892, 485794893, 485794894, 485794895, 485794896, 485794897, 485794898, 488747 54,1 cent
Poland Special 4857942, 48918820, 4873993, 48717079, 48700001, 48700000, 48614236, 48585359, 4857953, 48579476, 4857946, 48422069, 48221138, 48324501, 482574090, 48227651, 48223501, 482219889, 482219888, 48221889, 48221180, 48126880, 48123950270, 48333335, 4878026, 48780209, 48780206, 4872977, 4872978, 4872979, 4839, 48801, 48116, 48118, 4820, 4873910, 48780203, 48780204, 48780207, 48780208, 4878670, 4845915, 4845916, 4845917, 4845918, 4845919, 48459200, 48459201, 48459202, 48459203, 48459204, 48459205, 48459206, 48459207, 48459208, 484592090, 484592091, 484592092, 484592093, 484592094, 484592095, 484592096, 48459500, 48459501, 48459502, 48459503, 48459504, 48459505, 48459506, 48459507, 48459508, 484595090, 484595091, 484595092, 484595093, 484595094, 484595095, 484595096, 484595097, 4845957, 48579480, 48579481, 48579482, 48579483, 48579484, 48579485, 48579486, 48579487, 48579488, 485794890, 485794891, 485794892, 485794893, 485794894, 485794895, 485794896, 485794897, 485794898, 488747 54,9 cent
Poland Toll Free 48800 0 cent
Portugal 2,2 cent 4,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Portugal (Local) 351 2,4 cent
Portugal (from EEA) 351 2,2 cent
Portugal 351 2,3 cent
Portugal Mobile (Local) 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519 4,7 cent
Portugal Mobile (from EEA) 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519 4,6 cent
Portugal Mobile 351169, 351189, 3516, 3519 40,6 cent
Portugal Premium 35170 58,6 cent
Portugal Mobile Band 1 (Local) 3516691, 351669200, 351669201, 351669202, 351659202, 3516609, 351659200, 351659201, 3511691, 3511891, 351609200, 351609201, 3516091, 3516391, 351639200, 351639201, 351639202, 3516591, 351609202 1,11 €
Portugal Mobile Band 1 3516691, 351669200, 351669201, 351669202, 351659202, 3516609, 351659200, 351659201, 3511691, 3511891, 351609200, 351609201, 3516091, 3516391, 351639200, 351639201, 351639202, 3516591, 351609202 53,7 cent
Portugal Special 35130936, 35130565 58,5 cent
Puerto Rico 1,2 cent 1,6 cent
Puerto Rico
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Puerto Rico 1787, 1939 1,2 cent
Puerto Rico Mobile 178720, 178721, 1787225, 1787226, 1787228, 178723, 178724, 1787295, 1787297, 1787298, 1787299, 178740, 1787412, 1787413, 1787414, 1787415, 178742, 178743, 1787445, 1787446, 1787450, 1787451, 1787453, 1787455, 1787457, 1787461, 1787464, 1787467, 1787469, 1787470, 1787472, 1787475, 1787477, 1787481, 1787484, 1787485, 1787486, 1787487, 178760, 178761, 1787627, 1787628, 178763, 178764, 1787667, 1787668, 1787671, 1787672, 1787674, 1787676, 1787677, 1787685, 1787688, 1787691, 1787696, 1787697, 1787698, 1787709, 1787717, 1787718, 1787810, 17879, 17875, 17873 1,6 cent
Republik Moldau 31,9 cent 32,4 cent
Republik Moldau
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Moldova 373 31,9 cent
Moldova Mobile 3736, 37377, 37378, 37379, 3739, 37376 32,4 cent
Moldova Mobile Special 37330310, 373900, 37390500, 373905010, 37390511, 37390512, 37390516, 37390616, 37322208068, 37322208191, 3732537017, 37329921370, 37329921498, 37329921519, 37329921622, 37330004, 37329921449, 37322208196, 37322818, 37322947150, 37322947151, 37322947153, 37322947246, 3732294725, 37322947262, 37322947265, 37322947269, 3732294727, 3732294733, 3732294746, 3732294754, 37322947550, 37322947553, 37322947558, 37322947577, 3732294764, 37322947664, 37322947694, 37322947709, 37323582491, 37323582492, 37323582493, 37323583004, 37323583028, 37323583086, 37323583091, 37323583092, 3732358311, 3732358312, 37323583131, 37323583138, 37323583140, 37323583141, 37323583148, 3732358315, 37323583163, 3732358339, 37323583460, 37323583461, 37323583462, 37323583464, 3732358370, 3732358812, 37323588740, 37324505067, 37324505076, 37324505077, 37324505098, 37324505140, 3732450531, 37324505592, 37324505593, 3732450560, 3732450565, 37324505661, 37324505667, 3732450567, 3732450569, 3732466725, 3732537000, 3732537001, 3732537004, 37325370083, 37325370087, 37325370088, 37325370180, 37325370240, 37325370450, 3732537076, 37325370826, 3732537084, 3732537085, 3732537103, 37325371257, 3732537145, 3732537146, 3732537148, 3732537149, 37325371635, 37325371637, 3732537179, 3732537183, 37325371842, 37325821484, 3732657533, 37327322111, 37327322112, 3732732214, 3732732245, 37327322841, 37329921013, 3732992102, 3733000304, 37330019686, 3733068485, 3733068953, 37349964827, 3735498734 57,0 cent
Ruanda 33,8 cent 28,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Rwanda 250 33,8 cent
Rwanda Mobile 2500, 2507 28,9 cent
Rumänien 1,2 cent 3,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Romania (Local) 40 1,2 cent
Romania 40 1,2 cent
Romania Mobile (Local) 407 3,5 cent
Romania Mobile 407 3,5 cent
Romania Special (Local) 40312499, 4033751, 4033851, 4033951, 4034951, 409, 40118, 4037066 1,19 €
Romania Special 40312499, 4033751, 4033851, 4033951, 4034951, 409, 40118, 4037066 1,19 €
Russland 5,9 cent 20,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Russia 7 5,9 cent
Russia Mobile 734348, 79, 7708, 7747, 7761, 7706, 7771, 7776, 7777, 7775, 7778 20,2 cent
Russia Mobile Band 1 7940, 7929803, 7929804, 7929805, 7929806, 7929807, 7929808, 7929809, 7929810, 7929811, 7929812, 790211, 79585614, 79585615, 79585616, 79585619, 79586651, 79586650, 79697530, 79697531, 79585613, 7958562, 79585612, 79585617, 79585610, 79585611, 7958297, 79585388, 79585389, 7958556, 79585387, 7958558, 7958559, 7958560, 7958557 34 cent
Russia Special 7850, 7785, 7788, 77905, 77908, 7840, 78202655, 7800050, 7809001, 78090025, 78090026, 78090027, 7809050, 78091110, 79585618, 79550000, 79047298, 7762531, 77757839237, 77900, 73432475, 7495356, 74959903, 78432305, 78432306, 78552457, 78552458, 78552459 91,2 cent
Russia Mobile Band 2 7954 2,38 €
Réunion 4,8 cent 26,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Réunion 262 4,8 cent
Réunion Mobile 262692, 262693, 26226980, 26226964, 26226963, 26226962, 26226961, 26226960, 26226951, 26226950, 26226970, 262639, 262700800, 262700900 26,4 cent
Salomonen 82,3 cent 82,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Solomon Islands 677 82,3 cent
Solomon Islands Mobile 67799, 67798, 67797, 67796, 67795, 67794, 67788, 67787, 67786, 67785, 67784, 67779, 67778, 67777, 67776, 67775, 67774, 67771, 67770, 67748 82,3 cent
Sambia 40,8 cent 52,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Zambia 260 40,8 cent
Zambia Mobile 2609, 26077, 26076, 260750 52,4 cent
Samoa 1,74 € 1,74 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Samoa 685 1,74 €
Samoa Mobile 6857, 68584, 685601, 685602, 685603, 685604, 685605, 685606, 685607, 685608, 685609, 68583 1,74 €
San Marino 2,7 cent 37,6 cent
San Marino
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
San Marino 378 2,7 cent
San Marino Mobile 3783, 37861, 37866 37,6 cent
San Marino Special 37869, 37868, 37867, 37865, 37864, 37863, 37862, 37860, 3785, 3787 1,16 €
Saudi-Arabien 9,3 cent 21,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saudi Arabia 966 9,3 cent
Saudi Arabia Mobile 9665, 9668, 9669 21,5 cent
Schweden 1,2 cent 4,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sweden 46 1,2 cent
Sweden Mobile (Local) 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678 4,7 cent
Sweden Mobile (from EEA) 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678 4,1 cent
Sweden Mobile 46252, 46254, 46376, 46518, 46519, 46655, 46656, 46673, 46674, 46675, 46676, 467, 46678 28,2 cent
Sweden Special 4672692, 4672758 34,3 cent
Schweiz 3,5 cent 14,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Switzerland (Local) 41 3,5 cent
Switzerland 41 8,4 cent
Switzerland Mobile (Local) 4177, 4179, 4175, 4186074279, 4186071501, 41989162, 41989145, 41989140, 41989161, 41989164, 41989144, 419891600, 419891414, 41989117, 4181579, 4174279, 41860779, 4186079, 41860775, 41860774, 41860770, 41860754, 4186078, 4168200, 4169200, 4172200, 4173200 14,2 cent
Switzerland Mobile 4177, 4179, 4175, 4186074279, 4186071501, 41989162, 41989145, 41989140, 41989161, 41989164, 41989144, 419891600, 419891414, 41989117, 4181579, 4174279, 41860779, 4186079, 41860775, 41860774, 41860770, 41860754, 4186078, 4168200, 4169200, 4172200, 4173200 47,7 cent
Switzerland Mobile Band 1 (Local) 417670, 417671, 417672, 417673, 417674, 4176777, 4174, 4186, 417698, 417699, 4198138 17,8 cent
Switzerland Mobile Band 1 417670, 417671, 417672, 417673, 417674, 4176777, 4174, 4186, 417698, 417699, 4198138 43,1 cent
Switzerland Mobile Band 2 (Local) 4120, 4176, 4178, 418607731, 417731, 4140, 4189, 4170, 41772, 41860772, 4186076, 41860780, 41860781, 41860782, 41860783, 418607842, 418607843, 418607844, 418607845, 418607846, 418607847, 418607848, 418607849, 41860785, 41860786, 41860787, 41860788, 41860789, 417888730, 417888731, 417888732, 417888733, 417888734, 417888735, 417888736, 417888737, 417888740, 417888741, 417888742, 417888743, 417888744, 417888745, 417888746, 417888747, 417888750, 417888751, 417888752, 417888753, 417888754, 417888755, 417888756, 417888757, 417888760, 417888761, 417888762, 417888763, 417888764, 417888765, 417888766, 417888767, 417888770, 417888771, 417888772, 417888773, 417888774, 417888775, 417888776, 417888777, 417888780, 417888781, 417888782, 417888783, 417888784, 417888785, 417888786, 417888787, 417893130, 417893131, 417893132, 417893133, 417893134, 417893135, 417893136, 417893160, 417893161, 417893162, 417893163, 417893164, 417893165, 417893166, 417893170, 417893171, 417893172, 417893173, 417893174, 417893175, 417893176, 417888790, 417893167, 41789314, 41789315, 41789312, 417893137, 417888795, 41789311, 417888793, 417888794, 417888792, 417888791 11,8 cent
Switzerland Mobile Band 2 4120, 4176, 4178, 418607731, 417731, 4140, 4189, 4170, 41772, 41860772, 4186076, 41860780, 41860781, 41860782, 41860783, 418607842, 418607843, 418607844, 418607845, 418607846, 418607847, 418607848, 418607849, 41860785, 41860786, 41860787, 41860788, 41860789, 417888730, 417888731, 417888732, 417888733, 417888734, 417888735, 417888736, 417888737, 417888740, 417888741, 417888742, 417888743, 417888744, 417888745, 417888746, 417888747, 417888750, 417888751, 417888752, 417888753, 417888754, 417888755, 417888756, 417888757, 417888760, 417888761, 417888762, 417888763, 417888764, 417888765, 417888766, 417888767, 417888770, 417888771, 417888772, 417888773, 417888774, 417888775, 417888776, 417888777, 417888780, 417888781, 417888782, 417888783, 417888784, 417888785, 417888786, 417888787, 417893130, 417893131, 417893132, 417893133, 417893134, 417893135, 417893136, 417893160, 417893161, 417893162, 417893163, 417893164, 417893165, 417893166, 417893170, 417893171, 417893172, 417893173, 417893174, 417893175, 417893176, 417888790, 417893167, 41789314, 41789315, 41789312, 417893137, 417888795, 41789311, 417888793, 417888794, 417888792, 417888791 59,7 cent
Switzerland Special 4184, 4158 7,2 cent
Senegal 33,6 cent 36,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Senegal 221 33,6 cent
Senegal Mobile 2217 36,3 cent
Senegal Special 22130 34,7 cent
Serbien 17,3 cent 34,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Serbia 381 17,3 cent
Serbia Mobile 3811051, 38111410, 38111411, 38111412, 38111414, 3811341, 3811661, 3811739, 38118310, 3812061, 38121310, 3813161, 3813331, 381342100, 3813621, 3816 34,4 cent
Serbia Special 38176655, 38176540, 38176543, 38176767, 38111413, 3811241, 3811451, 3811561, 3811831, 3811921, 3812281, 38123051, 3812361, 3812421, 3812531, 3812621, 3812721, 38129310, 3813081, 3813241, 38134210, 3813579, 3813721, 38139310, 38111415 1,03 €
Seychellen 94,4 cent 88,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Seychelles 248 94,4 cent
Seychelles Mobile 248271, 2485, 2487, 2489, 24825, 24826, 24827, 24828 88,6 cent
Seychelles Special 2486417, 248017284, 248065457, 248079248, 24808011, 248080940, 24808252, 248093, 2481, 2484206, 24842710, 2486410, 2486411, 2486412, 2486413, 2486414, 2486415, 248642, 24842170, 24843470, 248460000, 248640, 2486416, 248901033, 248901034, 248999001, 248999009, 248999663, 2489999 92,6 cent
Sierra Leone 46,7 cent 60 cent
Sierra Leone
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sierra Leone 232 46,7 cent
Sierra Leone Mobile 23223, 23225, 23230, 23233, 23234, 23235, 23240, 23244, 23250, 23255, 23256, 23276, 23277, 23278, 23288, 23247, 23248, 23249, 23280, 23290, 23299, 23272, 23273, 23274, 23275, 23279, 23231 60 cent
Sierra Leone Special 23221, 23222, 23232, 23207772313, 23207876227, 2320794053, 23207940549, 23252750566, 23252751019, 23252756288, 23252759621, 23252759622, 23252759623, 23252830063, 23252830226, 23252830431, 23252830465, 23252830510, 23252830549, 23252830711, 23252830769, 23252830783, 23252830840, 23252831061, 23252831076, 23252831143, 23257, 23258, 23259 46,7 cent
Simbabwe 30,1 cent 57,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Zimbabwe 263 30,1 cent
Zimbabwe Mobile 26311, 26323, 26371, 26373, 26377, 26391, 26378, 26386 57,3 cent
Singapur 2 cent 2,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Singapore (Local) 65 2 cent
Singapore 65 2 cent
Singapore Mobile (Local) 658, 659, 6514420, 65144020, 65144095, 653154, 653162, 653167, 653168, 653169, 653170, 653171, 653172, 653173, 653176, 653177 2,4 cent
Singapore Mobile 658, 659, 6514420, 65144020, 65144095, 653154, 653162, 653167, 653168, 653169, 653170, 653171, 653172, 653173, 653176, 653177 2,3 cent
Sint Maarten 12,5 cent 15,9 cent
Sint Maarten
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sint Maarten 1721 12,5 cent
Sint Maarten Mobile 1721510, 1721512, 1721520, 1721521, 1721522, 1721523, 1721524, 1721526, 1721527, 1721528, 1721529, 172155, 1721580, 1721581, 1721586, 1721587, 1721588 15,9 cent
Slowakei 1,2 cent 7,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Slovakia (Local) 421 1,2 cent
Slovakia 421 1,2 cent
Slovakia Mobile (Local) 4219 7,0 cent
Slovakia Mobile 4219 10,8 cent
Slovakia Special (Local) 42118, 421650700, 421650906, 4211181, 4211185, 42112, 42114905, 4216, 421850 52,3 cent
Slovakia Special 42118, 421650700, 421650906, 4211181, 4211185, 42112, 42114905, 4216, 421850 52,7 cent
Slowenien 6,8 cent 11,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Slovenia (Local) 386 7,1 cent
Slovenia (from EEA) 386 6,8 cent
Slovenia 386 18,1 cent
Slovenia Mobile (Local) 38630, 38631, 38640, 38641, 38650, 38651, 38664, 38665, 38666, 38667, 38668, 38669, 38670, 38671, 386817, 3869800, 3869803, 3869817, 3869814, 3869801, 3869802, 3869807, 3869822 11,6 cent
Slovenia Mobile (from EEA) 38630, 38631, 38640, 38641, 38650, 38651, 38664, 38665, 38666, 38667, 38668, 38669, 38670, 38671, 386817, 3869800, 3869803, 3869817, 3869814, 3869801, 3869802, 3869807, 3869822 25,2 cent
Slovenia Mobile 38630, 38631, 38640, 38641, 38650, 38651, 38664, 38665, 38666, 38667, 38668, 38669, 38670, 38671, 386817, 3869800, 3869803, 3869817, 3869814, 3869801, 3869802, 3869807, 3869822 35,9 cent
Slovenia Mobile Band 1 38643, 38649, 3869823 53,7 cent
Slovenia Special 386891302, 386891301, 386891300, 38644662, 38644244, 38644161, 38642946, 38659, 38681, 38682, 38683, 38688, 38691, 3861180, 3861188, 386195, 3861970, 3861987, 3861991, 3861999, 38630434, 386304785, 38631311153, 3863131116, 3864009145, 3864011114, 3864011115, 3864011116, 3864011117, 3864011118, 38640111190, 38640111191, 38640111192, 38640111193, 38640111194, 38640111195, 38640111196, 38640111197, 38640111198, 38640111199, 3864011120, 3864011121, 3864011122, 38640111232, 386402016, 3864055224, 3864055227, 3864055228, 38640552339, 3864055234, 3864069002, 3864069003, 386406901, 386406902, 3864139560, 3864139561, 38641400007, 38641400025, 38641400034, 38641400035, 38641400047, 38641400058, 38641400061, 38641400062, 38641400069, 3864140008, 3864140009, 38641400111, 38641400123, 38641400124, 38641400129, 38641400148, 38641400155, 38641400156, 38641400157, 38641400159, 38641400162, 38641400167, 38641400169, 38641400172, 38641400174, 38641400177, 38641400179, 3864140019, 386414002, 38641400324, 38641400335, 38641400337, 38641400349, 38641400354, 38641400358, 38641400395, 38641400421, 38641400428, 38641400431, 38641400459, 38641400463, 38641400476, 38641400487, 38641400542, 38641400571, 386414006, 386414007, 386414009, 38641401005, 38641401012, 38641401022, 3864140105, 38641401085, 38641401086, 3864140109, 386414011, 386414012, 38641401308, 38641401312, 38641401319, 3864140132, 3864140135, 386414014, 38641401931, 38641402037, 38641402221, 38641402237, 38641402280, 38641402323, 38641402324, 38641402326, 38641402332, 38641402341, 38641402346, 38641402405, 38641402410, 38641402413, 38641402427, 38641402496, 38641402517, 38641402790, 38641402807, 38641402838, 3864140289, 38641402912, 38641402985, 3864140299, 38641403053, 3864140314, 38641403252, 38641403517, 38641403635, 38641403678, 38641404124, 38641404185, 3864140421, 38641404231, 38641404287, 38641404304, 38641404338, 38641404936, 38641405221, 38641405302, 386414055, 38641405663, 38641405792, 38641406234, 38641406245, 38641406296, 38641406388, 38641406429, 38641406439, 38641406478, 38641406490, 38641406492, 38641406497, 38641406558, 38641406715, 38641406810, 38641407016, 38641407071, 38641407086, 38641407115, 38641407121, 38641407123, 38641407133, 38641407140, 38641407165, 38641407188, 38641407242, 3864140728, 38641407303, 3864140732, 3864140733, 3864140734, 3864140735, 3864140737, 3864140738, 3864140739, 38641407428, 38641407437, 38641407438, 38641407441, 38641407466, 38641407478, 38641407494, 38641407497, 38641407499, 38641407537, 38641407539, 3864140754, 3864140756, 38641407636, 38641407637, 38641407658, 38641407667, 38641407672, 3864140768, 38641407731, 38641407744, 38641407746, 38641407749, 38641407759, 38641407765, 38641407768, 38641407785, 38641407799, 38641407803, 38641407804, 38641407817, 38641407833, 38641407856, 38641407868, 38641407971, 38641408172, 38641408369, 38641408569, 38641408802, 38641409117, 38641416487, 38651260335, 3866570000, 3866570140, 3866570141, 3866570142, 3866570143, 3866570144, 3866570208, 3866570209, 38665702101, 38665702129, 38665702142, 3866570219, 38665705020, 38665705040, 38665705077, 38665705170, 38665705288, 38665705406, 38665705700, 38665705796, 38665705835, 38665705890, 38665707428, 38665707646, 386657077, 38665709292, 38665709293, 3866570930, 38665709370, 3866570954, 3866570988, 38670109014, 38670109617, 38670109629, 38670119832, 38670150316, 386701504, 38670192227, 38670192287, 38670203004, 38670203008, 3867020306, 3867020316, 3867020317, 38670203186, 38670215254, 38670215293, 38670215314, 38670215333, 38670228285, 38670266072, 38670285389, 386702854, 386702855, 3867031325, 386703133, 386703134, 38670326119, 38670326125, 3867032614, 38670326150, 386703363, 386703364, 38670354234, 38670354851, 38670354898, 38670370193, 38670374000, 3867037401, 38670374024, 38670374027, 38670374029, 38670374039, 38670374062, 38670374066, 38670374073, 3867037409, 386703741, 38670374463, 38670374955, 3867037689, 3867037690, 3867037691, 3867037693, 3867037695, 3867037696, 3867037698, 38670384009, 38670384033, 38670384153, 38670384432, 38670384435, 38670384448, 38670384459, 3867038446, 38670384505, 38670384601, 38670384604, 38670389012, 38670389041, 3867038910, 3867038916, 386703894, 386704271, 386704272, 386704774, 38670534528, 38670534535, 38670534537, 38670534538, 38670534599, 3867061058, 3867061062, 3867061064, 3867061067, 3867061068, 38670610701, 3867061072, 38670610736, 3867061074, 3867061075, 3867061079, 3867061081, 38670610843, 3867061085, 38670610866, 3867061093, 3867061097, 3867061099, 3867065415, 3867068250, 38670698010, 38670698019, 38670698059, 3867069806, 3867069808, 38670698115, 38670698120, 38670698122, 38670698124, 38670698130, 38670698136, 3867069815, 3867069816, 3867069817, 38670698182, 38670698212, 38670698230, 38670698237, 3867069824, 38670698284, 386706983, 38670698431, 38670698803, 38670698841, 38670698845, 38670698846, 38670698872, 38670698879, 38670698896, 38670698926, 38670772094, 38670772485, 38670818284, 3867081829, 38670853002, 38670853003, 38670853012, 38670853019, 38670853020, 38670853022, 38670853023, 38670853029, 38670853030, 38670853033, 3867085304, 3867085305, 38670853060, 38670853061, 38670853062, 38670853410, 38670853416, 38670853417, 38670853420, 38670853422, 38670853424, 38670853430, 38670853432, 38670853439, 38670853440, 38670853445, 38670853459, 3867085346, 38670853470, 38670853472, 38670853473, 38670853477, 38670853480, 3867085350, 38670882397, 38670882402, 38670882413, 386709950, 38670995192, 38670995193, 38670995226, 38670995238, 38670995240, 38670995241, 38670995256, 38670995501, 386709959, 386709999 50,6 cent
Somalia 55,8 cent 55,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Somalia 252 55,8 cent
Somalia Special 2522160, 25221680, 25221681, 25221683, 25221684, 25221685, 25221686, 25221688, 2522169, 2522233336, 2522235017, 252223504, 252223506, 2522235140, 2522235143, 25230, 252318, 25240, 252523, 25254150, 2525416, 252543, 2526200, 2526275, 2526500, 2526600, 2526612, 25291, 25292, 25293, 25294, 25295, 25296, 25297, 25298, 25299, 2522230203, 2522230207, 2522230208, 2522230209, 2522235319, 2522235337, 2522236045, 25270, 25283602, 25229019065, 2522971580, 2522971648, 2522971687, 2522971690, 2522971691, 2522971834, 252297221, 252297240, 252297305, 25229760, 252297616, 2522982012, 2522983003, 25214, 252202, 25220770, 252210500, 25221050183, 252210600, 252210700, 252210701, 25221080079, 25221080097, 2522108010, 252210900, 25221121041, 25221319, 25221325, 25221352, 2522140000, 2522140001, 2522140002, 2522140006, 2522140007, 2522140088, 2522140089, 2522140091, 2522140097, 2522141001, 2522141002, 2522141004, 2522141008, 2522141009, 2522141010, 2522141023, 2522141035, 2522141040, 2522141048, 2522141055, 252214118, 25221430002, 2522148517, 2522148518, 2522180224, 2522180345, 2522180372, 2522180502, 2522180534, 2522180678, 2522180878, 2522180950, 25222300, 25222320052, 2522232006, 25222320070, 2522235148, 252225, 25233354306, 25235, 25238, 25241, 25244, 25248721253, 25248725698, 25250, 25251, 25252, 25254131019, 2525415538, 2525415539, 25254170051, 25254170053, 25254170058, 252545, 252548216, 25275, 25280, 25281, 25282, 25283, 25284, 25285, 25286, 25287, 25288, 25289 1,16 €
Sonderverwaltungsregion Hongkong 1,7 cent 2,4 cent
Sonderverwaltungsregion Hongkong
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Hong Kong S.A.R. China (Local) 852 1,7 cent
Hong Kong S.A.R. China 852 4,6 cent
Hong Kong S.A.R. China Mobile (Local) 85217, 8524, 85251, 85253, 85254, 85256, 85259, 8526, 8527, 8529, 85287, 85284, 85285, 85286, 85288, 85289, 85255, 85252, 8521961050, 8521961051, 8521961052, 8521961053, 8521961054, 8525700, 8525701, 8525704, 8525705, 8525707, 8525708, 8525718, 8525719, 8525730, 8525731, 8525732, 8525733, 8525734, 8525735, 8525736, 8525745, 8525746, 8525747, 8525748, 8525760, 8525761, 8525762, 8525763, 8525764, 8525765, 8525766, 8525767, 8525768, 8525769, 8525702, 8525703, 8525710, 8525711, 8525712, 8525713, 8525714, 8525715, 8525716, 8525717, 8525749, 852578, 852579, 852572, 8525740, 8525741, 8525742, 8525743, 8525744, 8528329 2,4 cent
Hong Kong S.A.R. China Mobile 85217, 8524, 85251, 85253, 85254, 85256, 85259, 8526, 8527, 8529, 85287, 85284, 85285, 85286, 85288, 85289, 85255, 85252, 8521961050, 8521961051, 8521961052, 8521961053, 8521961054, 8525700, 8525701, 8525704, 8525705, 8525707, 8525708, 8525718, 8525719, 8525730, 8525731, 8525732, 8525733, 8525734, 8525735, 8525736, 8525745, 8525746, 8525747, 8525748, 8525760, 8525761, 8525762, 8525763, 8525764, 8525765, 8525766, 8525767, 8525768, 8525769, 8525702, 8525703, 8525710, 8525711, 8525712, 8525713, 8525714, 8525715, 8525716, 8525717, 8525749, 852578, 852579, 852572, 8525740, 8525741, 8525742, 8525743, 8525744, 8528329 4,8 cent
Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau 10,4 cent 10,4 cent
Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Macao S.A.R. China 853 10,4 cent
Macao S.A.R. China Mobile 8536 10,4 cent
Spanien 1,2 cent 3,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Spain (Local) 34 1,2 cent
Spain (from EEA) 34 1,2 cent
Spain 34 18,1 cent
Spain Mobile (Local) 346, 34590, 347 3,6 cent
Spain Mobile (from EEA) 346, 34590, 347 3,6 cent
Spain Mobile 346, 34590, 347 21,1 cent
Spain Special (Local) 3490, 3470, 3480, 345, 3493122 41,1 cent
Spain Special 3490, 3470, 3480, 345, 3493122 39,8 cent
Spain Toll Free 34800, 34900 0 cent
Sri Lanka 29,6 cent 30 cent
Sri Lanka
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sri Lanka 94 29,6 cent
Sri Lanka Mobile 947 30 cent
St. Helena 3,00 € 3,00 €
St. Helena
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saint Helena 290 3,00 €
St. Kitts und Nevis 19,4 cent 25,1 cent
St. Kitts und Nevis
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1869 19,4 cent
Saint Kitts and Nevis Mobile 18695, 18696, 18697 25,1 cent
St. Lucia 19,6 cent 25,1 cent
St. Lucia
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saint Lucia 1758 19,6 cent
Saint Lucia Mobile 1758284, 1758285, 1758286, 1758287, 1758384, 1758460, 1758461, 1758481, 1758482, 1758484, 1758485, 1758486, 1758487, 1758488, 1758489, 1758518, 1758519, 1758520, 1758584, 1758638, 175871, 175872, 1758784, 1758785, 1758528, 1758731, 1758730 25,1 cent
St. Pierre und Miquelon 21,7 cent 52,1 cent
St. Pierre und Miquelon
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 508 21,7 cent
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Mobile 50855, 50840, 50841800, 50841801, 50841802, 50841803, 508418040, 508418041, 508418042, 508418043, 508418044, 508418045, 508418046, 508418047 52,1 cent
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 29,3 cent 25,1 cent
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1784 29,3 cent
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Mobile 1784430, 1784431, 1784432, 1784433, 1784434, 1784435, 1784454, 1784455, 1784480, 1784481, 1784491, 1784492, 1784493, 1784494, 1784495, 1784496, 1784497, 1784498, 1784526, 1784527, 1784528, 1784529, 1784530, 1784531, 1784532, 1784533, 1784593 25,1 cent
Sudan 13,3 cent 16,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sudan 249 13,3 cent
Sudan Mobile 24911, 24912, 2499, 24910 16,6 cent
Sudan Special 24994 1,35 €
Suriname 23,1 cent 36,5 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Suriname 597 23,1 cent
Suriname Mobile 5977, 5978, 5979, 59768 36,5 cent
Syrien 21,6 cent 33,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Syria 963 21,6 cent
Syria Mobile 9639 33,6 cent
São Tomé und Príncipe 1,39 € 1,01 €
São Tomé und Príncipe
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Sao Tome and Principe 239 1,39 €
Sao Tome and Principe Mobile 2399 1,01 €
Südafrika 14,9 cent 18,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
South Africa 27 14,9 cent
South Africa Mobile 27109004, 2721741, 272181, 272187, 27101000, 27101003, 271011, 2710120, 27101250, 2710130, 2710132, 27101330, 2710140, 2710141, 27101450, 27101500, 27101600, 27101601, 27101610, 27101708, 27101750, 2710180, 2710185, 27102009, 27102710, 27102712, 27102713, 27102714, 27102715, 27102760, 27102850, 27102860, 27102861, 27102870, 2710300, 27103125, 27103126, 27103220, 27103290, 27103300, 2710344, 2710345, 27103500, 27103505, 2710400, 27104100, 27104105, 2710417, 27104260, 27104300, 271044, 27104500, 27104650, 2710474, 27104750, 27104760, 2710492, 2710493, 2710494, 27104970, 27105010, 27105160, 27105346, 27105410, 27105491, 2710550, 2710600, 2710601, 2710610, 27106120, 27106123, 27106124, 27106126, 27106150, 27106300, 27106360, 27107300, 27107440, 27107770, 27107860, 27107861, 27107862, 27107863, 27107864, 2710822, 2710823, 2710860, 27108650, 27108800, 27108801, 27108802, 27108803, 27109000, 27109001, 27109002, 27109003, 27109800, 27121003, 27121100, 27121101, 27121102, 27121103, 27121104, 27121110, 27121111, 27121117, 27121118, 27121119, 27121235, 27121250, 27121330, 27121400, 27121420, 27121450, 27121500, 27121510, 27121610, 27121750, 27122710, 27122760, 27122850, 2712373, 27123890, 2712410, 2712450, 27124540, 27124550, 27124750, 27124760, 2712492, 27124970, 27125010, 27125100, 27125160, 27125343, 27125550, 2712562, 27125740, 27125800, 2712586, 2712610, 27126120, 27126300, 2712665, 2712674, 27126831, 271274, 271275, 271276, 2712770, 2712771, 2712772, 27127770, 27127860, 27127861, 2712807, 27128300, 27128650, 27128800, 27128801, 27128802, 27128803, 27128804, 27128820, 27129120, 2712950, 2712951, 27129800, 27129904, 27131010, 27131011, 27131012, 27131013, 27131014, 27131100, 27131200, 27131201, 27131202, 27131203, 27131204, 27131500, 27131610, 27131705, 27131708, 271318, 27132850, 27133010, 27133120, 27133300, 27133440, 27133441, 27133442, 27133443, 27133444, 27134105, 27134140, 27134660, 27134780, 27134920, 27134921, 27134922, 27134970, 27135160, 27135410, 2713590, 2713591, 27136120, 27137270, 27137860, 271381, 271382, 2713830, 2713831, 2713832, 27138800, 27139120, 27139403, 27141010, 2714110, 2714111, 2714112, 27141500, 27141510, 27141530, 27141610, 27142850, 27143120, 27143300, 27143440, 27144100, 27144140, 27144630, 27144660, 27144950, 27144951, 27144952, 27144953, 27145410, 27146120, 27147270, 271481, 2714820, 2714821, 2714822, 2714823, 2714824, 27148800, 27149120, 2714940, 2714941, 27151010, 27151011, 27151012, 27151013, 27151014, 271511, 27151510, 27151610, 27152800, 27152850, 27153300, 27153440, 27154140, 27154660, 27154950, 27154951, 27154970, 27155410, 2715590, 27156120, 27156900, 27157770, 271581, 271582, 2715830, 2715831, 27158800, 27159170, 2716100, 27161080, 271611, 27161300, 27161301, 27161302, 27161303, 27161304, 2716150, 27161510, 27161610, 27162850, 27163300, 27163440, 27164140, 27164660, 27164920, 27165120, 271681, 27168800, 2717001, 27170040, 27170070, 27170130, 27170240, 27170650, 27171080, 271711, 27171230, 27171500, 27171610, 27171705, 2717200, 27172850, 27173300, 27173440, 27173441, 27173442, 27173443, 27173444, 27174140, 27174220, 27174660, 27174920, 271781, 2717822, 2717823, 27178800, 27179120, 27181000, 27181008, 27181080, 271811, 27181390, 27181500, 27181610, 27181750, 27182008, 27182800, 27182850, 27183440, 27184100, 27184140, 27184580, 27184920, 27184970, 271881, 271882, 27188300, 27188800, 27200240, 27201, 27202, 27203, 27204, 27205, 27211000, 27211003, 27211004, 272111, 2721120, 27211250, 27211260, 27211330, 2721137, 2721140, 27211450, 27211610, 27211800, 27211801, 27211802, 27211803, 27211804, 2721201, 2721202, 2721203, 2721204, 2721205, 2721206, 2721207, 27212100, 27212105, 2721212, 27212240, 27212500, 27212710, 27212760, 27212762, 27212763, 27212764, 27212765, 27212850, 2721286, 27212870, 2721301, 27213300, 27213440, 27213500, 27213505, 2721380, 2721410, 27214540, 27214760, 2721492, 27214950, 27214970, 27215010, 27215160, 27215180, 27215410, 27215556, 27215650, 2721610, 27216120, 27216200, 27217220, 27217300, 2721740, 2721742, 2721743, 2721744, 27217700, 27217701, 27217702, 27217703, 27217704, 27217730, 27217770, 2721801, 2721802, 272182, 272183, 27218950, 2721912, 27220010, 27220040, 27220070, 27220220, 27220240, 27220650, 27221000, 27221080, 272211, 27221250, 27221500, 27222850, 27222890, 27223000, 27223001, 27223002, 27223003, 27223300, 27224260, 27224660, 27224950, 27225000, 2722811, 2722812, 2722813, 2722814, 2722815, 2722816, 27228800, 272295, 2723001, 2723004, 27230070, 27230085, 27230090, 27230220, 27230240, 27230650, 27231000, 27231001, 27231002, 27231003, 27231004, 27231080, 2723110, 2723111, 27232850, 27233300, 27234260, 27234400, 27234660, 27234920, 27234950, 272381, 27238800, 272488, 272591, 27270040, 27270070, 27270085, 27270220, 27270240, 27270500, 27270650, 272708, 27271080, 272711, 27271500, 27272850, 27273300, 27274260, 27274660, 27274700, 27274701, 27274702, 27274780, 27274950, 27275000, 2727650, 2727811, 2727812, 2727813, 2727814, 2727815, 2727816, 2727817, 272785, 27278800, 27280010, 27280040, 27280070, 27280085, 27280220, 27280240, 27280500, 27280501, 27280502, 27280503, 27280504, 27280520, 27280650, 27281080, 272811, 27281250, 27281500, 27282850, 27283300, 27283500, 27284260, 27284660, 27284920, 27284950, 27285150, 27285550, 2728811, 2728812, 2728813, 2728814, 2728815, 2728816, 2728817, 2728840, 27288800, 272898, 272948, 2731100, 27311013, 27311080, 27311100, 27311105, 27311110, 27311200, 27311250, 2731140, 27311420, 27311450, 27311500, 27311610, 27311710, 27312850, 27312860, 27312861, 27312900, 2731296, 27313300, 27313310, 27313440, 27313500, 27313501, 27313502, 27313503, 27313504, 27313505, 27313890, 27313930, 27314100, 27314105, 27314400, 27314750, 27314760, 2731492, 27314970, 27315010, 27315160, 27315210, 27315550, 2731610, 27316120, 27316300, 27316480, 2731655, 27317270, 27317300, 27317440, 27317870, 27317871, 2731811, 2731812, 2731813, 2731814, 2731815, 2731816, 2731817, 2731818, 2731819, 2731822, 2731823, 2731824, 2731825, 2731826, 2731827, 2731828, 2731829, 2731830, 2731831, 2731833, 2731834, 2731835, 2731836, 2731837, 27318650, 27318800, 27318801, 27318802, 27318803, 2731941, 2731942, 2731943, 2731944, 2731945, 27319800, 27321500, 27323300, 27324260, 27324660, 27324920, 27325740, 27326480, 2732811, 2732812, 2732813, 2732814, 2732815, 2732816, 27328800, 2732940, 2733001, 2733004, 27330070, 27330125, 27330155, 27330240, 27330320, 27330321, 27330322, 27330323, 27330324, 27331010, 27331080, 27331330, 27331500, 27331610, 27333320, 27333500, 27334010, 27334260, 27334660, 27334920, 27335550, 27336480, 27337860, 2733811, 2733812, 2733813, 2733814, 2733815, 2733816, 2733817, 2733818, 27338800, 2733940, 2734001, 27340040, 27340070, 27340240, 27340320, 27340620, 27340650, 27341080, 27341500, 27342850, 27343300, 27344260, 27344300, 27344660, 27344920, 2734811, 2734812, 2734813, 2734814, 2734815, 2734816, 2734817, 2734818, 27348800, 27349400, 27349401, 27349402, 27349403, 27349404, 2735001, 27350040, 27350070, 27350240, 27350320, 27350650, 27350680, 27351080, 27351500, 27352850, 27353500, 27354260, 27354660, 27354920, 2735813, 2735814, 2735815, 2735816, 2735817, 2735818, 2735819, 2735820, 27358800, 27359400, 27359401, 27359402, 27359403, 27359404, 27360040, 27360070, 27360240, 27360320, 27360870, 27361080, 27361500, 27361610, 27363300, 27364260, 27364660, 27364780, 27364920, 2736811, 2736812, 2736813, 2736814, 2736815, 27368800, 27369400, 27369401, 27369402, 27369403, 27369404, 2736941, 2739001, 27390040, 27390070, 27390085, 27390240, 27390320, 27391010, 27391080, 27391500, 27393220, 27393300, 27394260, 27394660, 27394920, 2739811, 2739812, 2739813, 2739814, 2739815, 2739816, 2739817, 2739818, 27398800, 2739940, 27399410, 27399411, 27399412, 27399413, 27399414, 271294, 274, 2711, 27511010, 27511011, 27511012, 27511013, 27511014, 27511080, 27511100, 27511105, 27511110, 27511111, 2751140, 27511420, 27511450, 27511610, 27512105, 27512280, 27512300, 27512500, 27512501, 27512502, 27512503, 27512504, 27512710, 27512850, 27513300, 27513440, 27513470, 27513500, 27513505, 27514150, 27514750, 27514760, 2751492, 27514970, 27515010, 27515100, 27515550, 27516300, 27517440, 27517770, 27517780, 27517860, 275181, 275182, 27518650, 27518800, 27519120, 2753001, 2753004, 27530125, 27530240, 27530300, 27530450, 2753050, 27530650, 27531080, 27531100, 27531500, 27531510, 27531610, 27532140, 27532440, 27532850, 27532860, 27533300, 27533440, 27534020, 27534100, 27534660, 2753478, 27534910, 27534920, 27534923, 27535550, 275381, 275382, 27538800, 27539120, 27540040, 27540240, 27540300, 27540500, 27540650, 27541080, 27541100, 27541500, 27542850, 27543250, 27543500, 27544020, 27544660, 27544780, 27544950, 27545550, 2754830, 2754831, 2754832, 2754834, 2754836, 2754837, 2754838, 27548800, 27560040, 27560240, 27560300, 27560500, 27561080, 27561100, 27561500, 27561610, 27562240, 27563300, 27564020, 27564660, 27564780, 27564920, 27565550, 275682, 27568800, 2757001, 27570040, 27570070, 27570240, 27570300, 27570500, 27570650, 27571010, 27571080, 27571100, 27571500, 27571610, 27572850, 27573120, 27573300, 27574020, 27574390, 27574660, 27574920, 27575550, 2757630, 275781, 27578800, 2758001, 27580040, 27580240, 27580300, 27580500, 27581080, 27581100, 27581610, 27581800, 27581801, 27581802, 27581803, 27581804, 27582470, 27583300, 27584020, 27584660, 27584920, 27585550, 27588010, 275881, 27588800, 27105550, 271059, 27214750, 27511250, 276, 277, 278, 27104953, 27104954, 27104955, 27104960, 27104961, 27104962, 27104963, 27104964, 27104965, 27104966, 27104967, 27104968, 2710498, 27124931, 27124932, 27124933, 27124934, 27124935, 27124936, 27134926, 27154952, 27184921, 27214931, 27214932, 27214933, 27214934, 27214935, 27214936, 27214937, 27214938, 27214939, 27214951, 27214952, 27214953, 27214954, 27314931, 27314932, 27314933, 27314934, 27324931, 27534924, 27564921, 27574921, 27584921, 279602005, 279602006, 279602007 18,1 cent
South Africa Special 27100, 27120, 27130, 27140, 27150, 27160, 27180, 27210, 27310, 27320, 27410, 27510, 2721300, 2711537, 2711676, 2786, 2787, 2710590, 2710500, 2731940, 2721200, 2711485, 27121003057, 27115661, 27220200, 27230200, 27330500, 27390101, 27530101, 27540101, 2711207450, 2711251432, 2711251434, 27112594916, 27113560, 271148498, 2711636600, 2711699604, 2711722400, 271176333, 27122477, 27123461156, 27123461414, 271258605, 27132507, 27142507, 27152507, 271599026, 27162507, 2717826700, 2721364120, 2721371550, 2721486700, 27215270741, 27215574091, 27215578518, 2721672450, 2721932274, 27270000894, 27342506, 27352516, 27362506, 27402506, 27412506, 27422506, 27430101, 27432506, 27440200, 27442506, 2744304500, 27452506, 27462506, 2788950 49,9 cent
South Africa Mobile Band 1 27710, 27717, 27718, 27719, 2773, 2778, 2783, 27603, 27604, 27605, 27630, 27631, 27632, 27633, 27634, 27635, 27810 23 cent
Südkorea 1,1 cent 3,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
South Korea 82 1,1 cent
South Korea Mobile 821, 8201 3,6 cent
Südsudan 37 cent 37 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
South Sudan 211 37 cent
South Sudan Mobile 21191, 21192, 21195, 21197, 21111 37 cent
Tadschikistan 17,5 cent 21,6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tajikistan 992 17,5 cent
Tajikistan Mobile 992501, 992505, 9929, 99200, 99201, 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99206, 99207, 99208, 99209, 99210, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215, 99217, 99220, 99222, 99230, 992330, 992333, 992334, 992335, 992336, 992337, 992338, 992339, 99240, 992440, 992444, 99250, 99255, 99270, 99271, 99277, 99278, 99280, 99281, 99287, 99288 21,6 cent
Tajikistan Special 99237230, 992601009, 99260300, 99260200, 992601007, 992601006, 992601005, 992601008, 992601003, 992601002, 992601000, 992411111, 992601004 1,14 €
Taiwan 2,4 cent 9,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Taiwan 886 2,4 cent
Taiwan Mobile 88660, 88670, 8869, 886400040, 886400041, 886400042, 886400010, 886400011, 886400012 9,3 cent
Tansania 34,4 cent 32,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tanzania 255 34,4 cent
Tanzania Mobile 25561, 25565, 25568, 2557, 25581, 25582, 25530002, 25562, 25563, 25564, 25569, 25567, 25530003, 25580800 32,9 cent
Thailand 7,0 cent 7,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Thailand 66 7,0 cent
Thailand Mobile 661, 666, 6670, 6672, 668, 669 7,0 cent
Timor-Leste 34,7 cent 39,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Timor-Leste 670 34,7 cent
Timor-Leste Mobile 6707 39,2 cent
Togo 88,6 cent 88,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Togo 228 88,6 cent
Togo Mobile 2280, 22852, 22853, 22860, 2289, 22870, 22871, 22879 88,8 cent
Togo Special 228426, 228427, 228626, 228627, 228726, 228727, 2282426, 2282427, 2282626, 2282627, 2282726, 2282727 1,80 €
Tokelau 2,02 € 2,02 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tokelau 690 2,02 €
Tonga 87,7 cent 1,44 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tonga 676 87,7 cent
Tonga Mobile 6761, 67634, 67636, 67638, 67639, 67644, 67645, 67646, 67647, 67648, 67649, 67651, 67652, 67653, 67654, 67655, 67656, 67657, 67658, 67659, 67661, 67662, 67663, 67664, 67665, 67666, 67667, 67668, 67669, 67672, 67673, 67675, 67676, 67677, 67678, 67681, 67682, 67683, 67684, 67687, 67688, 67689 1,44 €
Trinidad und Tobago 20,8 cent 29,1 cent
Trinidad und Tobago
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Trinidad and Tobago 1868 20,8 cent
Trinidad and Tobago Mobile 186829, 18683, 18684, 1868619, 1868620, 1868678, 186868, 18687, 1868899, 1868920, 186828, 1868271, 1868272, 1868273, 1868274, 1868275, 1868276, 1868277, 1868278, 1868279 29,1 cent
Tschad 81 cent 53,3 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Chad 235 81 cent
Chad Mobile 23520, 23521, 23522, 23523, 23524, 23527, 23529, 2353, 23555, 23556, 23557, 23558, 23559, 2356, 2357, 2359 53,3 cent
Tschechien 2,2 cent 7,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Czech Republic (Local) 420 2,3 cent
Czech Republic 420 2,2 cent
Czech Republic Mobile (Local) 42093, 42096, 420840, 4206, 4207 7,2 cent
Czech Republic Mobile 42093, 42096, 420840, 4206, 4207 7,2 cent
Czech Republic Special 42091004, 420849, 420847, 420841, 420848, 420842, 420118, 42081, 42082, 42083, 4208400, 420840100, 420840101, 420840102, 4208401031, 4208401032, 4208401033, 4208401034, 4208401035, 4208401036, 4208401037, 4208401038, 4208401039, 420840104, 420840105, 420840106, 420840107, 420840108, 420840109, 42084011, 42084012, 42084013, 42084014, 42084015, 42084016, 42084017, 42084018, 42084019, 4208402, 4208403, 4208404, 4208405, 4208406, 4208407, 4208408, 4208409, 420843, 420844, 420845, 420846, 42085, 42086, 42087, 42088, 42089, 42090 11,4 cent
Tunesien 69,7 cent 71,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tunisia 216 69,7 cent
Tunisia Mobile 2162, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2169, 2167031, 2167065, 216797 71,2 cent
Tunisia Special 2167742991, 21680, 2168110, 21682, 21688, 21670169979, 21670169989, 216711599, 2167915998, 216746890, 2167488992, 216758298, 216762899, 21676489009, 2167648902, 21676489010, 21675829904, 21676489032, 21676489004, 21676489040, 2167743001, 21676489123, 216774899, 216758096, 21676489121, 2167553218, 2167120940, 2167035962, 216705698, 216705699, 2167063791, 2167124921, 216712516, 2167181862, 2167183721, 2167199885, 2167227312, 216726899, 2167408765, 2167435463, 2167446543, 2167453621 1,35 €
Turkmenistan 23,9 cent 19,2 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Turkmenistan 993 23,9 cent
Turkmenistan Mobile 9936, 99377 19,2 cent
Turks- und Caicosinseln 21,6 cent 33,5 cent
Turks- und Caicosinseln
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Turks and Caicos Islands 1649 21,6 cent
Turks and Caicos Islands Mobile 16492, 16493, 16494, 1649724 33,5 cent
Tuvalu 1,59 € 1,59 €
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Tuvalu 688 1,59 €
Tuvalu Mobile 6886, 68890 1,59 €
Türkei 4,1 cent 25,1 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Turkey 90 4,1 cent
Turkey Mobile 9053, 9056161, 9053910, 9051616, 9050, 9055, 9054 25,1 cent
Turkey - Cyprus North 90392 5,9 cent
Turkey - Cyprus North Mobile 9039285, 905338, 905428, 905469, 90548 17,3 cent
Turkey Mobile Band 1 905, 90596, 90594, 90592, 90510261, 90510260, 905102220, 908505311, 908505400, 9053915, 9053914, 9053913, 9053912, 9053911, 90510266, 90510210, 90527, 90522, 9051 59,2 cent
Uganda 34,6 cent 38 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Uganda 256 34,6 cent
Uganda Mobile 256477, 2567, 25632, 25639, 2562065, 2562066, 2562067, 2562068, 2562069 38 cent
Uganda Special 256902, 25620545, 2567260, 25620546, 256205481, 256205482, 256205483, 256205484, 256205485 1,35 €
Ukraine 13,2 cent 29,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Ukraine 380 13,2 cent
Ukraine Mobile 38039, 38050, 38063, 38066, 38067, 38068, 3809, 38073 29,0 cent
Ukraine Special 380487408, 38090030, 380487374, 380623430, 380623431, 3808929 1,35 €
Ungarn 4,7 cent 6 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Hungary 36 4,7 cent
Hungary Mobile 3620, 3630, 3631, 3670, 3650, 3660 6 cent
Hungary Special 36212921 41,3 cent
Uruguay 4,7 cent 28,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Uruguay 598 4,7 cent
Uruguay Mobile 5989 28,9 cent
Usbekistan 10,5 cent 14,4 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Uzbekistan 998 10,5 cent
Uzbekistan Mobile 9989, 99820, 99833, 99850, 99877, 99888 14,4 cent
Uzbekistan Special 998611199, 998711132 42,7 cent
Vanuatu 1,36 € 83,9 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Vanuatu 678 1,36 €
Vanuatu Mobile 6785, 6787 83,9 cent
Vatikanstadt 1,7 cent 1,7 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Vatican 3906682 1,7 cent
Venezuela 2,4 cent 11,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Venezuela 58 2,4 cent
Venezuela Mobile 5812, 584 11,8 cent
Venezuela Mobile Band 1 58418, 58415 38,8 cent
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 17 cent 15,5 cent
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
United Arab Emirates 971 17 cent
United Arab Emirates Mobile 9715, 97189, 971839, 971838, 971837, 971836, 971835, 971834, 971833, 971832, 971831, 97180 15,5 cent
Vereinigte Staaten 1,4 cent 1,4 cent
Vereinigte Staaten
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
United States 1 1,4 cent
United States Alaska 1907 9,3 cent
United States Hawaii 1808 2,2 cent
United States Toll Free 1800, 1855, 1866, 1877, 1888, 1844 0 cent
United States Directory Assistance 1989555, 1985555, 1984555, 1980555, 1979555, 1978555, 1973555, 1972555, 1971555, 1970555, 1956555, 1954555, 1952555, 1951555, 1949555, 1947555, 1941555, 1940555, 1937555, 1936555, 1931555, 1928555, 1925555, 1920555, 1919555, 1918555, 1917555, 1916555, 1915555, 1914555, 1913555, 1912555, 1910555, 1909555, 1908555, 1906555, 1904555, 1903555, 1901555, 1870555, 1865555, 1864555, 1863555, 1862555, 1860555, 1859555, 1858555, 1857555, 1856555, 1850555, 1848555, 1847555, 1845555, 1843555, 1832555, 1831555, 1830555, 1828555, 1818555, 1817555, 1816555, 1815555, 1814555, 1813555, 1812555, 1810555, 1806555, 1805555, 1804555, 1803555, 1802555, 1801555, 1786555, 1785555, 1781555, 1779555, 1775555, 1774555, 1773555, 1772555, 1770555, 1769555, 1765555, 1763555, 1762555, 1760555, 1757555, 1754555, 1740555, 1734555, 1732555, 1731555, 1727555, 1724555, 1720555, 1719555, 1718555, 1717555, 1716555, 1715555, 1714555, 1713555, 1712555, 1710555, 1708555, 1707555, 1706555, 1704555, 1703555, 1702555, 1701555, 1682555, 1678555, 1662555, 1661555, 1660555, 1651555, 1650555, 1646555, 1641555, 1636555, 1631555, 1630555, 1626555, 1623555, 1620555, 1619555, 1618555, 1617555, 1616555, 1615555, 1614555, 1612555, 1610555, 1609555, 1608555, 1607555, 1606555, 1605555, 1603555, 1602555, 1601555, 1586555, 1585555, 1580555, 1575555, 1574555, 1573555, 1571555, 1570555, 1567555, 1564555, 1563555, 1562555, 1561555, 1559555, 1551555, 1541555, 1540555, 1530555, 1520555, 1518555, 1517555, 1516555, 1515555, 1513555, 1512555, 1510555, 1509555, 1508555, 1507555, 1505555, 1504555, 1503555, 1502555, 1501555, 1500555, 1484555, 1480555, 1479555, 1478555, 1475555, 1470555, 1469555, 1443555, 1440555, 1435555, 1434555, 1432555, 1430555, 1425555, 1424555, 1423555, 1419555, 1417555, 1415555, 1414555, 1413555, 1412555, 1410555, 1409555, 1408555, 1407555, 1406555, 1405555, 1404555, 1402555, 1401555, 1386555, 1361555, 1360555, 1352555, 1351555, 1347555, 1339555, 1337555, 1336555, 1334555, 1331555, 1330555, 1325555, 1323555, 1321555, 1320555, 1319555, 1318555, 1317555, 1316555, 1315555, 1314555, 1313555, 1312555, 1310555, 1309555, 1308555, 1307555, 1305555, 1304555, 1303555, 1302555, 1301555, 1281555, 1276555, 1270555, 1269555, 1267555, 1262555, 1260555, 1256555, 1254555, 1253555, 1252555, 1251555, 1248555, 1240555, 1239555, 1234555, 1231555, 1229555, 1228555, 1225555, 1224555, 1219555, 1218555, 1217555, 1216555, 1215555, 1214555, 1213555, 1212555, 1210555, 1209555, 1208555, 1207555, 1206555, 1205555, 1203555, 1202555, 1201555, 1907555, 1808555 93,5 cent
Vereinigtes Königreich 1,1 cent 3,4 cent
Vereinigtes Königreich
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
United Kingdom 44 1,1 cent
United Kingdom Corporate 4455, 4450 2,3 cent
United Kingdom VoIP 4456 1,4 cent
United Kingdom Personal 4476231, 4476234, 4476237, 4476542, 4476543, 4476545, 4476546, 4476600, 4476601, 4476602, 4476603, 4476604, 4476605, 4476636, 4476637, 4476661, 4476662, 4476663, 4476664, 4476665, 4476667, 4476668, 4476233, 4476235, 4476236, 4476238, 4476239, 4476403, 4476404, 4476406, 4476407, 4476591, 4476592, 4476594, 4476595, 4476598, 4476666, 447661 12 cent
United Kingdom Personal Band 1 4476, 4474410 39,8 cent
United Kingdom Freephone 44500, 44800, 44808, 447600, 4476232, 4476593, 4476596, 4476599, 447699 0 cent
United Kingdom Shared Cost 4484, 4487, 44153452, 44153453, 44148152 23,2 cent
United Kingdom Shared Cost Band 1 44843, 44871, 44872, 44870185, 44870020, 44870027, 44870039, 44870042, 44870064, 44870067, 44870069, 44870080, 44870088, 44870095, 44870096, 4487010, 44870118, 44870172, 44870174, 44870184, 44870186, 44870213, 44870218, 44870225, 44870246, 44870249, 44870250, 44870259, 44870260, 44870269, 44870280, 44870281, 44870288, 44870299, 44870312, 44870314, 44870315, 44870316, 44870321, 44870326, 44870331, 44870362, 44870371, 44870378, 44870404, 44870432, 44870437, 44870440, 44870447, 44870461, 44870466, 44870472, 44870473, 44870483, 44870486, 44870491, 44870494, 44870497, 44870611, 44870613, 44870618, 44870626, 44870716, 44870765, 44870767, 44870769, 44870771, 44870772, 44870776, 44870778, 44870779, 44870783, 44870788, 44870797, 44870808, 44870811, 44870823, 44870827, 44870857, 44870866, 44870874, 44870879, 44870910, 44870922, 44870925, 44870936, 44870942, 44870943, 44870945, 44870946, 44870948, 44870949, 44870952, 44870954, 44870963, 44870965, 44870971, 44870972, 44870997, 44870005, 44870046, 44870062, 44870081, 44870119, 44870173, 44870176, 44870211, 44870226, 44870256, 44870319, 44870335, 44870345, 44870368, 44870369, 44870445, 44870468, 44870489, 44870623, 44870629, 44870718, 44870816, 44870862, 44870957, 44870964, 44870977, 44870782, 44870019, 44870171, 44870217, 44870793, 44870940, 44870340, 44870614, 44870930, 44870931, 44870932, 44870960, 44844202, 44844204, 44844205, 44844209, 44844223, 44844224, 44844241, 44844243, 44844244, 44844245, 44844247, 44844248, 44844249, 44844256, 44844257, 44844269, 44844272, 44844273, 44844282, 44844288, 44844310, 44844314, 44844318, 44844322, 44844324, 44844327, 44844332, 44844334, 44844335, 44844338, 44844343, 44844344, 44844351, 44844353, 44844357, 44844371, 44844372, 44844374, 44844375, 44844381, 44844382, 44844393, 44844399, 44844421, 44844423, 44844441, 44844443, 44844444, 44844445, 44844447, 44844448, 44844452, 44844453, 44844470, 44844472, 44844473, 44844474, 44844477, 44844479, 44844481, 44844482, 44844488, 44844500, 44844501, 44844503, 44844504, 44844505, 44844506, 44844507, 44844509, 44844525, 44844533, 44844542, 44844543, 44844546, 44844549, 44844550, 44844551, 44844552, 44844554, 44844555, 44844556, 44844557, 44844559, 44844560, 44844561, 44844563, 44844567, 44844569, 44844570, 44844571, 44844572, 44844573, 44844576, 44844579, 44844595, 44844634, 44844644, 44844658, 44844674, 44844686, 44844692, 44844693, 44844700, 44844721, 44844739, 44844745, 44844747, 44844757, 44844762, 44844764, 44844767, 44844768, 44844770, 44844772, 44844775, 44844776, 44844777, 44844778, 44844779, 44844780, 44844782, 44844800, 44844801, 44844802, 44844804, 44844807, 44844808, 44844809, 44844811, 44844812, 44844815, 44844822, 44844824, 44844825, 44844826, 44844827, 44844840, 44844842, 44844843, 44844844, 44844846, 44844847, 44844848, 44844850, 44844851, 44844854, 44844855, 44844856, 44844857, 44844858, 44844870, 44844871, 44844873, 44844874, 44844875, 44844879, 44844880, 44844881, 44844884, 44844888, 44844896, 44844963, 44844977, 44844995, 44844997, 44844999, 44844596, 44844954, 44844942, 44844932, 44844690, 44844682, 44844677, 44844666, 44844662, 44844660, 44844328, 44844306, 44844275, 44844274, 44844271, 448440956, 44844093, 448440544, 448440001, 44844589, 44844588, 44844587, 44844586, 44844585, 44844583, 44844582, 44844581, 44844499, 44844497, 44844496, 44844495, 44844494, 44844493, 44844491, 44844418, 44844417, 44844416, 44844415, 44844414, 44844412, 44844411, 44844410, 44844665, 44844664, 44844663, 44870082, 44870329, 44870360, 44870430, 44870492, 44870760, 44870766, 44870768, 44870803, 44870805, 44870826, 44870829, 44870860, 44870008, 44870044, 44870175, 44870199, 44870210, 44870212, 44870248, 44870265, 44870350, 44870383, 44870408, 44870433, 44870482, 44870610, 44870620, 44870621, 44870624, 44870710, 44870711, 44870712, 44870790, 44870791, 44870868, 44870912, 44870913, 44870915, 44870916, 44870917, 44870921, 44870926, 44870927, 44870928, 44870947, 44870951, 44870953, 44870956, 44870961, 44870973, 44870023, 44870187, 44870348, 44870377, 44870627 14,7 cent
United Kingdom Premium 449 1,12 €
United Kingdom Mobile 4478221, 4478744, 4478939, 4479112, 4479118, 4474, 4475, 4477, 4478, 4479, 447342, 447341, 447340, 447107, 447106, 447609, 447610, 4475378, 4474889, 4474887, 4474885, 4474884, 4474659, 447377, 447376, 44739, 447304, 447303, 447302, 447301, 447300, 447375, 447379, 4473781, 4473782, 4473783, 4473784, 4473785, 4473786, 4473787, 4473788, 4473789, 4475379, 4474588, 4474587, 4474583, 4475897, 4475896, 4475895, 4475894, 4475599, 4475594, 4474519, 4474089, 4474088, 4474082, 4474081, 4474080, 4474067, 4474064, 4474518, 4474514, 4474511, 4474510, 4474419, 4474513, 4474408, 4478931, 4474172, 4474068, 4474066, 4474411, 447365, 447366, 447367, 44738, 4474185, 4475202, 4474651, 4474571, 4473896, 4474570, 4473682, 4473683, 447307, 447308, 447309, 447310, 447311, 447312, 4473684, 4473685, 4473686, 4473681, 4473688, 4473689, 4473692, 447360, 447361, 447362, 447363, 447355, 447354, 44113299, 44113888, 44113899, 441423279, 44148120, 44148122, 44148123, 44148124, 44148125, 44148126, 44208041, 4476400, 4476778, 447688, 4474180, 447306, 447305, 4474186, 4474182, 4474652, 4474654, 4474656, 4474657, 4474658, 4474187, 4474189, 4475371, 4474883, 4474882, 4475374, 4475200, 4474573, 4474574, 4474577, 4474886, 4474575, 4474650, 4474655, 4474888 3,4 cent
United Kingdom Mobile Band 1 4475207, 4477856, 4474414, 4478225, 4479785, 4479241, 4479243, 4475376, 4475206, 4474512, 4474183 9,2 cent
United Kingdom Mobile Band 2 447418, 4479787 13,9 cent
United Kingdom Mobile Band 3 4475591, 4474179, 4475593, 447924, 4479780, 4479781, 4477003, 4477007, 4477008, 447781, 4478297, 4478298, 4478299, 4478391, 4478392, 4478397, 4478398, 4479111, 4479117, 447937, 4474524, 4474525, 4474526, 4474515, 4475592, 447624, 447465, 4475325, 447520, 447488, 4474585, 4475329, 447457, 447537, 4475893, 4475892, 4475891, 4475710, 4475596, 4475580, 4474171, 4474069, 4474062, 4474061, 4474060, 4474517, 4474516, 4474415, 4474417, 4475898, 4474418, 4475595, 447797, 447509 17,5 cent
United Kingdom Mobile Band 4 4474520, 4474521, 4474522, 4474523, 4474181, 4475204, 4475372, 4475377, 4475590, 4475597, 4475598, 4475890, 4477001, 4477442, 4477443, 4477444, 4477445, 4477446, 4477447, 4477448, 4477449, 4477552, 4477553, 4477554, 4477555, 4478223, 4478727, 4478922, 4478933, 4479782, 4479783, 4479788, 4479110, 4471, 4472, 4473, 4474184, 4479245, 447605, 447606, 4474065, 4474409, 4475718, 4475899, 4474582 22,8 cent
United Kingdom Premium Band 1 44984536, 44913728, 44913021, 44984127, 44913022, 44913023, 44913031, 44913054, 44913061, 44913126, 44913509, 44913521, 44984125, 44984126, 44984197, 44984269, 44984511, 44913024, 44984124, 44984495, 44913475, 44913593, 44913595, 44984474, 44984565, 44984643, 44912233, 44913603, 44984052, 44984107, 44984204, 44984507, 44984575, 44913116, 44984198, 44984259, 44913520, 44984510, 44913020, 44913052, 44913070, 44913246, 44913263, 44913483, 44913534, 44913547, 44913646, 44984028, 44984068, 44984128, 44984137, 44984153, 44984454, 44984514, 44984652, 44989052, 44989072, 44989074, 44989090, 44913621, 44913601, 44913528, 44984492, 44984599, 44913019, 44984129, 44984497, 44913013, 44913050, 44913109, 44913244, 44913460, 44913494, 44913519, 44913582, 44913602, 44913649, 44984024, 44984105, 44984199, 44984255, 44984462, 44984509, 44984555, 44984622, 44984689, 44989070, 44913332, 44913523, 44984042, 44984504, 44984577, 44984562, 44984573, 44912243, 44912207, 44984537, 44984534, 44913729, 44912246, 44912248, 44912276, 44913718, 44912259, 44984525, 44913737, 44984592, 44913719, 44984748, 4498491, 44913711 2,12 €
United Kingdom Premium Band 2 44912213, 44912212, 44984542, 44912214, 44984538, 44984466, 44912210, 44912225, 44912231, 44912255, 44913091, 44913093, 44913103, 44913120, 44913122, 44913232, 44913320, 44913342, 44913355, 44984167, 44984242, 44984263, 44984265, 44984351, 44984481, 44984520, 44984546, 44984569, 44989091, 44913130, 44984134, 44984273, 44913449, 44984490, 44984485, 44913014, 44913028, 44913089, 44913102, 44913284, 44984106, 44984108, 44984169, 44984211, 44984212, 44984333, 44984455, 44984460, 44984519, 44984570, 44989036, 44989049, 44983, 44982, 44911, 4490, 44984521, 44913012, 44984104, 44984499, 44913124, 44913324, 44913497, 44984267, 44984477, 44984518, 44980211, 44984488, 44984501, 44984554, 44912226, 44913704, 44913705, 44984557, 44984590, 44984541, 44984527, 44912100, 44912101, 44912102, 44912135, 44912136, 44912137, 44912138, 44912139, 44912140, 44912141, 44912142, 44912143, 44912145, 44912146, 44912147, 44912149, 44912150, 44912151, 44912200, 44912202, 44912204, 44912206, 44912208, 44912211, 44912218, 44912219, 44912220, 44912222, 44912227, 44912230, 44912240, 44912242, 44912266, 44912270, 44912272, 44912274, 44912277, 44913041, 44913043, 44913045, 44913047, 44913049, 44913051, 44913053, 44913055, 44913056, 44913057, 44913058, 44913059, 44913063, 44913065, 44913069, 44913071, 44913072, 44913073, 44913074, 44913075, 44913076, 44913077, 44913078, 44913079, 44913080, 44913096, 44913098, 44913099, 44913104, 44913106, 44913108, 44913110, 44913111, 44913112, 44913114, 44913118, 44913128, 44913131, 44913132, 44913226, 44913227, 44913228, 44913239, 44913241, 44913245, 44913247, 44913250, 44913252, 44913254, 44913256, 44913258, 44913281, 44913283, 44913285, 44913286, 44913287, 44913288, 44913289, 44913300, 44913394, 44913439, 44913441, 44913446, 44913448, 44913452, 44913453, 44913454, 44913457, 44913458, 44913459, 44913471, 44913472, 44913473, 44913474, 44913476, 44913478, 44913482, 44913484, 44913486, 44913487, 44913489, 44913491, 44913492, 44913493, 44913495, 44913496, 44913498, 44984539, 44912209, 44984100, 44984109, 44984150, 44984154, 44984159, 44984160, 44984201, 44984202, 44984205, 44984206, 44984207, 44984208, 44984209, 44984210, 44984213, 44984214, 44984216, 44984217, 44984218, 44984222, 44984226, 44984232, 44984238, 44984243, 44984247, 44984251, 44984257, 44984261, 44984271, 44984310, 44984311, 44984312, 44984313, 44984315, 44984317, 44984319, 44984321, 44984323, 44984325, 44984327, 44984334, 44984335, 44984336, 44984355, 44984363, 44984383, 44984384, 44984446, 44984447, 44984448, 44984449, 44984451, 44984452, 44984453, 44984456, 44984457, 44984459, 44984463, 44984464, 44984467, 44984469, 44984471, 44984473, 44984476, 44984479, 44984483, 44984487, 44984491, 44984493, 44984496, 44989076, 44989077, 44989089, 44989095, 44989099, 449846, 4498430, 4498418, 4498417, 449840, 449136, 449135, 4491329, 44912275, 44984595, 44913710, 44984571, 44984593, 44984594, 44913700, 44984717, 44984737, 44984788, 44984745, 44984787, 44984755, 44984767, 44984766, 44984797 4,47 €
United Kingdom Personal Band 2 44798879, 4470 52,8 cent
United Kingdom Off-Shore 441624, 441534, 441481 3,6 cent
Vietnam 6,9 cent 7,0 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Vietnam 84 6,9 cent
Vietnam Mobile 8412, 8416, 84199, 849, 84186, 84188, 84520, 84521, 84522, 84523, 84524, 84525, 84526, 84527, 84528, 84529, 8455, 8456, 8458, 8459, 8481, 8482, 8483, 8484, 8485, 8487, 8488, 8470, 8476, 8477, 8478, 8479, 84896, 84898, 84899, 843, 84860, 84861, 84862, 84863, 84864, 84865, 84866, 84867, 84868, 84869 7,0 cent
Wallis und Futuna 1,12 € 1,12 €
Wallis und Futuna
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Wallis and Futuna 681 1,12 €
Zentralafrikanische Republik 1,16 € 1,16 €
Zentralafrikanische Republik
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Central African Republic 236 1,16 €
Central African Republic Mobile 2367 1,16 €
Central African Republic Special 23621, 23622, 23636, 23674 1,09 €
Zypern 2,4 cent 6,8 cent
Art des Mobilfunknetzes Vorwahlen
pro Minuten-Preis
Cyprus (Local) 357 2,4 cent
Cyprus 357 13,9 cent
Cyprus Mobile (Local) 35712295, 3577777, 3579, 357121, 357123, 357122 6,8 cent
Cyprus Mobile 35712295, 3577777, 3579, 357121, 357123, 357122 9,2 cent
Cyprus Special 357700, 35777, 35780055, 35790085, 35790095 9,6 cent
* Note: some countries will be billed in increments comprised of two numbers measured in seconds; firstly an initial minimum increment charged, and then an ongoing minimum increment which applies after the initial minimum time has elapsed. Those minimum increments are represented by the format initial/ongoing, as listed below:
  • 60/1 sec.: New Zealand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand
  • 60/60 sec.: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Haiti, Kiribati, Lesotho, Maldives, Mexiko, Nauru, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
  • 30/6 sec.: Brasilien
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